Saturday, February 13, 2021

Republican Senate Once Again Sends Message America is Not Worth Fighting For


Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 during a riot incited by former president Donald J. Trump. The Republican Senate and House did not appreciate his life and did not believe his murder demanded accountability. They also did not believe our democracy  was worth fighting for, and they will forever be remembered in history as cowards who betrayed our country. 

I can't say I'm disappointed because I knew the Republican Senate lacked the moral fortitude to do the right thing. The 57-43 vote was expected; actually it surprised me two more senators than I expected did the right thing. Five people lost their lives on January 6, to a malevolent, poor sport,and depraved Donald Trump who spewed false lies and cast doubt on election system to the detriment to our democracy.

The results spurned a riot resulting in murder on the sacred soil of our U.S. Capitol, which cost the lives of 5 people. Our democracy and our Constitution means nothing to these 43 senators to voted to acquit Donald Trump. Audio, video tape, and witnesses clearly beyond a reasonable doubt nailed Trump's incitement that led to the riot.

So there you have it. A new "Whackadoodle Republican Party that espouses murderers, insurrectionists, lies, rioting, election fraud, racists, that comes first over the will of the American people and our democracy. The in your face evidence in the Senate trail was undeniable. The Republican House and Senate have aided and abetted Trump's crimes from start to finish, and have been a willing participants in covering up his crimes.

Now it is on display for the whole world to see. Other nations are watching, and they are appalled and bewildered that America's democracy has been reduced to this. Trump's hard core base is delighted - so is Vladimir Putin. 

But the Republican Senate might have shot themselves in the foot today. Come election time,  the 43 senators who acquitted Trump today may find out there are some Republicans who don't want to be branded as part of the wackadoodle, white nationalist party. They likely share their same beliefs, but they are not happy about sharing a far-right extremist brand. They prefer a more subtle stance.

History will remember the senators who acquitted Donald Trump, and don't expect for it to be kind. But then the Republican Party does not really care about that; they are a very much in "the now" type of party. They have no conscience and do whatever they want, but it's a whole different ball game when someone turns and do likewise.

Shame on the 43 Republican Senators who in the face of overwhelming evidence, turned their heads and violated their oath of office to protect our nation. I am calling on corporate America not to support their reelection efforts, as well as those in the House who did not hold Donald Trump accountable. 

Here is a list of unethical cowards in the Republican Senate who refused to hold Donald Trump accountable. They are complicit in the riot, and with full knowledge before the trial even started that they would acquit Donald Trump. In other words, they committed perjury when they took their oath before the proceedings.

John Barrasso (WY)Not Guilty

Marsha Blackburn (TN)Not Guilty

Roy Blunt (MO)Not Guilty

John Boozman (AR)Not Guilty

Mike Braun (IN)Not Guilty

Shelley Capito (WV)Not Guilty

John Cornyn (TX)Not Guilty

Tom Cotton (AR)Not Guilty

Kevin Cramer (ND)Not Guilty

Mike Crapo (ID)Not Guilty

Ted Cruz (TX)Not Guilty

Steve Daines (MT)Not Guilty

Joni Ernst (IA)Not Guilty

Deb Fischer (NE)Not Guilty

Lindsey Graham (SC)Not Guilty

Charles Grassley (IA)Not Guilty

Bill Hagerty (TN)Not Guilty

Josh Hawley (MO)Not Guilty

John Hoeven (ND)Not Guilty

Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)Not Guilty

Jim Inhofe (OK)Not Guilty

Ron Johnson (WI)Not Guilty

John Kennedy (LA)Not Guilty

James Lankford (OK)Not Guilty

Mike Lee (UT)Not Guilty

Cynthia Lummis (WY)Not Guilty

Roger Marshall (KS)Not Guilty

Mitch McConnell (KY)Not Guilty

Jerry Moran (KS)Not Guilty

Rand Paul (KY)Not Guilty

Rob Portman (OH)Not Guilty

James Risch (ID)Not Guilty

Mike Rounds (SD)Not Guilty

Marco Rubio (FL)Not Guilty

Rick Scott (FL)Not Guilty

Tim Scott (SC)Not Guilty

Richard Shelby (AL)Not Guilty

Dan Sullivan (AK)Not Guilty

John Thune (SD)Not Guilty

Thomas Tillis (NC)Not Guilty

Tommy Tuberville (AL)Not Guilty

Roger Wicker (MS)Not Guilty

Todd Young (IN)Not Guilt

History will remember each of them void of principles, absent of morals, instigators of hate, and above all else - cowards.

Republican Senate Once Again Sends Message America is Not Worth Fighting For

  Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick  was bludgeoned to death at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 during a riot incited by former pre...