Thursday, January 14, 2021

Only Ten House Republicans Were Willing to Put Our Democracy First


              The New Face of the Republican Party

All but ten House Republicans aligned themselves with the insurrectionists who falsely claim the election was stolen and fraudulent. They intentionally sought to overthrow the the will of the American people and our government. They and the rioters have well earned the title of "Extremist."


I wondered if any Republican House members would take a stand for our democracy and Constitution. Only ten representatives voted to impeach Donald J. Trump for inciting insurrection in an effort to overthrow our government. All of the other representatives put Donald Trump first, over our own democracy and country. They are as much a part of the coup as those who rioted at the Capitol.

First, here is the small list of Republican representatives who upheld their oath of office and put the safety of the American people and democracy first:

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Rep. John Katko of New York

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Rep. David Valadao of California


Now, onto the Republican House representatives who tried to abort the will of the American people, and played a role in the attempt to overthrow our government…

I am calling on all corporations to stop funding the representatives who were complicit with the uprising against our country on January 6, 2021. I am asking Americans who value their votes to boycott those corporations who continue to support the Republicans listed at the end of this blog post. They unequivocally placed their own desires and agenda first to the detriment to the American people and our democracy.

They voted against impeaching Donald Trump; despite a plethora of videos, audio, and photos of the riot he incited. Each and every one of these House Republicans know without a doubt the election was not rigged. Many of those who attested the election was valid were Republicans Trump appointed. Their false assertions fueled the insurrection, and it has placed the safety our entire country in peril.

Donald Trump’s second impeachment was about deliberately inciting a riot and insurrection. After all, 2 weeks ago before the riot occurred, he said it was going to be a wild time in Washington on January 6. There is now an investigation into three Republican Congressmen, who may have assisted in the uprising. 

Then you have Rudolph Giuliani who called on to Trump supporters to engage in “mortal combat.” When Trump spoke to his supporters, he urged them to go over to the Capitol and “raise hell.” Indeed, that is exactly what they did and then some.

The American people voted November 3, 2020, and any sane person knows our election was fair and was without fraud. President George W. Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and every one of our political leaders know the election was sound and fair. The Supreme Court knows it. Over sixty federal courts knows it.

Congressional Republicans know full well there was no fraud in the election, and in their depravity they incited Trump supporters by declaring the election was rigged. They just as well could have walked hand in hand with the rioters up to Capitol and they are as just as guilty. History will be their judge – as will God.

Too bad extremist Jim Jordan did not have the same passion he had for protecting the rioters and Trump, for the young college boys he knew were being molested at Ohio State. Hate-filled extremist Elise Stefanik was ousted by Harvard University, who recognized she was not fit or credible to serve on their board. They did not want any part of someone who had betrayed the American people and our democracy. Harvard made the right and ethical decision.

Extremist Mo Brooks quipped on Twitter “I defend my honor and my reputation.” No, I don’t think so. Brooks, you have no honor, and history will note you as being part of the coup d’eat, as Stefanik, Jordon, and all the other Republicans who voted against protecting our democracy. Mo Brooks is actually one of the three congressmen being investigated as being instrumental behind the insurrection.  

I hope donors will consider withdrawing their financial support from all the representatives that participate in this attempt at the behest of our own president to overthrow the government. They had a critical role in the uprising by perpetuating the false idea the election was rigged. Like the rioters, they have the blood of five people on their hands. They are just as culpable as those who rushed inside the capital and share as much blame behind those who were killed.

They are as un-American as one can get, and they should all resign. Every one of them fought to negate legitimate votes by the American people, and they know it. Every one of them is complicit in the riot and played a role in it. Every single one of them violated their oath of office and they are not fit to represent America in any capacity. Not just the rioters are extremists – those on the list below are extremists as well, by making a concerted effort to undermine our election and overthrow our government.

Every representative on the list below was willing to undo the votes of the American people at the behest of a corrupt and self-serving president. They have well earned the title of extremistbecause anyone who is willing to participate in a scheme to prevent a newly elected president from securing the office is participating in an effort to overthrow our government. Each of the representatives below have shown they will at any cost, place their positions first over every single American.

List of Republican House Members Who Attempted to Overthrow Our Government:



  • Far-Right Extremist Gary Palmer, Fifth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mo Brooks, Fifth Congressional District
  • Far-Right Extremist Bradley Byrne, First Congressional District
  • Far-Right Extremist Robert Aderholt, Fourth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Andy Biggs, Fifth Congressional District
  • Far-Right Extremist Debbie Lesko, Eighth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Rick Crawford, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Bruce Westerman, Fourth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Kevin McCarthy, 23rd Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Doug LaMalfa, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Tom McClintock, Fourth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Ken Buck, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Doug Lamborn, Fifth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Matt Gaetz, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ted Yoho, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Gus Bilirakis, 12th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mario Diaz-Balart, 25th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist John Rutherford, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Daniel Webster, 11th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Michael Waltz, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ross Spano, 15th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Neal Dunn, Second Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Doug Collins, Ninth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Rick W. Allen, 12th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Earl Carter, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Drew Ferguson, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Austin Scott, Eighth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Russ Fulcher, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mike Simpson, Second Congressional District


  • Far-Right Extremist Mike Bost, 12th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Darin LaHood, 18th Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist James Baird, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Jim Banks, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Trey Hollingsworth, Ninth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Greg Pence, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Jackie Walorski, Second Congressional District


  •  Far-Right Extremist Steve King, Fourth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Ron Estes, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Roger Marshall, First Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Steve Scalise, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mike Johnson, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ralph Abraham, Fifth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Clay Higgins, Third Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Andy Harris, First Congressional District


  • Far-Right Extremist Jack Bergman, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Bill Huizenga, Second Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Tim Walberg, Seventh Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist John Moolenaar, Fourth Congressional District 



  • Far-Right Extremist Tom Emmer, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Jim Hagedorn, First Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Michael Guest, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Trent Kelly, First Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Sam Graves, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Vicky Hartzler, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Jason Smith, Eighth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ann Wagner, Second Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Blaine Luetkemeyer, Third Congressional District



 Far-Right Extremist Greg Gianforte, at-large district




  • Far-Right Extremist Jeff Fortenberry, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Adrian Smith, Third Congressional District


New Jersey 

  • Far-Right Extremist Jeff Van Drew, Second Congressional District


New York 

  • Far-Right Extremist Elise Stefanik, 21st Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Lee Zeldin, First Congressional District


North Carolina 

  • Far-Right Extremist Dan Bishop, Ninth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ted Budd, 13th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Virginia Foxx, Fifth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Richard Hudson, Eighth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist David Rouzer, Seventh Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Gregory Murphy, Third Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Jim Jordan, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Bob Gibbs, Seventh Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Bill Johnson, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Robert E. Latta, Fifth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Brad Wenstrup, Second Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Kevin Hern, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mark Wayne Mullin, Second Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist John Joyce, 13th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Fred Keller, 12th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mike Kelly, 16th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Dan Meuser, Ninth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Scott Perry, 10th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Guy Reschenthaler, 14th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Glenn Thompson, 15th Congressional District 


South Carolina 

  • Far-Right Extremist Jeff Duncan, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ralph Norman, Fifth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist William Timmons, Fourth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Joe Wilson, Second Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Tim Burchett, Second Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Chuck Fleischmann, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mark Green, Seventh Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist David Kustoff, Eighth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist John Rose, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Scott DesJarlais, Fourth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Dan Crenshaw, Second Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Kevin Brady, Eighth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Michael Burgess, 26th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Michael Cloud, 27th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Mike Conaway, 11th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Bill Flores, 17th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Louie Gohmert, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Lance Gooden, Fifth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Kenny Marchant, 24th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Randy Weber, 14th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Roger Williams, 25th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Ron Wright, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Jodey Arrington, 19th Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Brian Babin, 36th Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Ben Cline, Sixth Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Rob Wittman, First Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist H. Morgan Griffith, Ninth Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Fifth Congressional District


West Virginia 

  • Far-Right Extremist Carol Miller, Third Congressional District 
  • Far-Right Extremist Alex Mooney, Second Congressional District



  • Far-Right Extremist Tom Tiffany, Seventh Congressional District


By going along with Trump's false election rhetoric, these Republican representatives fought to subvert the will of the American people. Their actions discounted every American voter with the full knowledge that the election was not fraudulent. They have done a grave disservice to our democracy, and I personally do not believe our country will ever be the same again. They have clearly violated their oath of office and they are not fit to represent America. The American people should call on each and very one of them to resign. 

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