I am amazed at the fact there are a good number of Americans who actually believes Donald Trump cares about them and their well being. F.Y.I. - he does not. Trump is a textbook sociopath - he is incapable of caring about anyone. You say he's married? I won't go there - not gonna touch it. Donald Trump is incapable of love, nor does he know what love is. He does not know what it means to care about the well-being of someone else. Trump's only concern is Trump.
For Trump to care about someone in a cold, clinical sense; he or she has to have something to offer him. He needs to be able to get something out of you. This election year he is pimping out the same rhetoric he did for 2016. No doubt Trump doubles over with laughter at the idea his base remains mesmerized by his same tiring, stale rhetoric against those who stand in his way. All he has to do is throw a bone in their direction, and they will come a running with tails wagging.
He has no problem with the deaths from the coronavirus, other than the fact he fears it is thwarting his chance to be reelected. He is now posturing the coronavirus as if it's over, when Americans have had over 3,560,364 cases and 138,201 deaths. He wants his loyal constituents to think Covid-19 is some sort of left-wing conspiracy. Hum, wonder why the rest of the world is being subjected to this nefarious plot of the Democrats and the far left? Seems like the leftists would just concentrate their efforts solely on America. I mean, even countries who are not our allies is part of this worldwide conspiracy...
If you require proof Trump does not care about Americans, look no further than his recent Tulsa rally. The BOK Center (Bank of Oklahoma) employees placed stickers on every other seat before the rally to offer some gesture (at best) of social distancing. At least they tried to put up some type of pretense. When Trump's people saw what they were doing, however, his campaign staff instructed them to remove the stickers. How's that for showing gratitude for the people who are support you. But I guess they did not really care, except for the ones who became infected with the coronavirus.
It is ironic Trump ended up having plenty space in the BOK center after all. The overflow stage was dismantled with only about 25 Trumpeteers standing by outside. But Trump was fully expecting the center to be packed like sardines. The coronavirus didn't mind either way - because it was going to attend regardless - and it did. Oklahoma has skyrocketed with coronavirus cases - breaking a record of 1075 cases in one day. Now Oklahoma's Governor Kevin Stitt has Covid-19, but he has never taken it seriously to begin with. He opened early at the same time Georgia did, and I can assure you Stitt will not take any further action despite catching the coronavirus himself. He is a born and bred Trump prototype.
Need even more proof? How about a man who wants you to believe 99% of all coronavirus cases are harmless? It is just another outrageous lie, and a slap in the face to the over 136,000 Americans who died from this virus. More proof? How about the South Dakota Fourth of July Spectacular at Mount Rushmore? This time Trump turned again to one of his puppets - Governor Kristi Lynn Noem. They played it smarter this time - limited capacity of 7,500 seats. Don't want a repeat of the Tulsa rally (empty seats) - smart. South Dakota, however, did invite and accommodated seating for the coronavirus.
I have come to one conclusion and it's quite sobering. The people who support Trump despite all of his despicable behavior are pretty much like him. They are enamored with him. Most espouse the same inhumane ignorance, and racial hatred he does. They will drink the Kool-Aid and some will follow Trump to their very deaths. That fate awaits many of them if they do not wise up soon - because Covid-19 will not take a break - not as long as Donald J. Trump is in office.