There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Proverbs 6:16-19
Unbeknownst to the author of Proverbs 6:16-19 in the Old Testament, he described Donald J. Trump better than I think anyone ever could. I've witnessed things I wished I never had and have experienced things that brought me to the brink of death. I'm not alone - I know. Yet, despite all of this, I struggle to find a frame of reference or a comparison in history to capture the true essence of Donald J. Trump. Indeed, he has earned the right to a category of his own, spawned straight out of the deep recesses and caverns of hell. And his minions have earned recognition within the same category.
I never envisioned an America where I would see a dictatorship unfold right before my very eyes. A great many Americans fail to see this - or rather they do not want to see it. The erosion of our democracy and Constitution has been reduced to a frail shell that's empty inside - just like Donald J. Trump. Trump is ruthless, incapable of empathy, a sociopath, vindictive, immature, a sexual predator, vile, a vicious bully, depraved, racist, a pathological liar, narcissistic, unfaithful to anyone or anything, manipulative, and totally void of a moral compass.
He is not alone - after all he has plenty of company. And it is his company that enables him to remain in power. More well known notables include: Mitch McConnell, William Barr, Kayleigh McEnany, Mike Pence, most of the Republican Senate and House, and even Fox News. Everyone of the aforementioned have lied and covered up many times for Donald Trump. Even Fox News have doctored two photos with Donald Trump; one including a photo of him cut out with a wasted Melania alongside child predator Jeffrey Epstein. Only fake news and propaganda crop and doctor photos. Fox said it was a "mistake" - oh okay...Yeah, I can see how it would be easy to overlook and cut out the President of the United States in a close up photo of 4 people
I think it is the cold, heartless response of Donald Trump towards the coronavirus that pushed me over the edge to start this blog. I have found those who support Trump are going to support him no matter what. Why might you ask? It is because he stands for the ugly things they espouse, but do not have the guts to admit it. I honestly believe in my heart Trump has not shed a single tear for any baby, child, woman or man who has died from the coronavirus. His only concern is to jump start the economy because he fears it will effect his chance of being reelected. Rest assured, everyone of his puppets named above will do whatever he wants at the expense of others - even when it pertains to matters of life or death.
I am truly afraid for our country. It is the height of hypocrisy for Trump to talk about anarchists, when in fact it is his own regime that is rooted in anarchy. Trump and his administration believe they are above the law, and indeed they are with the backing of William Barr and Donald Trump. Where does one go for justice in the United States when the top law enforcement official in our land (the attorney general) is corrupt? The answer is nowhere. Trump operates mafia style - he has played his cards beautifully by putting into place all the right players he need to protect him and advance his agenda.
In full display of his vulgarity, Trumps fans the flames of racial hatred in this country to ensure what he perceives to be sure fire votes from his base. A simple act of putting on his Make America Great Again hat, and it's showtime. This year it is the same regurgitated song and dance routine he had in the last campaign. Sadly, it is not just his base with clubs and javelins he seek approval from, it is also members of the Republican party who share his views on race and condemnation of those less fortunate in our society. I have to give his base credit only in one respect - they do not try to hide who they are. Their hatred and ignorance is on full display without any window dressing.
It would take me years and years to write about the corruption and morally bankrupt Trump Administration. Paramount on my mind is for Americans to elect a president who will unite our country and approach the coronavirus crisis on a federal level. This is truly the only way to fight this pandemic, and the Trump Administration has failed miserably right off the get go. Mind you - it is a deliberate, calculated failure. Donald Trump hid initial Covid-19 cases and diminished the coronavirus as if it was akin to the flu or a common cold. He initially claimed it was hoax.
If we had any other president than Trump, Republican or Democrat, I believe we would be in an entirely different situation today. If a national response had been done in the first place like all other countries in the world, we would likely be returning to some sense of normalcy by now. Instead we are going backwards, and have consistently this week had the most coronavirus cases ever on a daily basis.
We are here where we are today because Donald Trump set up our nation, and our governors to fight something that far exceeds the capability of any given state. Even now without a consistent federal response and funding from our own government, we are sinking deeper into the pit. Donald Trump, his administration, and his base could care less. They have only one concern, and that is getting Trump reelected - the coronavirus is simply in their way.