Sunday, August 16, 2020

For Those Who Refuse to Wear a Mask: Why is Life Always About You?


So you are living on this Earth with a population over 7.5 billion – yet you somehow think everything revolves around you. You rights are paramount over the rights of everyone else. Your perceived right not to wear a mask supersedes not only the possibility of infecting people with the coronavirus, but your choice may cost the life of another person. Is there anyone – anyone in this world you care about other than yourself? One must wonder if you are truly capable of loving someone, because you are too prideful to put on something as simple as a mask.

Do you even care about your own family or friends? How would you feel if your children, your spouse, or if your parents caught Covid-19 from someone who was not wearing a mask? How would you feel if their death could have been prevented? What if they did not have to die, if only the other person had put on a mask? Nearly half of the people infected with Covid-19 do not experience any symptoms at all. Is it asking too much of your stupid pride to save a life? What if that life is someone you deeply care about?  At the end of your life, what good will your pride do for you?

Thomas Macias went to a barbecue in Lake Elsinore, California; where it was said there were no mask or social distancing at the gathering. A friend at the barbecue had tested positive for Covid-19 and told Thomas he had it, but was asymptomatic. He said he did not think he could infect anyone, which I quite frankly I find a little rich, but I can’t say in all fairness prove otherwise. His friend was a selfish non-mask wearer like you, but wanted to go to the barbecue anyway – and so he did. Not only did Macias died from his friend’s actions, but he infected twelve other people at that very gathering with the coronavirus.  

Thomas Macias after attending the barbecue, posted this on social media: "I went out a couple of weeks ago ... because of my stupidity I put my mom and sisters and my family's health in jeopardy," he wrote. "This has been a very painful experience. This is no joke. If you have to go out, wear a mask, and practice social distancing. ... Hopefully with God's help, I'll be able to survive this." Tragically, Thomas died one day later after posting this on Facebook.

What make you think your right not to wear a mask is more valuable than saving the life of someone else? You must to be pretty pathetic if your life has been reduced to resisting wearing a small cloth or surgical mask, because someone dared told to you do so. The fact you derive a sense of pride from asserting your so-called right not to wear a mask over the health of another individual is repugnant and vile. It is very telling about what kind of person you are inside, and it is not good.

Like Donald Trump, you don’t even have the human decency to think outside of yourself. Trump politicized wearing a mask as if it is an infringement on one’s rights, and perhaps you just blindly follow him in ignorance and utter stupidity. Trump simply does not want you to wear a mask because he has gone to great lengths to diminish the significance of the coronavirus. He is a true sociopath who is incapable of loving or caring about the welfare of others. A good number of psychologists and psychiatrists have diagnosed him as a sociopath – perhaps you are too. That explains why you are so self-centered, and are incapable of thinking beyond yourself.

You do realize there have to be laws and ordinances in any given society – otherwise anarchy and lawlessness will ensue. In America today, you don’t have the right to drive a vehicle without wearing a seat-belt. You don’t have the right to snatch a purse off a woman’s shoulders who is just walking by. You don’t have the right to pull your pants down, and take a dump in the park. You don’t have the right to never cut your lawn and let it be overtaken by vermin. You don’t have the right to expose yourself on the street.

There are laws of basic human decency and showing respect for others, because our actions impact other people. For the first time in our lifetime each one of us impacts every single person around us. Your failure to wear a mask may kill someone, and might have already done so. You will never know if you are asymptomatic and never been tested. Epidemiologists claim coronavirus numbers are much higher than we can actually measure, because countless people have died without knowing their true manner of death.

Maybe you believe you have to mimic Donald Trump - the source of your infatuation. Let me tell you a little secret – Donald Trump do not give a flying rip about you and he will never will. He does not care if you live or die. He does not care whether you catch Covid-19, or you don’t catch it. He does not care if you’re hungry or well fed. He does not care about the safety of your family - it is all inconsequential to him. He cares about the economy, because he fears the unemployment numbers will impact his chance of being elected. There are only two things Donald Trump truly cares about – himself and acquiring your vote. 

There are thousands of lives, possibly millions across the globe that have been saved by the simple action of wearing a mask. We will never know these numbers, because taking this precaution is immeasurable and can’t be reported. If your resistance or refusal to wear a mask in based on the idea that no one can tell you what to do, then you as a person lack integrity and character. If you are that self-absorbed, that prideful, that selfish, that uncaring, that pathetic, that full of hate, and that void of love; then I pity those who cross your path. You never know about life - the day may come when you will have to answer for your indifference sooner than you think.

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