Thursday, August 6, 2020

Kanye West is Still Donald Trump’s Stool Pigeon

I have reached the inevitable conclusion that Kanye West was, is, and will always be Donald Trump’s stool pigeon. He just doesn’t get it, and once again he is being used as a pawn by those in the Trump Administration. Republican operatives are now assisting West to get his name on ballots in states such as Arkansas, Wisconsin, and Vermont. He is already on the ballot in Oklahoma, and Illinois, and soon will be in other states. West is too dull to realize Trump and the Republican Party are counting on him to pull votes away from Joe Biden. Or is he? Make no mistake, however; this is the only reason Republicans are assisting him.

The Republican Party is counting on African Americans to vote for West as opposed to Biden; especially among younger voters. I believe they are underestimating black voters (which actually they always have), and African Americans will not fall for the bait. Many blacks have lost their respect for West a long time ago, as he stretched his legs, rolled over, just craving for a ‘that’s a boy pat” from “the Donald.” Trump has even given thumbs up to West entering the race, and tweeted,“That shouldn't be hard; Corrupt Joe has done nothing good for Black people!"  What a hypocritical statement from our White Nationalist president, but not at all surprising.

I think the average adult in America is more knowledgeable about political and social issues than Kanye West. The Republican Party does not see him as a viable candidate, and neither does anyone else. West is in it for himself – he craves the attention. In some ways he and Donald Trump are much a like – they love the spotlight in the media. They both are narcissists. They want to adored, worshiped, and be the center of attention at all times.

West was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and I would imagine that may impact his mental fitness if he were to be president. It is certainly nothing to worry about now, because he does not have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the election. He knows that, but the attention is too much to ignore. Trump’s is a sociopath although I am not sure if his mental illness has been officially diagnosed. Mary Trump, his niece has basically said he is a sociopath, without coming out saying the specific diagnosis. He is obviously unfit, but nevertheless is in the White House.

West does not identify with the plight of African Americans because he has lived in his own world for many years. Except for younger blacks, I believe most African Americans do not identify with Kanye West. His infatuation in the past with Donald Trump has not been well received by those in the black community. West is too enamored with himself to realize he is being played by the Republican Party, and he will never abandon the race.

To be quite frank here, I suspect Trump may have enlisted the help of West, in an effort to draw votes away from Joe Biden. Kanye West has been in love with Donald Trump for many years. He reveres him, he admires him, and he has basically groveled at Trump’s feet for his approval. Now all of a sudden we are suppose to believe he is running against Trump? If he is anti-Trump now, it begs the question why are Trump supporters and Republican Party members helping West to get on the ballot?

It is staring you straight in the face. Kanye West can’t win, and surely he knows that. Why is he starting to run in the race this late in the game? I will tell you – because Joe Biden is leading the polls and Trump is becoming increasingly scared. The Republican Party fights dirty – they always have. They know West will capture votes that would had normally went to Biden – however, I they are overestimating their stool pigeon.

The Democratic Party and African American leaders should come out and expose this tactic by the Trump Administration, and work hard to solidify the votes for Joe Biden in their communities. I appeal to African American voters – don’t get played by Kanye West and Donald Trump. You deserve better than this – don’t be manipulated like you are incapable of seeing what is going here. Don’t be a stool pigeon like Kanye West. Whether he is in this for himself, or in an effort to help Donald Trump, he does not have your back. In that regard, he and Trump are just alike.

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