Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Rand Paul Should Stop Masquerading as an Infectious Disease Expert


Rand Paul has established through his ignorance and gross lack of knowledge he is not an infectious disease expert, albeit he enjoys playing the part. He is not in possession of any moral compass, but this appears to be the norm in today’s unethical Republican Senate. Normally I would feel embarrassed for someone to make such a fool out of him or herself, as he did so this past week in the congressional hearings. In his case, however, it’s hard for me to feel too bad for him. He found out the hard way that it’s difficult to window dress a facade.

After all, Rand Paul is a pugnacious, self-entitled individual who only cares about money and Donald Trump.  He could care less about the millions of American’s who have caught Covid-19 and those who died. He may try to present himself as if it bothers him, but I can assure you he does not. If he was really concerned, why push to fully reopen the economy against dire warnings by the world’s best scientists? He has been plotting his next attack against Dr. Anthony Fauci since his last senate hearing, and he unleashed himself like a pitbull in derision. Paul refuses to let go his contempt for Dr. Anthony Fauci to the point it is starting to appear obsessive and tad personal.

Paul’s motives are quite simple; to discredit Dr. Fauci by placating Trump, Wall Street and his Republican donors by downplaying the coronavirus. It was a very shameful display between someone who wants to portray himself as being knowledgeable about Covid-19 (but is not), and someone who is a world renowned expert in infectious diseases. By the time Dr. Anthony Fauci finished responding to Paul, it was like watching a drag race between a tricycle (Paul) and a car (Fauci). 

Rand Paul is as genuine as a 3 sided coin, and it is how he came across during Facui’s testimony in last week’s congressional hearing. On Twitter, he patted himself on his back for his performance, but he will likely be about the only one to do so. The major sticking point in his crawl is that Dr. Fauci tells it like it is, and Rand Paul cannot stand it. He wants Dr. Fauci to lie and modify the facts to suit his goals to downplay the coronavirus - just like the boss he cowers to. 

Reminiscent of a whining child, Paul recoiled when Fauci acknowledged the impressive job Andrew Cuomo have done in lowering the coronavirus numbers in New York. He mimicked and mocked Fauci praising Cuomo like how a immature sixth grader would. Looks like Trump and Paul have far more in common than I ever thought. Rand Paul wants to dispute and challenge the facts to cater to his own desires, and he was shameless in his performance during the hearings. Facts are facts, and the majority of his points of contention are unfounded and unwarranted.

But Paul let out a real whopper and I don’t mean flatulence. I am embarrassed over the fact he was that audacious and arrogant enough to go toe to toe with Dr. Fauci, the top expert in infectious disease in the United States. Rand Paul brought up with a ludicrous assertion that New York numbers were low because of herd immunity. Funny he did not echo “The Boss” and said “herd mentality.” Anyway, I would imagine most Americans would recognize the 22% antibody rate in New York would not even begin to approach herd immunity. 

Fauci had to “school” Rand Paul and let him know that no serious scientist or epidemiologist would even consider herd immunity until numbers approach 60%. He responded to Rand Paul’s profound ignorance and stupidity, with no choice other than to say "I challenge that. This happens with Senator Rand all the time. You are not listening to what the director of the CDC said. ... If you believe 22% is herd immunity, I believe you are alone in that.” Only he, Fox News, and Donald Trump would say something so asinine. Even while Paul had the floor and was acting like some court jester, Dr. Fauci responded professionally. 

Rand Paul has it in for Dr. Anthony Fauci because he does not like hearing the scientific facts about the deadly coronavirus. He, like Trump wants to make their own facts up about Covid-19 at the expense of the American people. Trump is about the election; Paul is about money, pleasing his constituents, and reopening the economy. Trump is also about the economy and money, but winning the election at all cost is the only thing at the moment matters to our Dictator in Chief. Trump is just too busy sabotaging our rights to vote. Even after being served by Fauci, Rand Paul continued in his clown act.

Paul brought up the death rate in New York, which Fauci stated the city had been hit exceptionally hard in the beginning, and quickly became the epicenter for the coronavirus. Andrew Cuomo was facing circumstances beyond his control and most certainly without guidance or help from the federal government. The sad reality is people are going to die, and will continue die – but the Trump Administration could had prevented most of these deaths. But as Trump admitted on the Bob Woodward’s tapes – he deliberately downplayed the coronavirus. 

When the coronavirus reached America, the Trump administration was doing their best to suppress knowledge of it and keep it out of the news. By the time rump issued travel bands from Europe, the coronavirus had taken substantial root in the New York City metro area. Ironically, Paul’s drive to open everything back up, schools, businesses, etc., in lieu of the data, would only result in more deaths, which is “supposedly” at the essence of his complaint. 

Rand Paul quips and snarls about New York coronavirus numbers are disingenuous at best, with politics as his sole motivation. Rand Paul does not care about the scientific facts, nor does he care that over 203,485 Americans have died, and we now have over 7, 020,967 cases.  So I fail to understand why he criticized the number of deaths in New York, when he is pushing hard the economy to fully open back up against the advice of epidemiologist and scientist who have stated this will result in far more and unnecessary deaths. Rand Paul does not want to acknowledge the facts because they grate against his own political agenda.

Paul does not care about Covid deaths – if did, he would not be about further putting people in situations that surely will invite far greater death totals as of now. That is a grossly negligent position for someone who once was a doctor to hold – just disgraceful and repugnant. Trump and the Republican Senate want all the states to just open everything up and pretend the coronavirus is not out there. They are only concerned about big business, which was clearly reflected in Mitch McConnell’s first stimulus package.

Paul is backed by Wall Street and political elitists - he knows full well they do not care about lives - only money. This is all Rand Paul cares as well. He wants everything to open up now despite by doing so, it will be sending others in to the slaughter. He’s okay with that – just as long Wall Street and his rich friends will be pacified. They just don’t get it. You can open things back up, but it does not mean people will come in or patronize a business. If you want the economy to open back up; get the coronavirus under control – it is the only way. Somehow the Republican Senate believes they can outwit the coronavirus and bring it under their dominion – just like Donald Trump.

I can prove to you how really concerned the hypocritical Rand Paul is about the coronavirus. Let’s take a closer look at Paul who behaves like an adult version of a spoiled brat. When Paul found out he might be infected with the coronavirus, he carried on as he normally did. He made no effort to quarantine whatsoever; he continued working at the Senate while exposing his staff and other senators to Covid-19. He even used the “Congressional” swimming pool as he waited for the test results. The next day he found out he was indeed positive. He did not care who he exposed to the coronavirus, and it is no small wonder he echoes Trump’s lies. Rand Paul could not give a rip about coronavirus deaths; he could had very easily infected or kill someone by refusing to quarantine. 

During a previous hearing he had the hubris to tell Dr. Fauci to be more optimistic. Paul wants to paint an overly optimistic view which unfortunately there is not one.  When Rand Paul said such a cavalier statement, the American death toll at that time was already140, 000. To date, America has had over 200,000 coronavirus deaths, and over 7,000, 000 million cases. You were saying Paul…

There definitely would have been more positive outlook if the United States had a national shutdown like other countries did across the globe. The reason why it did not happen was because Rand Paul and others placed more value on finances and the economy, than the health of Americans. The main reason why our situation is so dire is Donald Trump downplayed and hid the coronavirus from the American people as much as he could, for long as he could. The Republican Senate aid and abetted him.  

Rand Paul also once said the following to Fauci,"I think we ought to have a little bit of humility in our belief that we know what's best for the economy, and as much as I respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don't think you're the end-all. I don't think you're the one person that gets to make the decision. We can listen to your advice, but there are people on the other side saying there's not going to be a surge and then we can safely open the economy. And the facts will bear this out."

First, I about fell out of my chair when Paul said we ought to “have a little bit of humility.” Rand Paul is one of the most arrogant, smug politicians I have ever seen. Second, he does not respect Fauci given his belligerent attitude and his constant rude, condescending comments towards him.  Third, Dr. Fauci never said he was the “end all” to matters of governance over the coronavirus, or any life or death decisions. That duty has been repeatedly usurped by our autocratic leader Donald Trump, who could care less whether you or I live - or die. 

Fourth, people who are pressing to open the economy could care less whether you live or die as well – they are just interested in the money. The numbers in the United States are horrific, and currently there is a significant resurgence in may states. Fifth, at this time we were supposed to be entering into the second wave – America never even made it out of the first wave. Sixth, the facts have born this out, and the coronavirus is far deadly and more contagious than we ever thought. 

Rand Paul, the Republican Senate, and Donald Trump all share responsibility for those deaths; although I do believe Trump bears the brunt of it. All of them downplayed the virus from the very beginning, and they worked with Trump to mitigate the significance of the virus to the American people. All of them failed to equip the states with what they need, as no state government could handle a pandemic like this on their own. Until the coronavirus is addressed on a national level like most other nations, the coronavirus numbers will continuously go up and down (but not at an acceptable level.)

If Rand Paul really wants to know at least one culprit to blame, he should go look in the mirror if he is not too busy preening.  He void of conscience and should return to ophthalmology before even more people lose their lives by listening to him. He is in it for himself as it Trump. His constant insistence on fully reopening the economy in the face of overwhelming catastrophic numbers undeniably conveys what is paramount to him and the Republican Senate - money. Paul as his Republican colleagues has chosen Trump over the American people. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Don’t Let Donald Trump and the Republican Senate Take Away Our Right to Vote


This article is about everyone’s right to vote whether you are a Republican or Democrat.  Do you know that there is a good chance your vote won’t count in on the November 3, 2020 election, regardless if you vote for Trump or Biden? As soon as any voter heard or hears about this story their hearts should have leaped out of their chest – it is profoundly disturbing.

I know that my blog may be offensive to some, especially for those in the Republican Party. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, however, I have something gravely serious to discuss and I hope you will listen. Donald Trump is trying to take away the most pivotal honor we have as American citizens – he is trying to take away our right to vote. Regardless of your political party, you should be both horrified and outraged over his recent actions.

You need to know there are Republican senators who are pushing for this to happen. I don’t know how many or if they all are on board with Trump, but I imagine more information will become available soon. Enough is enough; our democracy without exaggeration is at stake. The right to vote regardless of our party affiliation is the backbone to our democracy. If this happen, our rights as a democratic nation will come to an end, and may take years – if ever to recover.

The plan according to Trump and those pushing this new initiative is to have none of our votes count. That’s right, none of our votes whether you are Republican or Democrat will be counted if things go according to the Trump Administration’s plan. Instead, Trump’s contingency plan if he loses, is to hand pick electoral delegates from each state. Your vote and mine will be meaningless and discarded, and will not be factored into the count for the election.  

If our right to vote is taken away from us, the America we once knew will be no more. If this, our most fundamental right is taken away from us, than nothing is too scared to be taken from us. Do you value your right to vote? I cannot think of any other right under our constitution as important as our right to vote. Trump and his administration is working on this right now – this very minute. If Trump wins legitimately, let it be because every American who voted for him chose him. But if Trump chooses to pick a handful of electorates out of each states, our rights as Americans will be taken away, and I can promise you are nation will be in great peril. I take my right to vote very seriously and so should you.

This will shift our democracy into an autocratic nation, and we may no longer be afforded the freedoms we have as Americans. I urge you to please contact the Republican Senators in your states, urging them to let your vote count, and not to allow the Trump Administration to pick and choose the few they want from individual states. I hope you see how dangerous of a precedence is, and I pray to God He will open your eyes if you do not see this most dire threat to our democracy.

This is a real Constitutional crisis. I will write a more detailed article about this later with more facts regarding this, but for now I wanted to apprise you of this incredible threat to our very democracy and our way of life. I have enclosed a list of Republican Senators by state.  You can contact them by calling the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) -224-3121, writing them, or by emailing them or using their contact forms. Let them know your vote counts, and that this is unacceptable to you. 

By Postal Mail: For Correspondence to U.S. Senators:

Office of Senator (Name)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Alabama - Richard Shelby


Alaska - Lisa Murkowski


Alaska - Dan Sullivan


Arizona- Martha McSally


Arkansas - John Boozman 


Arkansas - Tom Cotton 


Colorado - Cory Gardner 


Florida - Marco Rubio


Florida - Rick Scott 


Georgia - Kelly Loeffler 


Georgia - David Perdue 


Idaho - Mike Crapo


Idaho - James E. Risch 


Indiana - Todd Young 


Indiana - Mike Braun


Iowa - Chuck Grassley


Iowa - Joni Ernst 


Kansas - Pat Roberts 


Kansas - Jerry Moran 


Kentucky - Mitch McConnell 


Kentucky - Rand Paul 


Louisiana - Bill Cassidy


Louisiana - John Kennedy 


Maine - Susan Collins 


Mississippi - Roger Wicker 


Mississippi - Cindy Hyde-Smith


Missouri - Roy Blunt


Missouri - Josh Hawley


Montana - Steve Daines


Nebraska - Deb Fischer


Nebraska - Ben Sasse


North Carolina - Richard Burr


North Carolina - Thom Tillis


North Dakota - John Hoeven


North Dakota - Kevin Cramer


Ohio - Rob Portman


Oklahoma - James M. Inhofe


Oklahoma - James Lankford 


Pennsylvania - Pat Toomey


South Carolina - Lindsey Graham


South Carolina - Tim Scott


South Dakota - John Thune


South Dakota - Mike Rounds


Tennessee - Lamar Alexander


Tennessee - Marsha Blackburn


Texas - John Cornyn


Texas - Ted Cruz


Utah - Mike Lee


Utah - Mitt Romney


West Virginia - Shelley Moore Capito


Wisconsin - Ron Johnson


Wyoming - Mike Enzi


Wyoming - John Barrasso


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Profile in Evil: The Malevolent Mitch McConnell


Mitch McConnell is a depraved individual who derives a great sense of pride from his unrelenting reputation. His soul went dormant years ago via a gradual calcification process long before Donald Trump’s arrival at the White House. He wears his badge of dishonor proudly. He is like a well, worn chair smelted onto the Senate floor that will eventually require prying apart to be removed. It seems it will be the only way to get him out the door. 

But his pride is misplaced because in truth, he does not have the backbone to stand up to Donald Trump. McConnell and Trump however, draw off the unique evil merits of each other to achieve their goals. They complement each other in a sick, sadistic way. CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger nailed McConnell's and Trump's relationship; “It's more an arranged marriage between two cold-blooded politicians whose goals often coincide. Nothing more, nothing less.”

None of the morally bankrupt men in the Republican Senate (including Mitt Romney) have any backbone - they are impotent wimps who cower and crave at the sight of Donald Trump. They wag their tails in eager anticipation for Trump to throw them a dog chew for them to sniff and cradle. There are a few women in the Republican Senate with more courage than their male counterparts put together. They tend to cave in unfortunately, to McConnell despite their concerns.

The Republican Senate has been instrumental in destroying our democracy by discarding the check and balances once put in place by our Constitution. This became most salient and undeniable when they abandoned their sworn oaths to seek the truth in Trump’s impeachment hearings. Who have ever heard of a fair trial of this magnitude without witnesses? The forever depraved Mitch McConnell saw to it and refused to let any witnesses testify. The Republican Senate has chosen Donald Trump, job security, and their own agenda over ethics and the American people. True American democracy no longer exists, and Mitch McConnell led the way. 

What a difference between the Republican Senate under Richard Nixon’s administration, and the Republican Senate today. Today, they are the embodiment of cowards, crooks, liars, destroyers of our democracy, and their allegiance is to Donald Trump – not the American people. They have embraced and enabled the lawless and unethical behavior of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump without question or conscience. 

None of them have any integrity and let’s face it – that is exactly how Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell want it. The unethical Republican Senate will go along for the ride without making so much a peep. Most of their agendas lack honor and decency, and therefore require a great deal of ruthless planning and deception on their part. They are good with that.

Mitch McConnell is not interested in doing the right thing and he does not bother to hide that fact. Trump is unabashed in his depravity but will at times put on false pretenses to delude his base and supporters. Both are shameless and ruthless – and they take pride in it. They feel invincible, and thanks to the Republican Senate they are. 

McConnell has a very strong opponent, Amy McGrath running against him this year, but Kentucky is a red state unlikely to turn. What I don’t understand is why voters keep reelecting the same cowards back to the Republican Senate, when they have other options in the Republican primaries to choose from? Why elect someone like McConnell knowing he is completely in it for himself? Mitch McConnell will always put Donald Trump ahead of the American people. If McConnell and Trump’s relationship were to turn south, however, McConnell will not fall on the sword for Trump unlike sub-humanoid Mike Pence and the dishonorable William Barr. 

Mitch McConnell’s word is meaningless. He alters and creates Senate rules to suit him and to acquire what he wants. He lies, cheats, and disembowels longstanding practices and procedures to suit his needs. He has no respect for the law or the mechanisms our founding fathers laid out for our democracy. When Trump was first elected, I foolishly thought McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and others would not be willing to participants in destroying our democracy, but they proved me wrong. 

McConnell has given the finger to the Constitution. He, like Trump, is solely interested in the power and prestige afforded to his position. Alec MacGillis, who wrote a biography on McConnell, stated the following about him, “It’s always been about power, the political game, and it’s never been about the core values that drive political life.” For someone who thrives on power, he is subservient to Trump, but the two need each other. I agree with MacGillis, it is readily apparent McConnell does not have any core values or passion towards any one issue. 

Before John McCain died, the last prominent vote he casted was against  the Appeal of Obamacare on July 28, 2017. He voted against it because the Republican Senate deliberately chose not to follow Senate procedures and protocols normally exercised prior to votes on the floor. If you recall, McConnell refused to provide the documentation and data which only they had over to the Democrats. John McCain was not for Obamacare, but he knew how grossly unfair McConnell had been in the whole process – and in the end McCain stood up for what was right.

I believe Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s body was still warm when Mitch McConnell made the statement a new Supreme nominee will get a vote on the Senate floor before the election. Referring to Ginsberg’s imminent death a month or so ago, McConnell in anticipation made a deplorable remark stating, it will be an “October Surprise.” I am sure he was pleased when his wish was fulfilled even sooner - it was a “September Surprise.”  I can assure you Trump and McConnell have been waiting for Ginsburg to die in bated breath, and they already had someone in mind prior to her death, Amy Coney Barrett. 

Mitch McConnell’s glaring hypocrisy towards replacing Ginsburg is fiendish and disgusting. When Justice Antonin Scalia, died in 2016, even before issuing condolences, the first thing out of his mouth was, “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president," That was 8 months before the next presidential election. 

McConnell refused to bring President Barrack Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland to the floor, and stalled replacing Scalia until Obama was out of office. Now with only six weeks to go before the election, he is insisting on a vote for Trump’s choice before the election. His shamelessness is on full display to the world, but then it has been for a long time.

This weekend McConnell, the Republican Senate, and Trump went into emergency mode, planning how to usher their nominee in by the election. McConnell being the hypocrite that he is went back on the very rule he made up regarding voting on nominees during an election year. Lindsey Graham reversed the statement he made over the summer that no new nominee for the Supreme Court would b considered during the election year. Actually, I would not expect anything other than hypocrisy from these two morally bankrupt liars.

Trump came out and said whoever he picks will be a woman, in his less than subtle ploy to seek suburban women votes. Fox News, McConnell, and others have already run names by Trump prior to Ginsburg’s death. Trump does not have a clue in these matters; he disseminates all work related matters to those in his administration. Donald Trump’s days consist of tweets, golfing, lying, downplaying the coronavirus and being the catalyst that spread Covid-19 at his rallies. Rest assured Mitch is fine with that. McConnell knows due to Trump’s woefully ignorance of governmental matters, that keeping Trump in office enables him to maintain his unlimited power.

I had to laugh at the audacity and the boundless hypocrisy of Senate Majority Whip John Thune who issued the following statement; “I believe Americans sent a Republican president and a Republican Senate to Washington to ensure we have an impartial judiciary that upholds the Constitution and the rule of law. We will fulfill our obligation to them. As Leader McConnell has said, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate." That is extremely rich and most stomach churning, it wins the Hypocrisy Award of 2020. Instead, Donald Trump, McConnell, and the Republican Senate has rewritten our constitution, and consequently wadded up the original and threw it in the trash. 

Mitch McConnell does not have a heart; he is evil and in many ways share psychological traits similar to Donald Trump.  McConnell was fine with letting people die in blue states from the coronavirus ,and felt they should not receive any federal assistance. Isn’t that nice? He has no compassion regarding Covid-19, or over the deaths of 200,000 Americans. In addition there are now nearly 7 million cases, and many millions unemployed. Moscow Mitch said he was against bailouts for blue states and would prefer they go bankrupt instead. I don’t think there is any other word besides evil that could characterize such a disposition. 

The red states on the other hand he was fine with giving them money, and chose to grant them life, while he sentenced the blue states to death. He venomously accused blue states of wanting money for other reasons besides the coronavirus and accused them of wanting “Capitol Hill Republicans” to clean up their messes. McConnell is a very vicious person with no conscience – like Trump. What a cruel and inhumane thing to say during a time when this nation is facing the worse catastrophe in modern history. I will say it again; McConnell and Trump are cut from the same cloth – the cloth of no character with almost a primal quench for power.  

Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland, a Republican, responded to Mitch McConnell’s reprehensible statement about states not receiving assistance, said the following: "The last thing we need in the middle of an economic crisis is to have states all filing bankruptcy all across America and not able to provide services to people who desperately need them." Mitch McConnell is quite content in his ruthlessness and is not bothered even in the slightest allowing Republicans in blue states suffer, simply out of his vindictiveness towards Democratic Governors.  He and Trump do not care whatsoever about their Republican constituents residing in blue states. Republicans and donors in blue states – take note. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo pointed out that some of the states McConnell and Trump blacklisted pay the most money in taxes towards the federal government. Cuomo stated the top five states that contribute to the federal government were; New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut and California. McConnell’s home state was one of the least who contributed to money to the feds – Kentucky is actually one of the poorest states. New York leads the nation in contributing to the federal government’s taxes and treasury. McConnell is malevolent and void of empathy; he has some of the sociopathic tendencies that Donald Trump has. That might explain their symbiotic relationship – no doubt Satan is proud of them both.

The only thing that concerns Mitch McConnell’s is maintaining his position, and the Republican Senate. On March 12, 2020, Mitch McConnell failed to keep the Senate in session through the weekend in order to come up with an emergency aid package to deal with the coronavirus. Instead, he recessed for the weekend and returned home to Louisville, Kentucky; putting his own personal desires ahead of the American people. In addition to the coronavirus, that week the stock market had the worse numbers since the Great Recession. Twitter lit up with the hashtag#WheresMitch? When McConnell finally came up with a package, it was lopsided and predominately favored big business. 

Mitch McConnell was paramount in protecting Donald Trump during the impeachment trials, and can be congratulated for decimating the integrity of our constitutional processes. In other words, he could care less about the law and our democratic processes. History will remember McConnell for being the primary figure in aiding and abetting our corrupt president, and for undoing our nation’s checks and balances under the Constitution. The history books will reflect his orchestration from setting one road block after another during the impeachment trial, and for destroying the integrity that once embodied our senatorial processes. 

Instead of looking after America’s national security, he placed Trump’s personal needs over our democracy. His loyalty is to Trump and himself only, and quite frankly he does not care if you know it. He circumvented the truth by prohibiting witnesses from testifying at the impeachment trial, so Trump could maintain the office of the presidency. Again, who has ever heard of a major trial with any witnesses? Mitch McConnell has made a mockery of our Constitution, and he is an abomination to the justice system. It’s all fine with him, and like Trump, neither won’t lose any sleep over it. 

Stuart Stevens, a Republican political consultant, stated McConnell and his colleagues deserve significant blame for the Trump Administration failed coronavirus response. He elaborated that McConnell and others actually destroyed America’s safety net, and ignored the warnings from scientific experts. Trump hid and watered down the deadly nature of the coronavirus, and McConnell and other Republicans ensured it stayed that way. Stevens said. “It’s an utter disaster for the long-term fate of the Party. The Party has become an obsession with power without purpose.”

McConnell had a role of enabling and allowing Russian meddling in our 2016 election, and holds the same role today with the 2020 election. Being the contemptible senator he is, he will lie to protect whatever is to his benefit so he can maintain power. He continuously stymied efforts to be apprised by national intelligence regarding Russia’s interference four years ago in a shameless effort to keep the truth from coming out. 

For nearly 5 weeks in the summer of 2016, C.I.A. director John Brennan tried repeatedly to contact McConnell to discuss Russian security threats to our election. McConnell put out numerous excuses and ultimately told Brennan he would not be available to after Labor Day. He has well earned his nickname, “Moscow Mitch” because he knew a foreign government was interfering in our election, and he did absolutely nothing to address it. 

When he could not hide from it any longer, McConnell started telling officials it was too dangerous to discuss Russia’s meddling, which is a lame position. This was to protect Donald Trump – not the American people. It is extremely dangerous is to ignore a formidable nemesis like Vladimir Putin, but McConnell showed he does not have our country interest at heart. Even after the election was over he continued to block attempts to address Russian interference. Susan Rice, who was President Obama’s national security adviser made the following statement about McConnell, "I don’t know for sure why he did it,” “But my guess, particularly with the benefit of hindsight, is that he thought” calling out Russia “would be detrimental to Trump—so he delayed and deflected. It’s disgraceful.”

Mitch McConnell has also earned another nickname “The Grim Reaper,” on Capitol Hill. If he does not like something or is against a bill, he will not take it up for a vote. He has totally circumvented the normal processes as to how the Senate and the House operates. Today’s Senate is barely recognizable from 4 years ago. McConnell has kidnapped over 395 House bills he refuses to bring to the floor for a vote. Do you believe this is what our founding fathers of this nation intended? The Republican Senate led by the  unconscionable Mitch McConnell has forfeited our democratic processes to aid and cover up for Donald Trump. 

If I had to write about all the corruption, cheating, and circumventing the processes of our government by Mitch McConnell, it would take me a lifetime to write. Rick Wilson, a former Republican strategist was spot on his assessment of McConnell stating he feels no shame for destroying the integrity of the Senate and our democracy. Wilson said, “McConnell has been the most powerful force normalizing Trump in Washington.” 

Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump share some significant character traits, and it’s nothing to be proud of. He is heartless, unethical, a venomous manipulator just like Trump. Both are proficient liars (although Trump is a pathological liar), but McConnell typically does not even try to hide his unethical behavior. Trump is a hard core sociopath, whereas McConnell has a good number of sociopathic tendencies and does not possess a moral compass. This far from noble duo is both dangerous and detrimental to our nation and democracy. 

McConnell’s reputation was not very good before Trump took office; and is now forever tarnished. He does not care about this, however, because like Trump, he is his own god. In this toxic, undemocratic political climate, these things will only matters to voters with integrity and those who respect our Constitution. What is McConnell’s motivation in all this? It is about maintaining the power he thrives on, and with him the American people will always come in last. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Trump Administration Prostitutes God’s Name for Political Purposes


If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 1 John 1:6

The Trump Administration shamelessly hides behind the name of God to promote their ungodly agenda and spirit of hate. God has very little to do with their actions and what they stand for. They have no problem prostituting the name of God to achieve their own political goals, yet they are very poor representations of Him. They are not the only ones; you have people like Mike Huckabee, Jerry Falwell, Jr. etc., and many other evangelicals and Trump supporters who embrace this corrupt and malevolent administration. I can assure you they are not looking after God – they are only concerned about their own self-interests. Mike Pence wins top prize for the prostitution of God’s name - Kayliegh McEnnany likely wins second place. Donald Trump would be up next, but he is also the least believable. 

I would be remiss not to include others in this “prostitution ring”; William Barr, Mitch McConnell, Fox News, and most everyone in the Republican Senate. I include Fox News because Trump takes his direction from them – they are his go to source on how to run the country. Trump is too dull to realize he is Fox News, the Republican Senate, and Vladimir Putin’s unwitting puppet; they know just how to stroke his ego in order to get what they want from him. A newly released book written by Brian Stelter titled the “Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth” has a most illuminating look into Fox News relationship with Trump that touches on some of these issues.

None of the aforementioned persons or groups in the “prostitution ring” has a fear of God - not a one. If you consider the following verse, you will see why; “To fear the Lord is to hate evil. Proverbs: 8:13.”  The Trump administration in their enmity are constantly orchestrating and plotting against others and the Democratic Party by degenerate and unconventional means. It is apparent they do not care about their own constituents in blue states, because their tactics will ultimately impact them too. One cannot truly revere God by misrepresenting who He is, while promoting smear campaigns, racial division, and engaging in acts of malice and retaliation. No one who truly cares about the values of Jesus Christ would be a willing participant in the Trump administration. 

Trump is constantly manipulating circumstances and stacking the deck in his favor, by placing people in specific positions to do his dirty work. William Barr, Louis DeJoy, Mark Meadows (replaced John Kelly), Steve Bannon, are just a few for example. The Trump Administration has a great deal of contempt for the working class and the poor, and for those who reside in blue states. It is ironic because the working class aggregate comprise much of his hardcore base. For the first time in American history we have a vengeful president who brazenly conveys he only cares about the red states led by Republican governors. Donald Trump is a president in name only, and he has ripped our nation apart. 

One of the Trump Administration’s more flamboyant displays of prostituting God’s name consisted of Trump and a handful in his administration field trip to St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington D.C. It was all staged, and one of the most detestable displays of political grandstanding I have ever witnessed. I guess they assumed a church building was necessary to invoke God’s name, and make their faith and presentation seem more real. Ivanka Trump was said to acquire a bible specifically for the occasion, which unbeknownst to any one at the time, Trump required instructions on how to hold it. They should have gone through several role play exercises to prepare him for the spectacle – maybe next time, because it is likely there will be more to follow. 

The unscrupulous William Barr handled the particulars of the occasion; making sure peaceful protesters were privy to tear gas near the church, after calling in National Guard troops to assist removing them. By the way, this is just one of four charges brought up against Barr’s misuse of power (tear gassing peaceful protesters), by 27 prominent Washington D.C. lawyers seeking to have him disbarred from practicing law. Trump knew the display of Barr, McEnnaly, and others marching to the church would be enough to ingratiate his base and evangelicals. The photo op consisted of the crew standing in front of the church, while another photo depicts Trump as he holds the bible upside down. 


Their actions are part of my objection, but what I find most egregious is how they present their policies and their hate as if it has God’s stamp of approval. I can assure you it does not. It is impossible to revere God and have the uncaring, continuous flow of lies, racial hatred, and contempt for others that is at the core of the Trump Administration and his supporters. It is impossible to have a fear of God and remain in a state of constantly plotting against others, and manipulating circumstances to deliberately mislead the public. It is easy for people to say they love God, but the spirit of hate is diabolical to the spirit of love. God does not like being mocked and this is exactly what the Trump Administration does and continues to do. 

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

Jesus said we will recognize them by their fruits. Do you know what the number one thing God says matter to Him? It is love. If your heart is not right before God, nothing else matters. Whether you are Democrat or a Republican, rich or poor, black or white, or what you do or don’t do; if you have disdain or animus towards others everything else is moot. Our faith in God is based on who we are in Jesus Christ. Jesus cares about our relationship with Him and how we treat and love other people. 

The spirit of love has been replaced by a spirit of hate in this administration and its’ enablers fight for policies that are almost always contrary to God’s will. The result is a real division among the American people. Our country has never been this divided since the Civil Rights Era in the sixties. Gains made in voting rights have also taken steps back during the Trump administration. Today there is a great deal of gerrymandering, and a full fledged assault against voting by mail. Trump, Barr, and DeJoy have fraudulently united to stifle the American public’s ability to vote by mail, through methodical circumventions, and casting unwarranted suspicion and lies regarding the voting process. 

The world is shocked to witness our democracy eroding away. Our allies have lost their respect for us, and rightfully so. No longer is America viewed as the moral leader in the world. Other past U.S. presidents have targeted dictators and autocrats who have behaved like the current administration we have now. The Trump Administration fruits are vile, rotten, and putrid. They exhibit hate, callousness, and disdain for the poor – and it comes through loud and clear. They have butchered our Constitution and have made a mockery of our democracy.

The Trump Administration is promoting adherence to their political stances as if they are demonstrative of one’s love for God. It is a reprehensible form of posturing and a slap in the Almighty’s face. You tell me, what good is it to say you love Christ if you hate and look down on people of other races? Or if you have contempt for those less fortunate and have no compassion towards them? Or if you deliberately try to the hide and downplay the deadly coronavirus just to secure your political position at the expense of lives? Or if you make excuses for evil and turn your head away from it? That is what the Republican Senate has done. Donald Trump would not be in the position he is in today without Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate supporting his plans that violate the constitution and the law.  

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Why take a stand against abortion while having no problem allowing others die a slow death without any medical assistance or healthcare? Or let a person or child starve who can’t afford food? Or if the government refuses to fund states so healthcare workers fighting on the front lines against Covid-19 have the PPE they need? How could it possibly be right to separate young children on the border from their parents? Or if you only approve funding for red states that support you, and let those in blue states struggle to survive without any help from the ramifications of the coronavirus? This is absolutely vile and reprehensible. Tell me, how are all of these things following or honoring God?

I personally struggle to see how any person can be a Christian and vote for an evil, vile man like Donald Trump. However, in the end it is not my call and there are things only God knows. It should be readily apparent by now the true character of Donald Trump. He is not only immoral; he belongs in prison for committing a plethora of state and federal crimes. He has numerous sexual assault accusations, was found guilty of obstruction of justice from the House, attempted extortion of Ukraine’s president, tax evasion, and who knows what else. No one should be above the law, including the president. 

His inner circle since the time has assumed office, have resulted in numerous criminal arrests; Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Nader, Steve Bannon, etc.; just to name a few. William Barr is as malicious and crooked as it gets, and should be arrested for obstruction of justice. He has no regard or respect for law, but where do one goes when the top law official in the land is corrupt? Trump has his back and Barr has Trump’s. Our system of check and balances no longer exist in this country - this just should not be in the United States. With a Republican Senate in control who have sold its’ soul to Trump, everyone I have mentioned so place his or her interest above the American people. 

There is a night and day difference between the character of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I can promise you this – if Joe Biden had done the things Donald Trump has and continues to do, I would never in a million years vote for him. That is the honest truth which I declare before God as I type this sentence. God will not ignore those who plot evil, or those who support and assist evildoers. 

This is not just about one’s political party – it is about allowing this miscreant administration to continue engaging in corruption that is destroying our nation. I never agreed with the policies of George Bush Jr., (don’t recall senior too well); but I have always thought of them as ethical presidents and men of character. It is the exact opposite with Donald Trump. Nixon’s crimes pale in comparison to Trump’s, and at least back then the Republican Senate had integrity and a backbone. We are moving towards an autocratic nation, and our democracy is truly at stake. Mark these words – if Donald Trump is reelected, it will bring an end to our democracy and it would take years if ever, for this nation to recover. 

The Trump Administration and its supporters believe somehow they can outwit God, as they continuously malign His name and the essence of Jesus Christ. To be a proponent of long standing policies entrenched in hate, vindictiveness, and contempt for others means one is in a continuous state contrary to the will of God (a.k.a. sin). This is regarding more than a specific legislation or some form of political action; this is about what is truly behind the heart of every individual.  

God knows who your true god is; whether it’s money, hate, your weaknesses, or Him. You can’t fool Him even if you fool yourself. The Trump Administration’s true god is hate, money, and their political might - that is the driving force behind their policies. Those in the Trump administration continuously lie to the public and pervert the truth on a daily basis. They do not have the public best interest at heart – everything is driven by what Donald Trump wants. Donald Trump is only concerned with only one person in this world – himself. 

Some will be quick to say I am being unfair to Trump supporters. I don’t think so, because I am addressing more than a single, sinful act – I am addressing a state of being. All of us do things that are wrong, and I am no exception. It is our part of our fallen nature. What I am talking about is what is in someone’s heart, which inevitably will manifest in the physical or in reality one way or another. For example, if you despise African Americans or Asians, more than likely your behavior towards them will be less than friendly, if not hostile. 

Trump has actually increased his racial rhetoric to appeal to his base and supporters in his effort to win the election. I’m sure this is a crowd favorite, but it seems to be the quintessential variable among most Trump supporters. There are also people who are racist and do not even realize it. Racism is from the spirit of hate - it is not a flight by night stance. To remain in such a condition is to remain in a state of sin continuously until that hatred or contempt is eradicated from one’s life. We know Donald Trump is racist and has been much his entire life.

We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 1 John 4:19-20

Someone with racism in his or her heart does not get rid of hate easily – if one ever does. Mike Pence’s racism resurfaced recently, when he refused to say the words “Black Lives Matter.” I can’t say I was surprise given the fact he voted against The Hate Crimes Prevention Act in 2009. Why would anyone ever vote against such a piece of legislation? If he really felt BLM mattered, why would he not just say that? I can assure you all lives matter to Jesus Christ. 

Those who are part of the BLM movement believe all lives matter as well. They have never conveyed anything other than that. The BLM is not a movement against white Americans, but that is how the Trump administration has portrayed it. But it begs the question; Why would Pence not say BLM other than his resentment towards the movement, and bucking up against the fact blacks have been mistreated on the basis of race for years? That is an undeniable historical fact – and it continues to be the case to this very day. 

You also have ongoing resentment and disdain for the disadvantaged among those in the Trump Administration and their supporters. Almost every other major country in the world have universal healthcare, but America is too greedy and selfish to provide healthcare for its citizens. People will go out of their way to help a dog on the street; but they will walk over and spit at a homeless man lying on a sidewalk. Many of the homeless were at one time veterans, putting their lives on the line for this country – they are not “losers” or “suckers.” People will demonstrate far more compassion to that dog, than they would to the homeless. Do you really believe this is what Jesus Christ wants from us? Let me tell you what He said.

'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.  For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." Matthew 41-46

The Trump administration does not reflect the spirit of Jesus Christ by any means – and their actions are counterintuitive to the Kingdom of God. These are issues that far encompasses just race. Trump in his depravity, even made wearing a mask into a political statement, which undoubtedly resulted in the loss of thousands of lives to Covid-19 – and will continue to cost lives. The Trump Administration window dress their evil acts; they gift wrap them, and tie it up in a bow and say, “This is for you, God.” Their goal is to protect their money, their positions, and above all else Donald Trump. They will do whatever it takes to make it happen; even at the expense of other people. Donald Trump is their true god – he comes first. 

They will destroy the life of someone else; smear his or her name, all the while hiding behind the name of God as they carry out their plans. They thrive in circumstances of their own creation, and they are proud of their deception. Trump has no respect for his supporters. It was recently disclosed by a former aide to Mike Pence, Olivia Troye, that Donald Trump once said in a meeting: “Maybe this Covid thing’s a good thing. I don’t like shaking hands with people. I don’t have to shake hands with these disgusting people.” Trump and his administration delight at how easy it is to fool their base. And they do it on a continual basis. 

One day those within the Trump Administration will be held accountable –we all will. They may delude themselves by whitewashing their hate, and their schemes and lies today, but in the end it will catch up to them. They won’t have anywhere to turn or hide, and there will be no one left to deceive. Donald Trump will be nowhere to be found, nor will his shadow, William Barr. It will be just each of them, standing one by one in front of Jesus Christ – the final Judge. 

They will not be the only ones; those who support and made excuses for the Trump Administration evil deeds will face the same fate. God is trying to tell you something, and you will have to make the decision whether to ignore Him or listen. This election truly is a battle for the nation’s soul, and if you can’t see that – than you have made a deliberate choice not to see it. Nevertheless, you will still be held accountable. 

I fear and believe unless the hardness in people’s hearts change, Jesus will turn to those who have embraced this administration and say: “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Matthew 25:41 God is merciful, and it is never too late for one’s heart to change or ask for forgiveness. If you really are interested in the truth - ask, He will give it to you. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Blood on Trump's Hands: The Needs of the One Outweighed the Needs of the Many


                              Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

"The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

As Commander and Chief, the national safety of Americans falls in the hands of Donald Trump. Due to Trump’s lack of response and indifference towards Covid-19, we are quickly approaching nearly 200,000 Americans dead, and over 6.5 million cases in the United States. The United States leads the world by far with the most cases and deaths. It did not have to be like this. Trump’s need for self-preservation usurped the needs of the American people from the very beginning of this pandemic, long before the coronavirus reached our shores. 

Scientist and epidemiologist are now estimating that 85%-90% of the people who died from the coronavirus in the U.S. would still be alive today if Trump had not concealed and downplayed the coronavirus to the American people. Donald Trump has the blood of tens of thousands of Americans on his hands; however, that is immaterial to him. I can assure you, he have not lost an ounce of sleep over it. What is just as despicable, Trump is 

The main cause of the catastrophic numbers have been attributed to the fact the Trump Administration never adopted a national strategy. As of today, we still do not have a nationwide strategy. Nearly every epidemiologist and scientist across the globe has asserted the only way to successfully respond to the coronavirus is to approach it on a national level. But when news of the coronavirus first made its way to the United States, Donald Trump put all his efforts into hiding the coronavirus from the public. He lied (and is still lying) for several months about the virus, and is continuously downplaying its’ significance to the American people. 

The Bob Woodward’s tapes clearly establish Donald Trump purposely sought to minimize the danger and serious nature of the coronavirus. He concocted one of his most pathetic lies ever, claiming he only downplayed the virus to Americans so people would not panic. Instead, he is the one who is panic stricken. He fears it could cost him the election; to the point he forfeited thousands upon thousands of lives just to suppress the truth. Lying about something is not downplaying. Grossly misinforming others is not downplaying. Claiming the virus is like the flu is not downplaying. And flat out proclaiming the virus was a hoax is most assuredly not downplaying - it is unequivocally a lie.

The Trump Administration never put forth a national strategy, and failed to equip our governors to be in a position to counter Covid-19 sufficiently. Trump backed away from his responsibility as president. Instead he dumped the virus in the governors’ laps to fend for themselves and take action on a state by state basis. Assistance from the federal government was meager at best. The United States leads the world by leaps and bounds in the number of cases and deaths. This is a pandemic, not a virus that occurs in one state here and another there. The coronavirus demands a federal response to counter it, and the Trump Administration has refused to do so right from the beginning. 

Trump did his best to hide the virus from Americans solely to protect himself, until he no longer could. He ordered a cruise ship to remain at bay; preventing it from docking in Oakland, California, because he did not want the coronavirus count on American soil to go up. He did not give a rip who died or who caught the virus, nor does he give a rip today. Once Trump realized his statement the virus was a “hoax” would no longer wash, he switched to another tactic. His next strategy was to minimize the virus, and he has remained with that tactic ever since. 

Trump started to realize the depth of his poor performance in dealing with the coronavirus early on. He did not want to be bothered with it; like I said, primarily because he saw it as a threat to being reelected. What is strange, however; is that he started to dub himself as a “wartime president.” I don’t know why, because he shifted all the blame and responsibility off himself - and unto the governors. It still does not explain why he embellished himself as a “war time” president. One has to ask a “war time president “of what? Only to the White House as far as I could see. The real answer I believe is truly pathetic -Trump just like the way the phrase a “war time president” sounds. 

He never invoked the Defense Production Act which would have enabled production of PPE equipment and testing to supply the 50 states and U.S protectorates. You had governors early on competing against each other; searching even on Ebay to purchase equipment for their states. Governors were desperate to get the resources they needed, especially in the northeast without help from the federal government.  This should have never occurred in a country like the United States. Trump refused to implement the DPA, but his ego remained ingratiated by referring to himself as a “war time president.”  It made him feel special and important – he likes that. He likes that a lot.

No governor could handle a pandemic like this on their own – they desperately needed resources and assistance from the federal government. You had New York hit the hardest, where the virus had already circulated in the community, because Trump did not initiate travel bands from Europe in time. He was also slow about implementing a travel ban from China. At one time Trump claimed China was doing great; now with his racism intentionally unleashed, he refers to Covid -19 as the Chinese virus. His base likes that, and he is constantly giving them a “wink and a nod” about race related issues.  He is just that venomous and repugnant.

 On September13, Trump held an indoor rally in Henderson, Nevada despite coronavirus restrictions in the state that prohibited gatherings 50 people or more. So much for the “law and order” president, who snubs his nose at the law and breaks it himself. Donald Trump has broken many laws, from sexual assault, campaign fraud, tax evasion, and financial crime. His campaign about crime is farce. It is the manifestation of him scraping the barrel to find anything that would draw attention away from his failed coronavirus response.

In his Henderson rally, chairs were lined up in rows right next to each other, and masks were not required. Epidemiologist and medical professionals are concerned the rally may turn into a super spreader event. The Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma caused a coronavirus spike in that area. It was also most likely where Herman Cain caught the virus and died. Kindly note, in all of Trump’s rallies; there is one person who is never in close proximity of anyone else - Trump. No handshakes, Trump? According to you, it is safe, right? Earlier in the week, he also held a large outdoor rally in Michigan where the crowd was large and no mask were required either.

On August 14, Donald Trump called renowned journalist, Bob Woodward, who had written a book about him titled “Rage.” It would be their last of 19 conversations they had together. What was on Trump’s mind? That’s easy – himself. That is the only thing on Trump’s mind, well yeah…okay; it’s the same in that case too. Trump asked Woodward if the relevance of the virus supersedes the economy – what a strange question for the president of the United States to ask someone. 

Trump’s concern has always been the economy since the coronavirus started, and how it would impact his chance for reelection. The only numbers that matters to him are the Stock Market and unemployment numbers. The coronavirus count and deaths does not faze him (which explains why Wall Street likes him). He does not understand as do so many Americans thanks to him, that until the virus is contained the economy cannot recover. 

Trump is still downplaying the virus by encouraging businesses and schools to reopen in the face of rising cases.  He does not encourage social distancing or wearing masks period. Why is Trump still downplaying the virus when the coronavirus numbers are even larger than they were in March and April? He can see America is not panicking or freaking out, so it begs the question, why is he still downplaying the virus? I will tell you why – he does not care whether Americans live or die; he is fine either way. Today, you even have the Trump Administration not taking responsibility for the very guidelines they themselves established. The only thing Donald Trump wants is for everything to go back to normal before November 3 elections. 

One of my favorite movies is Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The movie has a beautiful quote in the dialogue - one that would never resonate with Donald J. Trump.  I will give you a short cut version of the scene. If you’re not into Star Trek, the characters won’t mean anything to you, but the message is there. The starship Enterprise was in a battle with Khan who is seeking revenge against Admiral Kirk. Khan detonates a device called the Genesis Wave, and it was going to result in the destruction of the Enterprise. Spock races to engineering and steps inside a radioactive chamber to stop the detonation. He knew full well by doing so it would cost him his life, but he did it anyway.

Admiral Kirk who was once his captain and close friend, left the ship’s bridge and ran to engineering because he sensed Spock was in trouble. By the time he got there it was too late, Spock’s death was imminent. The radioactive chamber was sealed. Kirk press on the outside of the chamber and calls out Spock’s name. Spock was barely able to speak, yet the first thing he asked Kirk, “Ship out of danger?”  Kirk told him that it was. He looked at Kirk and said, “Don’t grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many, outweighed”…Kirk interrupts and completes his sentence by saying “the needs of the few.” And Spock then said “Or the one.”

Donald Trump is the polar opposite of Spock. Trump is only worried about the needs of the one – Donald J. Trump. The needs of the many (the American people) is of no concern to him. His need to protect himself is rooted in an inconceivable sludge pit of self-centeredness. Trump placed every single individual in the United States at risk; first and foremost by claiming the virus was a hoax. Months later Trump even retweeted famed game show host Chuck Woolery’s tweet, who claimed the virus was a hoax. Trump knew full well the virus was deadly, which he admitted on the Woodward tapes back in February. By the way, after Woolery’s son caught Covid-19, he (Woolery) recanted his position.

Donald Trump tried his best to divert attention from the coronavirus and downplayed it characteristics, and the danger it presented to the public. He also at one point would not allow Dr. Anthony Fauci do any media interviews, because he feared the truth getting out. He also expressed to the media we may get like 15 cases or so, and then it will just trickle away miraculously disappear. Because of Trump’s statements, a good number of people maintained the virus is not any worse than the flu for a long time – some still believe this. Others are maintaining it is a hoax to this very day. 

Donald Trump’s federal response was dismal to non-existent at best. His entire approach has always been to minimize the virus. That is exactly what he is doing to this very day. It was always about him, and it will remain about him the rest of his life. This is why a man like him should not be president – his is a sociopath and his malevolent disposition is a danger to the American people. He will continue to have blood on his hands as the American death toll rises, but it simply does not matter to him. That is the cold, honest truth. 

The needs of the one (Trump) outweighed the needs of the many (the American people). 

Republican Senate Once Again Sends Message America is Not Worth Fighting For

  Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick  was bludgeoned to death at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 during a riot incited by former pre...