Mitch McConnell is a depraved individual who derives a great sense of pride from his unrelenting reputation. His soul went dormant years ago via a gradual calcification process long before Donald Trump’s arrival at the White House. He wears his badge of dishonor proudly. He is like a well, worn chair smelted onto the Senate floor that will eventually require prying apart to be removed. It seems it will be the only way to get him out the door.
But his pride is misplaced because in truth, he does not have the backbone to stand up to Donald Trump. McConnell and Trump however, draw off the unique evil merits of each other to achieve their goals. They complement each other in a sick, sadistic way. CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger nailed McConnell's and Trump's relationship; “It's more an arranged marriage between two cold-blooded politicians whose goals often coincide. Nothing more, nothing less.”
None of the morally bankrupt men in the Republican Senate (including Mitt Romney) have any backbone - they are impotent wimps who cower and crave at the sight of Donald Trump. They wag their tails in eager anticipation for Trump to throw them a dog chew for them to sniff and cradle. There are a few women in the Republican Senate with more courage than their male counterparts put together. They tend to cave in unfortunately, to McConnell despite their concerns.
The Republican Senate has been instrumental in destroying our democracy by discarding the check and balances once put in place by our Constitution. This became most salient and undeniable when they abandoned their sworn oaths to seek the truth in Trump’s impeachment hearings. Who have ever heard of a fair trial of this magnitude without witnesses? The forever depraved Mitch McConnell saw to it and refused to let any witnesses testify. The Republican Senate has chosen Donald Trump, job security, and their own agenda over ethics and the American people. True American democracy no longer exists, and Mitch McConnell led the way.
What a difference between the Republican Senate under Richard Nixon’s administration, and the Republican Senate today. Today, they are the embodiment of cowards, crooks, liars, destroyers of our democracy, and their allegiance is to Donald Trump – not the American people. They have embraced and enabled the lawless and unethical behavior of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump without question or conscience.
None of them have any integrity and let’s face it – that is exactly how Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell want it. The unethical Republican Senate will go along for the ride without making so much a peep. Most of their agendas lack honor and decency, and therefore require a great deal of ruthless planning and deception on their part. They are good with that.
Mitch McConnell is not interested in doing the right thing and he does not bother to hide that fact. Trump is unabashed in his depravity but will at times put on false pretenses to delude his base and supporters. Both are shameless and ruthless – and they take pride in it. They feel invincible, and thanks to the Republican Senate they are.
McConnell has a very strong opponent, Amy McGrath running against him this year, but Kentucky is a red state unlikely to turn. What I don’t understand is why voters keep reelecting the same cowards back to the Republican Senate, when they have other options in the Republican primaries to choose from? Why elect someone like McConnell knowing he is completely in it for himself? Mitch McConnell will always put Donald Trump ahead of the American people. If McConnell and Trump’s relationship were to turn south, however, McConnell will not fall on the sword for Trump unlike sub-humanoid Mike Pence and the dishonorable William Barr.
Mitch McConnell’s word is meaningless. He alters and creates Senate rules to suit him and to acquire what he wants. He lies, cheats, and disembowels longstanding practices and procedures to suit his needs. He has no respect for the law or the mechanisms our founding fathers laid out for our democracy. When Trump was first elected, I foolishly thought McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and others would not be willing to participants in destroying our democracy, but they proved me wrong.
McConnell has given the finger to the Constitution. He, like Trump, is solely interested in the power and prestige afforded to his position. Alec MacGillis, who wrote a biography on McConnell, stated the following about him, “It’s always been about power, the political game, and it’s never been about the core values that drive political life.” For someone who thrives on power, he is subservient to Trump, but the two need each other. I agree with MacGillis, it is readily apparent McConnell does not have any core values or passion towards any one issue.
Before John McCain died, the last prominent vote he casted was against the Appeal of Obamacare on July 28, 2017. He voted against it because the Republican Senate deliberately chose not to follow Senate procedures and protocols normally exercised prior to votes on the floor. If you recall, McConnell refused to provide the documentation and data which only they had over to the Democrats. John McCain was not for Obamacare, but he knew how grossly unfair McConnell had been in the whole process – and in the end McCain stood up for what was right.
I believe Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s body was still warm when Mitch McConnell made the statement a new Supreme nominee will get a vote on the Senate floor before the election. Referring to Ginsberg’s imminent death a month or so ago, McConnell in anticipation made a deplorable remark stating, it will be an “October Surprise.” I am sure he was pleased when his wish was fulfilled even sooner - it was a “September Surprise.” I can assure you Trump and McConnell have been waiting for Ginsburg to die in bated breath, and they already had someone in mind prior to her death, Amy Coney Barrett.
Mitch McConnell’s glaring hypocrisy towards replacing Ginsburg is fiendish and disgusting. When Justice Antonin Scalia, died in 2016, even before issuing condolences, the first thing out of his mouth was, “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president," That was 8 months before the next presidential election.
McConnell refused to bring President Barrack Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland to the floor, and stalled replacing Scalia until Obama was out of office. Now with only six weeks to go before the election, he is insisting on a vote for Trump’s choice before the election. His shamelessness is on full display to the world, but then it has been for a long time.
This weekend McConnell, the Republican Senate, and Trump went into emergency mode, planning how to usher their nominee in by the election. McConnell being the hypocrite that he is went back on the very rule he made up regarding voting on nominees during an election year. Lindsey Graham reversed the statement he made over the summer that no new nominee for the Supreme Court would b considered during the election year. Actually, I would not expect anything other than hypocrisy from these two morally bankrupt liars.
Trump came out and said whoever he picks will be a woman, in his less than subtle ploy to seek suburban women votes. Fox News, McConnell, and others have already run names by Trump prior to Ginsburg’s death. Trump does not have a clue in these matters; he disseminates all work related matters to those in his administration. Donald Trump’s days consist of tweets, golfing, lying, downplaying the coronavirus and being the catalyst that spread Covid-19 at his rallies. Rest assured Mitch is fine with that. McConnell knows due to Trump’s woefully ignorance of governmental matters, that keeping Trump in office enables him to maintain his unlimited power.
I had to laugh at the audacity and the boundless hypocrisy of Senate Majority Whip John Thune who issued the following statement; “I believe Americans sent a Republican president and a Republican Senate to Washington to ensure we have an impartial judiciary that upholds the Constitution and the rule of law. We will fulfill our obligation to them. As Leader McConnell has said, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate." That is extremely rich and most stomach churning, it wins the Hypocrisy Award of 2020. Instead, Donald Trump, McConnell, and the Republican Senate has rewritten our constitution, and consequently wadded up the original and threw it in the trash.
Mitch McConnell does not have a heart; he is evil and in many ways share psychological traits similar to Donald Trump. McConnell was fine with letting people die in blue states from the coronavirus ,and felt they should not receive any federal assistance. Isn’t that nice? He has no compassion regarding Covid-19, or over the deaths of 200,000 Americans. In addition there are now nearly 7 million cases, and many millions unemployed. Moscow Mitch said he was against bailouts for blue states and would prefer they go bankrupt instead. I don’t think there is any other word besides evil that could characterize such a disposition.
The red states on the other hand he was fine with giving them money, and chose to grant them life, while he sentenced the blue states to death. He venomously accused blue states of wanting money for other reasons besides the coronavirus and accused them of wanting “Capitol Hill Republicans” to clean up their messes. McConnell is a very vicious person with no conscience – like Trump. What a cruel and inhumane thing to say during a time when this nation is facing the worse catastrophe in modern history. I will say it again; McConnell and Trump are cut from the same cloth – the cloth of no character with almost a primal quench for power.
Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland, a Republican, responded to Mitch McConnell’s reprehensible statement about states not receiving assistance, said the following: "The last thing we need in the middle of an economic crisis is to have states all filing bankruptcy all across America and not able to provide services to people who desperately need them." Mitch McConnell is quite content in his ruthlessness and is not bothered even in the slightest allowing Republicans in blue states suffer, simply out of his vindictiveness towards Democratic Governors. He and Trump do not care whatsoever about their Republican constituents residing in blue states. Republicans and donors in blue states – take note.
Governor Andrew Cuomo pointed out that some of the states McConnell and Trump blacklisted pay the most money in taxes towards the federal government. Cuomo stated the top five states that contribute to the federal government were; New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut and California. McConnell’s home state was one of the least who contributed to money to the feds – Kentucky is actually one of the poorest states. New York leads the nation in contributing to the federal government’s taxes and treasury. McConnell is malevolent and void of empathy; he has some of the sociopathic tendencies that Donald Trump has. That might explain their symbiotic relationship – no doubt Satan is proud of them both.
The only thing that concerns Mitch McConnell’s is maintaining his position, and the Republican Senate. On March 12, 2020, Mitch McConnell failed to keep the Senate in session through the weekend in order to come up with an emergency aid package to deal with the coronavirus. Instead, he recessed for the weekend and returned home to Louisville, Kentucky; putting his own personal desires ahead of the American people. In addition to the coronavirus, that week the stock market had the worse numbers since the Great Recession. Twitter lit up with the hashtag#WheresMitch? When McConnell finally came up with a package, it was lopsided and predominately favored big business.
Mitch McConnell was paramount in protecting Donald Trump during the impeachment trials, and can be congratulated for decimating the integrity of our constitutional processes. In other words, he could care less about the law and our democratic processes. History will remember McConnell for being the primary figure in aiding and abetting our corrupt president, and for undoing our nation’s checks and balances under the Constitution. The history books will reflect his orchestration from setting one road block after another during the impeachment trial, and for destroying the integrity that once embodied our senatorial processes.
Instead of looking after America’s national security, he placed Trump’s personal needs over our democracy. His loyalty is to Trump and himself only, and quite frankly he does not care if you know it. He circumvented the truth by prohibiting witnesses from testifying at the impeachment trial, so Trump could maintain the office of the presidency. Again, who has ever heard of a major trial with any witnesses? Mitch McConnell has made a mockery of our Constitution, and he is an abomination to the justice system. It’s all fine with him, and like Trump, neither won’t lose any sleep over it.
Stuart Stevens, a Republican political consultant, stated McConnell and his colleagues deserve significant blame for the Trump Administration failed coronavirus response. He elaborated that McConnell and others actually destroyed America’s safety net, and ignored the warnings from scientific experts. Trump hid and watered down the deadly nature of the coronavirus, and McConnell and other Republicans ensured it stayed that way. Stevens said. “It’s an utter disaster for the long-term fate of the Party. The Party has become an obsession with power without purpose.”
McConnell had a role of enabling and allowing Russian meddling in our 2016 election, and holds the same role today with the 2020 election. Being the contemptible senator he is, he will lie to protect whatever is to his benefit so he can maintain power. He continuously stymied efforts to be apprised by national intelligence regarding Russia’s interference four years ago in a shameless effort to keep the truth from coming out.
For nearly 5 weeks in the summer of 2016, C.I.A. director John Brennan tried repeatedly to contact McConnell to discuss Russian security threats to our election. McConnell put out numerous excuses and ultimately told Brennan he would not be available to after Labor Day. He has well earned his nickname, “Moscow Mitch” because he knew a foreign government was interfering in our election, and he did absolutely nothing to address it.
When he could not hide from it any longer, McConnell started telling officials it was too dangerous to discuss Russia’s meddling, which is a lame position. This was to protect Donald Trump – not the American people. It is extremely dangerous is to ignore a formidable nemesis like Vladimir Putin, but McConnell showed he does not have our country interest at heart. Even after the election was over he continued to block attempts to address Russian interference. Susan Rice, who was President Obama’s national security adviser made the following statement about McConnell, "I don’t know for sure why he did it,” “But my guess, particularly with the benefit of hindsight, is that he thought” calling out Russia “would be detrimental to Trump—so he delayed and deflected. It’s disgraceful.”
Mitch McConnell has also earned another nickname “The Grim Reaper,” on Capitol Hill. If he does not like something or is against a bill, he will not take it up for a vote. He has totally circumvented the normal processes as to how the Senate and the House operates. Today’s Senate is barely recognizable from 4 years ago. McConnell has kidnapped over 395 House bills he refuses to bring to the floor for a vote. Do you believe this is what our founding fathers of this nation intended? The Republican Senate led by the unconscionable Mitch McConnell has forfeited our democratic processes to aid and cover up for Donald Trump.
If I had to write about all the corruption, cheating, and circumventing the processes of our government by Mitch McConnell, it would take me a lifetime to write. Rick Wilson, a former Republican strategist was spot on his assessment of McConnell stating he feels no shame for destroying the integrity of the Senate and our democracy. Wilson said, “McConnell has been the most powerful force normalizing Trump in Washington.”
Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump share some significant character traits, and it’s nothing to be proud of. He is heartless, unethical, a venomous manipulator just like Trump. Both are proficient liars (although Trump is a pathological liar), but McConnell typically does not even try to hide his unethical behavior. Trump is a hard core sociopath, whereas McConnell has a good number of sociopathic tendencies and does not possess a moral compass. This far from noble duo is both dangerous and detrimental to our nation and democracy.
McConnell’s reputation was not very good before Trump took office; and is now forever tarnished. He does not care about this, however, because like Trump, he is his own god. In this toxic, undemocratic political climate, these things will only matters to voters with integrity and those who respect our Constitution. What is McConnell’s motivation in all this? It is about maintaining the power he thrives on, and with him the American people will always come in last.