Dear President Bush,
I am writing you about a very serious issue our nation is currently facing. As you likely have surmised by looking at my blog I am not a Republican, but I hope you will continue to read what I have to say anyway. I personally feel it would be remiss of me not to write you, because too much is at stake here. If we were in any other situation with any other president, I would not have this daunting, unshakable need to contact you.
Mr. President, for the first time in American history, our democracy is at stake. I know you realize this – by now you have to know this is true. There is no longer a need to second guess or contemplate if this is a possibility – it is here. The foundation leading to an autocratic state has already been laid by the Trump administration, and now it only requires reelecting Donald Trump to see it through fruition.
Mr. President, you have seen the corruption in our federal government throughout this administration. Surely by now you know the Republican Party you once belong to has mutated and no longer exist. It has taken on a different life form and is barely recognizable today. There is a reason for this and you know exactly what it is.
In August, your spokesperson, Freddy Ford stated you are remaining out of politics and I can certainly understand that. Nevertheless, last week you strayed from that position and public ally endorsed Susan Collins of Maine. This forthcoming election is no longer about being Democrat or Republican. It is no longer about the policies one agrees or disagrees with. With this upcoming election our very democracy is on the line.
If Donald Trump wins the election, the integrity of our democratic processes will be furthered crippled and face extinction. It will pose a grave threat to our democracy, or rather what remains of it. I’ve always wondered how autocratic leaders and nations rise into power; like Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, etc.
Now I can see there is actually a gradual process building up to a dictatorial state. It just does not spring into being overnight. If it had just transpired out of nowhere in the United States, it would be more recognizable and far easier to deal with. Incidentally, Donald Trump praised Putin and Kim Jong-Un in a rally in Des Moines, Iowa yesterday. The more ruthless the leader, the more he esteems him.
The Republican Senate has mutated, and is now exhibiting the same culture and aberrations endemic of the Trump Administration. Senators I would not even in my wildest imagination have stooped to enabling Trump and have assisted in the destruction of our constitutional process. There was one senator, however, who refused to be a willing participant in the profound abuse of congressional protocols. It was the late Senator John McCain.
I ask you to consider why Senator McCain voted against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. John McCain was no proponent of the ACA, but he was against the unfair process led by Mitch McConnell that violated Senate procedures by the time the vote went to the floor. He voted “No” out of principle – for a higher good that superseded his political beliefs or stance on any given policy.
Today, there are mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, and babies dying every day, while our own president continues to pursue every avenue to downplay the virus. Now that Trump claims he has defeated the virus, he is projecting an image that Covid-19 is no big deal, as if everyone can overcome it. Tell that to the over 217,000+ Americans who have lost their lives in the last 7 months. Donald Trump has even made wearing a mask into a political statement, as if it is affront to his ego and presidency. This is not normal, this is not just political – this is evil.
Despite our differences you and I worship the same God, and surely you know a great deal of these actions from the Trump Administration stems from the god of this world. Jesus Christ often stood up for others despite their involvement in acts He did not condone, because there was a higher principle and purpose involved despite their choices. Perhaps the most prominent instance involved the woman was going to be stoned for committing adultery.
I know you disagree with the Democratic Party on issues you feel very strongly about. But if our democracy continues to perish before our very eyes, you must realize your beliefs or positions are not safe either. Do you honestly believe Trump cares about either party agendas? The only thing Donald Trump cares about is himself and what is in it for him. Every single American’s freedom and rights regardless of political party is in jeopardy under the Trump administration.
I am talking about this collision course impacting our entire nation – our Constitution and the democratic processes we once held dear. The world from afar sees our transformation and the decline of America. This is solely to our own detriment. Our adversaries at this precise moment are taking advantage of this – and you know more than most this to be true. Our very way of life is at stake here. Mr. President; surely you have noted and seen the dictatorial process taking shape in the United States.
I am asking you to think about what I am writing here to you today. The Republican Party you once knew will continue its' metamorphosis and reinvented itself if Trump remains in office four more years. I personally do not believe the Republican Party will ever rebound if this happen. I worry the same fate waits for America. What has happened to the Republican Senate? They have placed the needs of Donald Trump over their own constituents. They are impacting both democrats and republicans alike at the expense of the American people
You have organizations like The Lincoln Project who recognizes this – they are Republicans fighting with all they have to keep our democracy alive. They are not democrats – they don’t align themselves with democratic positions on policy. They know the only way to get the Republican Party back to some form of normalcy, is to get Trump out of office before there is no turning back. The life of our democracy is dissipating from our very eyes.
I am asking you to please consider endorsing Joe Biden. I am afraid for the lives of my family and this country. I fear this will be the end of our democracy and we will continue on our course to become at autocratic nation. Look at the recent orchestrations to circumvent voting – flat out blatant violations of the law.
Look at the deliberate actions taken by the Trump administration to misrepresent the coronavirus. Look at the dictatorial actions to silence members on the Coronavirus Task Force from giving interviews to the American public. Look at the misuse of the White House to conduct campaign rallies. All of these things, and countless more I could name, are all the birth pains of a budding dictatorship.
This is not a normal time in our country, nor is this a typical election year. I hope you will give this letter due consideration. I am asking a lot from you, because a lot is at stake is here. You are the one person – the one person who by endorsing Joe Biden will make other fellow Republicans stop and take notice and say – “This is serious business here.”
Your endorsement will clearly indicate there is something gravely wrong with our nation under the Trump administration. I believe it will be a wake-up call, and you will make a real difference. Your action will be just for a season in time. Isn’t that worth the attempt to save our democracy and this country?
Only you can answer that question. You have the right to vote the way you want to, and it is just one more reason why I wrote this letter. I want us as Americans to retain our right to vote. I want for our vote to be counted and not thrown in the trash or a decoy drop off box only to be disposed of. I hope and pray you will think about this – that is all I can ask. Whatever you do, I wish you well. Thank you for the time you served our country as our president.