Being true to form, Donald Trump is still blocking Joe Biden’s team from transitioning into the White House. It is just further evidence Trump has never cared about this country since he first started campaigning in 2016. Any president who has America’s best interest at heart, would insist on allowing the transition process to take place. This would be the case regardless whether one believes the election results should be contested or not.
Trump being a true sociopath is going to stick it to Biden with all he got – even at the expense of the American people. Why would he do this might you ask? Well the answer is simple – he has never cared about America in the first place. He only cares about himself. Donald Trump will never change – there is no surprise here. The only satisfaction one might derive from such a predicament is the idea Trump is making a bigger fool out of himself by being such a poor loser. But it is hard to take satisfaction in his defiance because his actions are having a catastrophic impact on our nation.
During a speech at a news conference in Delaware, Biden stated the Trump administration’s unwillingness to allow a peaceful transition of power will thwart efforts to deliver the Covid-19 vaccine to Americans. The General Services Administration, which is the division which legally commences the transition of power, has taken no action to get the ball rolling. It shows the depth of the maliciousness on part of the Trump Administration as over 12 million Americans have caught the coronavirus, and over a quarter of a million have died in the United States.
I was watching Lawrence O’Donnell a few nights ago, and was shocked to find out Trump has no authority over the General Services Administration; an agency ran by Emily Murphy. This GSA is responsible for starting transitions from one administration to the next. Murphy, who is a Trump appointee, is refusing to set things in motion so Biden’s team can begin preparing to assume the presidential office on January 20. So while more Americans die every day, you can thank Emily Murphy for not allowing the Biden administration to implement their strategy for countering the coronavirus crisis as soon as possible.
In an attempt to save face, Emily Murphy is now telling others she is between a rock and a hard spot. No, not true in the least bit. She absolutely is not in difficult position; it is clear who won the election. Joe Biden won the presidential election – there is no doubt or room for conjecture. The lame supposition she is studying legal precedent is 100% bogus. There is not an ounce of ambiguity to the election anymore.
States are certifying the results and courts are throwing out bogus claims filed by the Trump administration left and right. There is no reason for Emily Murphy's failure to initiate the transition process, which is otherwise known as ascertainment. Murphy knows this, and studying legal precedent is the only excuse she can come up? All of this while she knows she only has two months left in her position, as Americans continue to die from Covid.
The Trump Administration have no regard or concern as to how they are impacting this nation by refusing to cooperate with Biden’s transition team. This whole scenario is outrageous and is rooted in revenge. It shows just how rotten they and those in the Republican Senate really are. They have no conscience, and are willing to let Americans die to satisfy their vindictiveness.
Joe Biden being the decent, gracious man he is, said, “I am hopeful that the President will be mildly more enlightened before we get to January 20." But Biden is wrong on one account; Donald Trump is already enlightened about the coronavirus situation; he just does not care. He lost the election, and in his mind he’s thinking “Screw America. Trump’s morally bankrupt soul will be a constant that will remain with him until the day he dies.
Biden also called out Trump’s quack doctor Scott Atlas for spreading discord and animus towards governors who have mask mandates. The President Elect said, "What the hell's the matter with these guys? What is the matter with them? Resist? "Every major individual of any consequence in the health field is saying we can save" lives through mask mandates.” I don’t know what rock Trump find these wackadoodles under, but he sure knows how to sniff and lure them out into the open.
Joe Biden is imploring Congress to act quickly to assist local and state governments who have suffered unimaginable harm resulting from the coronavirus. Of course, that requires Mitch McConnell to act by bringing a vote to the floor. McConnell in my opinion is just as depraved as Trump; actually more so because he does have his mental faculties. Donald Trump on the other hand is a buffoon, and lacks intellectual reasoning and thought processes. McConnell is only interested in helping red states, and have made statements clearly indicative he takes delight in demise of blue states.
Joe Biden will find a different McConnell than the one he once knew in the past. Moths have borrowed and eaten most of his heart out, and the hounds of hell have now taken residence in his brain. They whisper sweet nothings in his ear, no – I meant they tell him “nothing,” “Nothing, for the stimulus package.” “Nothing for the blue states – let them go bankrupt.” Then the demons and he laugh in concert, as he gives out a ghoulish laugh. You know, similar to the one when he was debating Amy McGrath. If you have not seen the video, I suggest you do. It is chilling.
Trump’s refusal to allow Biden and his team into the White House has resulted in a huge national security issue, in addition to the coronavirus. By now, Biden should be receiving security briefings on a daily basis. History has shown how even in a short duration of time, a president not receiving regular security briefings can have an impact detrimental to our nation.
Back in the year 2000, Al Gore and George W. Bush ran for the presidency. Some may recall the infamous “chad” debacle in Florida, which cast doubt on the election results. It was not made up in thin air, like how Republicans and Trump are trying to propagate today. The election took place November 7, but because of the uncertainty of the results, it was not until December 18 when Bush was declared the winner, and the presidential transition began. It proved to be a costly mistake.
Three years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the 911 Commission Report released in 2004 found the delay in transition of power from President Bill Clinton’s administration to Bush handicapped the U.S. position in handling the terrorist attack. For one thing, President Bush did not have the time to fill key roles in national security, which impacted intelligence significantly. It was neither Clinton or Bush’s doing.
The following recommendations listed below came directly from The 911 Commission Report:
- Since a catastrophic attack could occur with little or no notice, we should minimize as much as possible the disruption of national security policymaking during the change of administrations by accelerating the process for national security appointments. We think the process could be improved significantly so transitions can work more effectively and allow new officials to assume their new responsibilities as quickly as possible.
- A president-elect should submit lists of possible candidates for national security positions to begin obtaining security clearances immediately after the election, so that their background investigations can be complete before January 20.
- The outgoing administration should provide the president-elect, as soon as possible after election day, with a classified, compartmented list that catalogues specific, operational threats to national security; major military or covert operations; and pending decisions on the possible use of force- HOW TO DO IT? 423 . Such a document could provide both notice and a checklist, inviting a president-elect to inquire and learn more.
Do any of the above sound remotely like what the Trump administration is doing? The answer is no.
There is no excuse for the Trump Administration to delay the transition of power to Joe Biden. There was no widespread voter fraud, and the election was not close enough for it to be contested except for Georgia. However, the results there have now been certified.
Christopher Krebs, the individual responsible for the integrity of the election on a federal level came out, and said it was the most secure election in history.Trump shortly thereafter fired him via Twitter. Trump’s actions are more than reprehensible; he continues to weak our national security and the Biden’s team plans to respond to the coronavirus.
Each day that goes by we are more vulnerable to the coronavirus, and to foreign and domestic terrorism. As a matter of fact, experts in national security fields believe America is at a greater risk from domestic terrorism than we are over foreign entities. This of course, is the result of Donald Trump’s racist, hate rhetoric which has boosted hate crimes and white nationalist groups tremendously over the past four years.
Donald Trump does not care about that – his ego is too bloated to accept defeat. I struggle to find words to describe him; nothing seems vile enough, rotten enough, and despicable enough to capture his true essence. Not only does he want to deny the results, but at the same time he wants to leave the White House in shambles for President Elect Joe Biden. Donald Trump is shameless to the core.