Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sorry House Republicans: The Coup d'état Was Unsuccessful


Jim Jordon should had been protecting the young boys at Ohio State from pedophile doctor Richard Straus, instead of asking wrestling Captain Adam DiSabato to cover for Straus. And once again, he sides with evil and worked to overthrow our democracy by protesting the votes of the American people. 

Joe Biden will be our next president. It is a real shame when someone wins a presidential election; yet yesterday most everyone was on pins and needles waiting for the electors of each state to vote. Knowing Trump previously tried to coerce two Michigan officials to undo the election by filing a plethora of lawsuits; I had made up my mind I would not rest until the electors cast their votes. Finally, this crazy chapter in history is closed but will be told for years. 

Expect more sabotage, corruption, plots and schemes from Donald Trump and his cronies until he’s out the door. Yesterday, not even a full hour after the electors voted, like a rabid animal he forced William Barr to resign. Can’t say I feel sorry for him – he got what he deserved for being Trump’s pit bulldog hybrid. But it goes to show what I’ve said all along; if you are in Trump’s orbit, you will eventually be kicked to the curb. 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton brought the lawsuit to overthrow the results of election, but was unanimously struck down by the Supreme Court. Here is a list of the 120 morally bankrupt Republican members of the House of Representatives who tried to pervert our democracy and overthrow the election and the will of the American people. Whether you realize it or not, this is an act of corruption in plain view. 

Each and everyone on this list has deliberately turned their heads away from Donald Trump's blatant corruption, his overt racism, his numerous cases of sexual assault, including several legal actions filed for the rape of a 13 year old girl, and the rape of E. Jean Carol. Trump has blood on his hands for downplaying the coronavirus and taking no real national action to counter it like other countries throughout the world. Every one on this list supports him and his actions.

These House Republican has had a hand in a deliberate attempt to undermine our election system and our democracy; and fully participated in this scheme. They are all responsible, as is Trump for making the American people lose faith in our democracy; solely to benefit themselves. There are going to be severe ramifications for America, as a consequence of these representatives indelible role in this phony facade the election was not sound. Make no mistake - they only care about their positions at the expense of the American people. The desires of the American people are immaterial to them. 

Their are some listed below even more malevolent than the others; they deserve a special and dishonorable recognition. All of them are reprobate and rotten to the core. They give lip service to Jesus Christ, but they are ruled by Satan. But make no mistake - everyone listed are engaged in undermining the will of the people and our right to vote. It may sound harsh but it is true - these people literally are a danger and a threat to our democracy. 

What did Jesus Christ say about such men and women listed below? He said:

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44


Rep. Gary Palmer, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Mo Brooks, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Bradley Byrne, First Congressional District

Rep. Robert Aderholt, Fourth Congressional District


Rep. Andy Biggs, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Debbie Lesko, Eighth Congressional District


Rep. Rick Crawford, First Congressional District

Rep. Bruce Westerman, Fourth Congressional District


Rep. Kevin McCarthy, 23rd Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being a vindictive and malicious man. 

Rep. Doug LaMalfa, First Congressional District

Rep. Tom McClintock, Fourth Congressional District


Rep. Ken Buck, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Doug Lamborn, Fifth Congressional District


Rep. Matt Gaetz, First Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being vindictive and malicious. 

Rep. Ted Yoho, Third Congressional District

Rep. Gus Bilirakis, 12th Congressional District

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, 25th Congressional District

Rep. John Rutherford, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Daniel Webster, 11th Congressional District

Rep. Michael Waltz, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Ross Spano, 15th Congressional District

Rep. Neal Dunn, Second Congressional District


Rep. Doug Collins, Ninth Congressional District

Rep. Rick W. Allen, 12th Congressional District

Rep. Earl Carter, First Congressional District

Rep. Drew Ferguson, Third Congressional District

Rep. Austin Scott, Eighth Congressional District


Rep. Russ Fulcher, First Congressional District

Rep. Mike Simpson, Second Congressional District


Rep. Mike Bost, 12th Congressional District

Rep. Darin LaHood, 18th Congressional District


Rep. James Baird, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Jim Banks, Third Congressional District

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth, Ninth Congressional District

Rep. Greg Pence, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Jackie Walorski, Second Congressional District


Rep. Steve King, Fourth Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being vindictive and malicious. 


Rep. Ron Estes, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Roger Marshall, First Congressional District


Rep. Steve Scalise, First Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being vindictive and malicious. 

Rep. Mike Johnson, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Ralph Abraham, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Clay Higgins, Third Congressional District


Rep. Andy Harris, First Congressional District


Rep. Jack Bergman, First Congressional District

Rep. Bill Huizenga, Second Congressional District

Rep. Tim Walberg, Seventh Congressional District

Rep. John Moolenaar, Fourth Congressional District


Rep. Tom Emmer, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Jim Hagedorn, First Congressional District


Rep. Michael Guest, Third Congressional District

Rep. Trent Kelly, First Congressional District


Rep. Sam Graves, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Vicky Hartzler, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Jason Smith, Eighth Congressional District

Rep. Ann Wagner, Second Congressional District

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, Third Congressional District


Rep. Greg Gianforte, at-large district


Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, First Congressional District

Rep. Adrian Smith, Third Congressional District

New Jersey

Rep. Jeff Van Drew, Second Congressional District

New York

Rep. Elise Stefanik, 21st Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being vindictive and malicious. 

Rep. Lee Zeldin, First Congressional District

North Carolina

Rep. Dan Bishop, Ninth Congressional District

Rep. Ted Budd, 13th Congressional District

Rep. Virginia Foxx, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Richard Hudson, Eighth Congressional District

Rep. David Rouzer, Seventh Congressional District

Rep. Gregory Murphy, Third Congressional District


Rep. Jim Jordan, Fourth Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being vindictive and malicious. 

Rep. Bob Gibbs, Seventh Congressional District

Rep. Bill Johnson, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Robert E. Latta, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Brad Wenstrup, Second Congressional District


Rep. Kevin Hern, First Congressional District

Rep. Mark Wayne Mullin, Second Congressional District - Instigator of malevolent schemes, perpetuating lies, and being vindictive and malicious. 


Rep. John Joyce, 13th Congressional District

Rep. Fred Keller, 12th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Kelly, 16th Congressional District

Rep. Dan Meuser, Ninth Congressional District

Rep. Scott Perry, 10th Congressional District

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, 14th Congressional District

Rep. Glenn Thompson, 15th Congressional District

South Carolina

Rep. Jeff Duncan, Third Congressional District

Rep. Ralph Norman, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Tom Rice, Seventh Congressional District

Rep. William Timmons, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Joe Wilson, Second Congressional District


Rep. Tim Burchett, Second Congressional District

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, Third Congressional District

Rep. Mark Green, Seventh Congressional District

Rep. David Kustoff, Eighth Congressional District

Rep. John Rose, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Scott DesJarlais, Fourth Congressional District


Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Second Congressional District

Rep. Kevin Brady, Eighth Congressional District

Rep. Michael Burgess, 26th Congressional District

Rep. Michael Cloud, 27th Congressional District

Rep. Mike Conaway, 11th Congressional District

Rep. Bill Flores, 17th Congressional District

Rep. Louie Gohmert, First Congressional District

Rep. Lance Gooden, Fifth Congressional District

Rep. Kenny Marchant, 24th Congressional District

Rep. Randy Weber, 14th Congressional District

Rep. Roger Williams, 25th Congressional District

Rep. Ron Wright, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Jodey Arrington, 19th Congressional District

Rep. Brian Babin, 36th Congressional District


Rep. Ben Cline, Sixth Congressional District

Rep. Rob Wittman, First Congressional District

Rep. H. Morgan Griffith, Ninth Congressional District


Rep. Dan Newhouse, Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Fifth Congressional District

West Virginia

Rep. Carol Miller, Third Congressional District

Rep. Alex Mooney, Second Congressional District


Rep. Tom Tiffany, Seventh Congressional District

Other dishonorable mentions: Of course, the quintessential Donald J. Trump, Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham, and the ever hypocritical Fox News - if you want to call it news...

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies  and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.  Proverbs 6:16-19

Republican Senate Once Again Sends Message America is Not Worth Fighting For

  Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick  was bludgeoned to death at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 during a riot incited by former pre...