Saturday, January 9, 2021

Republican Senators and House Members Who Violated Their Constitutional Oath


There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies  and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.  Proverbs 6:16-19

The photo above contains just a small sampling of Republican House members who participated in the insurrection (actually a coup attempt) on January 6, 2021. They played an equal role just as those who stormed the capitol in the riot. These so-called representatives used different methods but their goal was the same - to overthrow our government by violating our Constitution

They desecrated our democracy and cast doubt on America’s voting system without even an ounce of evidence. Their actions have led to irreparable harm for this nation.  It was a deliberate and intentional effort to undermine our democracy and overthrow the election. Every one on the lists in this blog post violated their oath of office.  

Every Republican Senator and House member who voted to overthrow our election assaulted our democracy willingly knew there was no widespread fraud in our election. Each one on the list below destroyed the trust Americans had for our election system; solely in exchange for their political ambitions and agenda. It is depravity at best. 

Each of them has dealt a fatal blow to our democracy, and their actions has exponentially propagated extremism and domestic terrorism on a grand scale. You can’t just blame Trump who is the mastermind behind all this; but they participated in this coup just as much he did. Their actions are reprehensible and without excuse. They pay lip service to Jesus Christ, but they are ruled by Satan. Their actions, behavior and speech demonstrate who their god is. 

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

Make no mistake: not a single person on this list cared enough about our Constitution to protect the integrity of each American’s vote. After 60 court cases brought by the Trump administration across the nation – not one single court found any merit to the false premise there was election fraud. Even the Supreme Court tossed out the ludicrous and unwarranted case filed by the Trump administration.

Not a single one on the list can come before God right this instant and say, “I really thought the election was stolen like Donald Tramp claim.” The God of Heaven and Earth know they would be lying – and they themselves know they are lying. They have thrown our Constitution like it’s a piece of paper to be wadded in the trash. They represent the absolute worse in America and not of one of them should ever be reelected again.

Everyone on this list played a role in an attempt to circumvent our democracy, and lead America into an autocratic nation. They know full well that the election was not rigged, and by voting to discard the electoral votes, it would lead into the installment of a dictator: Donald J. Trump.  What happened January 6, is what we see in other countries with dictators and autocratic leaders.

No one listed below had the decency and integrity to stand up for our Constitution, and they were more than willing to destroy our democracy. They know in their hearts and minds that such actions would demolish our democracy, and install a dictatorial regime. 

Each and every one on this list violated their Constitutional Oath and should resign. They are without integrity or honor, and they are not fit to represent America.

Senators Who Objected:

Ted Cruz (TX) 

Josh Hawley (MO)

Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)

Cynthia Lummis (WY)

John Kennedy (LA)

Roger Marshall (KS)

Rick Scott (FL)

Tommy Tuberville (AL)

House members who objected:

Robert Aderholt (AL)

Rick Allen (GA)

Jodey Arrington (TX)

Brian Babin (TX)

Jim Baird (IN)

Jim Banks (IN)

Cliff Bentz (OR)

Jack Bergman (MI)

Stephanie Bice (OK)

Andy Biggs (AZ)

Dan Bishop (NC)

Lauren Boebert (CO)

Mike Bost (IL)

Mo Brooks (AL)

Ted Budd (NC)

Tim Burchett (TN)

Michael Burgess (TX)

Ken Calvert (CA)

Kat Cammack (FL)

Jerry Carl (AL)

Buddy Carter (GA)

John Carter (TX)

Madison Cawthorn (NC)

Steve Chabot (OH)

Ben Cline (VA)

Michael Cloud (TX)

Andrew Clyde (GA)

Tom Cole (OK)

Rick Crawford (AR)

Warren Davidson (OH)

Scott DesJarlais (TN)

Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)

Byron Donalds (FL)

Jeff Duncan (SC)

Neal Dunn (FL)

Ron Estes (KS)

Pat Fallon (TX)

Michelle Fischbach (MN)

Scott Fitzgerald (WI)

Chuck Fleischmann (TN)

Virginia Foxx (NC)

Scott Franklin (FL)

Russ Fulcher (ID)

Matt Gaetz (FL)

Mike Garcia (CA)

Bob Gibbs (OH)

Carlos Gimenez (FL)

Louie Gohmert (TX)

Bob Good (VA)

Lance Gooden (TX)

Paul Gosar (AZ)

Garret Graves (LA)

Sam Graves (MO)

Mark Green (TN)

Marjorie Greene (GA)

Morgan Griffith (VA)

Michael Guest (MS)

Jim Hagedorn (MN)

Andy Harris (MD)

Diana Harshbarger (TN)

Vicky Hartzler (MO)

Kevin Hern (OK)

Yvette Herrell (NM)

Jody Hice (GA)

Clay Higgins (LA)

Richard Hudson (NC)

Darrell Issa (CA)

Ronny Jackson (TX)

Chris Jacobs (NY)

Mike Johnson (LA)

Bill Johnson (OH)

Jim Jordan (OH)

John Joyce (PA)

Fred Keller (PA)

Trent Kelly (MS)

Mike Kelly (PA)

David Kustoff (TN)

Doug LaMalfa (CA)

Doug Lamborn (CO)

Jacob LaTurner (KS)

Debbie Lesko (AZ)

Billy Long (MO)

Barry Loudermilk (GA)

Frank Lucas (OK)

Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO)

Nicole Malliotakis (NY)

Tracey Mann (KS)

Brian Mast (FL)

Kevin McCarthy (CA)

Lisa McClain (MI)

Daniel Meuser (PA)

Mary Miller (IL)

Carol Miller (WV)

Alex Mooney (WV)

Barry Moore (AL)

Markwayne Mullin (OK)

Gregory Murphy (NC)

Troy Nehls (TX)

Ralph Norman (SC)

Devin Nunes (CA)

Jay Obernolte (CA)

Burgess Owens (UT)

Steven Palazzo (MS)

Gary Palmer (AL)

Greg Pence (IN)

Scott Perry (PA)

August Pfluger (TX)

Bill Posey (FL)

Guy Reschenthaler (PA)

Tom Rice (SC)

Mike Rogers (AL)

Hal Rogers (KY)

John Rose (TN)

Matt Rosendale (MT)

David Rouzer (NC)

John Rutherford (FL)

Steve Scalise (LA)

David Schweikert (AZ)

Pete Sessions (TX)

Jason Smith (MO)

Adrian Smith (NE)

Lloyd Smucker (PA)

Elise Stefanik (NY)

Greg Steube (FL)

Chris Stewart (UT)

Glenn Thompson (PA)

Tom Tiffany (WI)

William Timmons (SC)

Jefferson Van Drew (NJ)

Beth Van Duyne (TX)

Tim Walberg (MI)

Jackie Walorski (IN)

Randy Weber (TX)

Daniel Webster (FL)

Roger Williams (TX)

Joe Wilson (SC)

Rob Wittman (VA)

Ron Wright (TX)

Lee Zeldin (NY)

Republican Senate Once Again Sends Message America is Not Worth Fighting For

  Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick  was bludgeoned to death at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 during a riot incited by former pre...