Wednesday, August 26, 2020

CDC Change of Guidelines Appears to be Grossly Negligent


Until the coronavirus came along, I never realized the head of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are appointees made by the president. Donald Trump appointed the current Director Robert Redfield as the head of the CDC, who resides in Trump's back pocket - and there is the problem. Under normal circumstances with a normal president this would not be an issue. With the corrupt Trump Administration during a pandemic, however; it’s a whole different story. I am not buying the CDC's change in their guidelines about asymptomatic individuals, and many others are not either – including epidemiologists and medical professionals.

Several unnamed sources from the CDC have confirmed the changes came down from the Trump administration. I wonder if it was Mike Pence – after all he is an expert in infectious diseases... Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was in surgery when the changes took place, and he is concerned that the new guidelines underestimate the spread of asymptomatic people. Interesting timing, huh? I mean a pretty much well solidified guideline for months has all of a sudden went – poof into thin air. How about that timing - right during the Republican National Convention? 

Now the CDC is basically saying you can be around someone with Coivd-19 if he or she is asymptomatic, and you will not need to be tested unless you develop symptoms. That is a bunch a bull.  Where is the empirical data backing this assertion? Were there any studies done? Why the change now? The coronavirus numbers in most parts of the nation are well above the numbers back in March and April. What new data has transpired that warrants them changing their position?

Here is what the CDC stated previously on their website:

 "If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) of a person with a COVID-19 infection for at least 15 minutes but do not have symptoms, you do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or State or local public health officials recommend you take one."

Now, they are touting this:

"Not everyone needs to be tested," the agency's website says. "If you do get tested, you should self-quarantine/isolate at home pending test results and follow the advice of your health care provider or a public health professional."

In a previous article I had written, “For Those Who Refuse to Wear a Mask: Why is Life Always About You?” I cite the example of Thomas Macias. He attended a barbecue which he later said it went against his better judgment. A young man also attended the gathering knew he had Covid-19, but was asymptomatic. He told Thomas, but did not think he could spread the virus because he had no symptoms. Thomas was not very happy to hear that news. He became ill and found out later he did indeed caught the virus from the young man. Thomas Macias died shortly afterwards. Twelve other individuals at the barbecue became infected from the one young man who attended the barbecue who was asymptomatic.

Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead for Covid-19, stated the following, “What we’ve outlined are strategies to actively find cases. So we have recommendations to test suspect cases, and in situations where it is feasible and is possible, to expand testing where necessary to really look for the cases so that they could be isolated and contact tracing can ensue.” In essence, she states that testing should be expanded to determine asymptomatic individuals, and to expand contact tracing for those who come in contact of positive cases.  

CDC – Don’t dare tell me and the rest of America that asymptomatic individuals are not capable of spreading the virus. You go talk to Thomas Macias’ family and the countless others who have become ill or died from an asymptomatic individual with the coronavirus. Your organization is supposed to be the experts; not the Trump Administration, or governors, or mayors, or every day Americans. Not long ago, I believe even on your own guidelines it stated 40% of those with coronavirus are asymptomatic and they are primary spreaders of Covid-19.

This is a truly reckless guideline which is placing American lives at jeopardy. Even as a lay person one should immediately recognize this suggestion is ludicrous, and quite frankly is why the CDC cannot be trusted. This organization is Trump’s puppet as much any other federal entity these days. Are there any scientists at the CDC who have the guts to stand up for the truth? The sole purpose of this particular guideline is to get the coronavirus numbers erroneously down before the election. Conducting fewer tests will enable the Trump Administration to falsely claim (they don’t know how any other way), the coronavirus numbers are down more than what they actually are.

I fail to understand why there are so many people quite frankly are blind and stupefied by the Trump Administration. It should be glaringly apparent by now Donald Trump does not cares about the American people, or whether any individual lives or die. He is willing to subject Americans needlessly to the coronavirus just in order to get reelected. He is doing that now with the CDC guidelines, and with his fight against voting by mail. He is just that evil and just that self-serving to let others die simply in an effort to win the presidency again. Sadly, this change in the guidelines will ultimately result in more deaths and the further spread of Covid-19. Our country certainly does not need this – this truly surpasses shamelessness on all levels.   

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