Friday, August 28, 2020

Profile in Corruption: The Dishonorable William Barr U.S. Attorney General


There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.  Proverbs 6:16-19

Just as the writer of Proverbs clocked Donald Trump; he has done so with the perfidious William Barr. Where does one go to seek justice in America when even the top law enforcement official in the land is corrupt? William Barr misuses and abuses his power of attorney general at the whims of Donald Trump. Barr is just as criminal as Donald Trump and quite frankly I cannot even in good conscience call him attorney general. He is only a personal attorney to one person – Donald J. Trump. With his impish grin, Barr repeatedly mocks God as he maligns His name to justify his depravity and lack of ethics.

Barr, like Donald Trump has absolutely no fear of God, and has engaged in a longstanding litany of degenerate, retaliatory acts. How do I know he does not fear Jesus Christ? No person can be engaged in a continuous state of evil and corruption; while at the same time have a reverence for God. It is impossible. To fear the Lord is to hate evil. Proverbs:8:13 I am not talking about something here or there; we all have our vices, myself included, and none of us are perfect. I am talking about a state of being – in William Barr’s case it is a constant state of corruption, vindictiveness, and plotting against others.

I abhor people who uses God’s name to justify evil, and that is exactly what Trump and Barr has done, and will continue to do. I’ve wondered what the late President George H. W. Bush thought of this man he once appointed as an assistant attorney general under his administration. I imagine he would have been mortified at Barr’s complete dismissal and lack of respect for the law. The man he once knew would be barely recognizable today, but I am inclined to believe Bush never really knew Barr’s true lack of character. As morally deficient and venal Barr is now, this evil must have been gestating inside of him for many years.

A side note here: It is ironic the most corrupt presidential administration in American history, who constantly prostitutes the name of God to hide their misdeeds, has come out and criticized Joe Biden for calling them up on it. The Democrats do not view America as "depraved" and "wicked;" they view Trump and his administration as depraved and wicked. And they are, hence the topic at hand, William Barr. I shall continue...

William Barr has a long trail of abusing his position at the behest of Trump. First, he interfered and obstructed justice with the handling of the Mueller investigation and its’ report. His overly redacted report was an effort to protect Donald Trump, which probably required 20 ink cartridges to print one copy. Then, he traveled to Ukraine in an attempt to aid and abet Trump’s extortion scheme against Joe Biden. He ordered the tear gassing of peaceful protesters near St. John’s Church in Washington D.C. to stage a hypocritical photo op. And there’s more – far too much to mention, but time now to touch on his newest retaliatory effort.

The latest directive from Barr; he has ordered the Department of Justice to investigate four states nursing home policies regarding Covid-19. The four states all happen to have democratic governors; Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. What a coincidence! There are however, 14 other states, including Florida and Arizona which have similar policies implemented as the four mentioned above. It is readily apparent after Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer criticized the federal coronavirus response at the Democratic National Convention, the Trump administration retaliated against them. Of course, this was all timed methodically to coincide with the Republican National Convention. I suggest a new acronym for the RNC by the way – Real Nationalist Corruption.

Donald Trump and William Barr do not, nor have they ever gave a rip about those in nursing homes prior to the coronavirus, and they still do not today. They have never cared before whether people live or die without healthcare, and they sure as heck don’t care about it now. They are the ones who failed in their response to the coronavirus, not the states – they need to be investigating themselves. The Trump Administration has failed America and is why we have the poorest coronavirus numbers in the entire world. Countries that have been successful in countering the coronavirus approached it on a national level. This investigation is all birthed out of sheer vindictiveness. Without any doubt – Donald Trump and William Barr are truly contemptible, vengeful men void of any conscience.  

Both Gretchen Whitmer and Andrew Cuomo issued a joint statement regarding the Barr’s vindictive response. I have enclosed it below:

 “This is nothing more than a transparent politicization of the Department of Justice in the middle of the Republican National Convention.  It’s no coincidence the moment the Trump administration is caught weakening the CDC's COVID-19 testing guidelines to artificially lower the number of positive cases, they launched this nakedly partisan deflection. At least 14 states — including Kentucky, Utah, and Arizona — have issued similar nursing home guidance all based on federal guidelines – and yet the four states listed in the DOJ’s request have a Democratic governor.  DOJ should send a letter to CMS and CDC since the State's advisories were modeled after their guidance." 

This blatant show of corruption and retaliation needs to stop before our country is no longer recognizable. America is truly divided, and it is an intentional divide propagated by the Trump Administration. This is the first president ever, Democrat or Republican, that has intentionally sought harm against states that did not vote for him or have Democratic governors. The rest of the world has taken notice of the erosion of America’s democracy during Trump’s and Barr’s tenure. Their corruption has truly weakened America’s credibility and position on a global level, and this will ultimately impact our lives in the United States.

In July 2020, a group of 27 prominent lawyers in Washington D.C. filed a complaint, requesting William Barr’s license to practice law be revoked. The basis of the complaint is regarding his lies, his dishonesty by omission, and lack of ethics. William Barr has violated his duty as a public official by putting the needs and interests of Donald Trump over the need of the American people. One issue in the complaint, pertained to when Barr lied by stating the Mueller Report absolved the president of Obstruction of Justice. To protect Trump, Barr attacked the IG by stating the FBI had no basis for its’ 2016 counterintelligence investigation into Russia. Over 1,000 prosecutors validated the complaints in the Mueller Report were credible. The list goes on and on, and will continue to grow as long as the malevolent William Barr is office.

Today’s Republican Senate has bartered and sold their souls to Trump and Barr, and they like the Trump Administration are destitute of integrity and honor. They are impotent cowards. George Will in an impeccable opinion piece in the Washington Post, nailed how Republican senators behave towards Trump, “Voters must dispatch his congressional enablers, especially the senators who still gambol around his ankles with a canine hunger for petting." Are we as Americans not seeing what is actually materializing before our eyes? No one dictator springs into action over night; there is always a gradual metamorphosis into an authoritarian government. Trump would be nowhere without our so-called attorney general William Barr assistance. I’m not sure how much his alliance with Trump will help him in the next world to come.

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