Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Michelle Obama Nailed Donald Trump’s Lack of Character at the DNC


Michelle Obama could not have done a better job than what she did Monday night at the Democratic National Convention. She squarely addressed the most serious and dangerous flaws in Trump’s presidency – his lack of character and his inability to comprehend facts. These two self-defining traits of Donald J. Trump’s character will never change, and if he is elected in 2020, the one thing I can guarantee is things are going to get far worse.

I think the most significant and relevant factor Michelle Obama made is simply this – Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States. He is incapable of running this country. Not only does he lack the skills to do so, but he is profoundly immature. By no means am I trying to be flippant, but even most teenagers are more mature than Trump. When one read his tweets and his responses, the verbiage conveys extreme ignorance and a shocking level of immaturity. This is the United States of America and we have a president who conducts himself as if he is in the sixth grade. This is unacceptable, but more importantly, dangerous for our nation.

Obama conveyed the critical need for a president to have a sound mind and clear thought processes. Equally important is the need to be in possession of a moral compass. As she said, a president must have the ability to comprehend data and complex issues. Every one of the aforementioned traits are absent in Donald Trump. In order to be president, one needs critical thinking skills, a working knowledge of other world countries and leaders, and the ability to made sound judgments.  Michelle Obama was right; it is also imperative for a president to be a good listener. A president cannot go on conniption fits and become unglued as Trump, simply because someone’s viewpoint differs from his own.

Donald Trump is the absolute worse president any country could have during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, the U.S. is stuck with him for now. As Michelle Obama pointed out, a president needs a sense of morality which Trump is devoid of. Trump’s response or rather lack of, has resulted in over 170,000 deaths, and over 5.5 million cases in the just the U.S. alone. We have the worst numbers upon this entire planet. Our numbers leave China in the dust – the point of origin for Covid-19, which the country has a population of 3.4 billion people. Our numbers are downright disgraceful.

Trump initially focused his efforts on hiding the coronavirus and downplaying its significance, which he even continues to do so even today. It is reprehensible and depraved for a U.S. president to hide and minimize a deadly pandemic, and its looming impact on America to protect himself. When this thing hit – Trump left our governors to fend for themselves, and even fight and compete over each other for PPE (personal protection equipment). That is unconscionable, pathetic, and is inexcusable on the federal government’s part. No one state was equipped to handle this crisis on its own, without resources and adequate guidance from the federal government. Every reputable scientist and epidemiologist has repeatedly and consistently said the only way to adequately approach the virus in on a nationwide level.  

Our country is in great peril. Michelle Obama nailed the grave vulnerabilities America is facing with Trump as our president. God forbid he wins again, because in four years this country will be almost unrecognizable. Michelle identified the pain so many of us are facing; and I was glad she acknowledge the pain over losing what so many Americans fought for during the Civil Rights Era. To lose so many lives only to experience what seems like a flux back in time, is utterly heartbreaking. Understandably, it has truly produced a great sense of hopelessness and despair in this country.

Donald Trump is a racist, and I dare say the overwhelming majority who support him are racist. That is why Trump appeals to such a broad group of people; even many who profess to be Christians are avid supporters of him. In truth, I believe many people at one time or another have harbored some form of prejudice. What’s important is people deal with it and ultimately excise it from their lives. But when you hold on to prejudices and justify racism, that’s a different story. Whereas prejudice often emanate from ignorance, racism comes from a spirit of hate. Donald Trump’s racism has manifested into action repeatedly for years, and is indisputable. A president should be for all Americans and not just for a select group.

I believe the most poignant statement Michelle Obama made of the evening was; “As I've said before, being president doesn't change who you are; it reveals who you are.”  There is no mistaken who Donald Trump is – he has broadcast what he is made of to the world and everyone has heard him loud and clear. His profound ignorance, his racism, his callousness, his pathological lying, his degradation of women, his immaturity, his contempt for blue states, his lack of empathy for life, and above all else his inability to lead this country is on full display. Thank you Michelle Obama for your forthrightness and eloquence in the speech you gave at the DNC – I do not believe you could had done any better in describing the dire circumstances this nation is facing. I just hope and pray America listens.

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