Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Significance of President Barack Obama’s DNC Speech


In the past four years, every time I’ve heard the voice of President Barack Obama, I stopped dead in my tracks to listen. I can’t help but to grieve over the loss of what was once normal times, and how I miss the voice of what a real president sounds like. The contrast between Obama and Donald Trump are diabolical. Obama is faithful to America, Trump faithful only to himself. Obama, is a moral human being; is immoral. Obama is intelligent; Trump is void of intellect. Obama was a watchdog for our national security; Trump is a watchdog for his own self-interest. These two men are opposites; a poignant example of good versus the depraved.

Even when I hear President George W. Bush who I did not vote for and President Bill Clinton on television, I am taken back to a time when presidents were – well, presidents. I derive a sense of comfort from hearing them speak, even though the comfort is fleeting. As President Barack Obama spoke, a rabid Donald J. Trump fired off a string of tweets only to further demonstrate himself as an unhinged, deeply immature man incapable of leading the United States. He could not have proved Obama’s point any better if he had tried.  “It is what it is” as Trump callously said when commenting about the number of coronavirus deaths. Trump is what he is; a malevolent and idiotic man – making for a disastrous combination in the White House.

President Obama laid it on the line just what is at stake for our democracy – and we are on the verge of losing it. I can assure you, I am not being an alarmist here or trying to be overly dramatic. People are starting to say that our democracy is a facade. Trump and his administration have thumbed their noses at our constitution, and have adopted their own rules outside the frame of our democracy. The Republican Party has stood by and let it happened. Even worse, they have enabled it. We are truly at a crossroads that will redefine America if Trump is reelected. Our standing domestically and abroad will deteriorate even further.  

Trump has already laid the foundation for an autocratic state, and he will be sure to build on it if he is reelected. With unethical William Barr in Trump’s back pocket, who sold his soul a long time ago, America has no one to turn to for justice. When the top law enforcement in the land is corrupt, you are essentially screwed. William Barr is Trump’s Attorney General, not America’s Attorney General. Trump has carte blanche to whatever he chose to; his enablers Mike Pence, the Republican Senate and Barr will see to it.

America today is not the America that existed four years ago – and no, I am not just talking about the coronavirus. President Barack Obama had no choice to defend our democracy against Trump; at this point and time he would have been remiss not to. This is no longer about being a Democrat or a Republican – it is about saving our country before it is too late. Joe Biden is absolutely right – this is about saving the soul of America. We have travailed into moral bankruptcy, in full display of an entire world that no longer respects us. America is the brunt of jokes now, and our relationships with our allies are hanging on by a thread. In truth, most of our allies have left America in the dust, and no longer consider there is anything to gain by their alliance with us.

President Obama stated in his speech at the DNC in reference to Trump, “For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves. Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't." He absolutely nailed it. Donald Trump is simply unfit to be president and is incapable of leading our country.

Former President Obama speech in contrast to Trump’s rapid succession of tweets, not only exemplified what a real president sounds like, but displayed the difference between a man and a spastic child. It is imperative for a president to at the least be mature enough to deal with other people – Trump is incapable of this. He does not work with others – he rules other. He thinks that’s a good thing – I have no doubt Milton is his favorite poet. Trump will always respond to criticism in a venomous, unhinged, ignorant, fact less, and immature manner. In that regard, he never fails to disappoint.

I was deeply moved watching President Obama’s speech, because it became apparent this unfortunate tenure of Donald Trump has grieved him deeply. Never before in American history had a U.S. president been put in a position to plead for our democracy and the sanctity of this nation. Every other living president, although not to extent Obama, has made some remarks that are indicative of their disdain for the corruption within Trump administration. In the end, the only legacy Donald Trump will leave is a legacy of hate and destruction. President Barack Obama conveyed that in no uncertain terms. America’s hope and future is totally dependent on Joe Biden winning the election.

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