New York City, you are strong. You faced the evil plotted by Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001- and you persevered. Now, you are facing evil once again, this time by our president who is plotting to defund your city out of spite - but you are resilient. The world is watching - and so is God. I am thinking of you and those who were lost on 9/11. I stand with you NYC, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Governor Andrew Cuomo. You are not forgotten and are in my prayers.
Donald Trump is deliberately defunding New York City solely out of vindictiveness and spite. Al-Qaeda terrorists victimized NYC on 9/11; now Trump has victimized this city once again by striking at the heart of its' economic stability. He does not care who he hurts in the process, and it is a clear sign of a very dangerous individual who just happens to be our president. What kind of American president would deliberately sabotage and intentionally hurt the city and its’ people renowned as the heart of America? What kind of president who would intentionally harm any American city? The answer is a very ruthless and malevolent one.
I can assure you this is not about “Law and Order,” but let’s just for a second pretend that it is. How can crime levels go down when this avenging president cuts funding to mass transit, schools, city government, etc.? This entire orchestration is an effort to appease the evil that resides within Trump – his hunger to retaliate. It is evident Donald Trump has no problem hurting fellow Republicans who reside New York City because they will be impacted by his actions as well. The only thing that matters to Donald Trump is satisfying his revenge.
His motive behind defunding New York City is out of retaliation for Andrew Cuomo’s and Bill de Blasio’s comments about Trump’s failed, botched coronavirus response. Newsflash Trump – most people are well aware of your lack of response to the coronavirus; domestically and abroad. It’s not a secret anymore. Donald Trump is willing to let a city over 8 million people suffer just for his own personal wrath against Cuomo and de Blassio. Never in the history of America have such a brazen display of vindictiveness and malevolence been exhibited by a U.S. president. In truth, what he is doing is actually a form of extortion; it is tantamount to saying “Stop criticizing me or I am going to punish you.” As long as it is not Trump himself, he does not care how many people he harm.
There is a implacable cruelty about this move by Trump, which is truly indicative of the hole in his soul, and how evil of a person he is. To make this move right before September 11, for a city who will be forever scarred by what happened 19 years ago is despicable. I wonder if people truly realize what a danger Donald Trump poses to our nation. Do you want a president who would deliberately destroy an American city just to exact his revenge? Do you really want someone this vicious to be your president? Trump knows he will not win the vote in New York, so he is comfortable with even throwing his own constituents under the bus.
Do you remember the economic impact that resulted from the terrorist attacks when the World Trade Centers were destroyed? Trump is going to cause economic consequences just like Al-Qaeda did by destroying New York City’s economy out of spite. Let me clarify – I am not in this instance referring to lives lost, I am now referring to economic consequences. There is nothing comparable to the lives lost that day. New York is just as significant to the American economy now as it was to then. If you recall, the economic upheaval back then impacted the entire United States. Donald Trump’s vindictive actions will inflict more damage to the economy; he is a terrorist to his own country – he is a traitor.
That the Republican Senate has allowed this to happen is unforgiveable, and it is further evidence of their corruption by this president and his administration. How can any decent American senator stand by and allow this vicious act to transpire? It is inexcusable. If you are a Republican, or if you have people you care about whom live in NYC, you need to contact your senators even if they are not from New York. Make no mistake -Trump’s quest for revenge will eventually impact the rest of this country.
We must stand up for what is right, because Donald Trump does not care about anyone other than himself. That should be readily apparent by now. This man does not even care about veterans; calling them “losers” and “suckers.”Their sacrifice means nothing to him. Trump does not care about crime in NYC or anywhere else for that matter. This whole “Law and Order” rhetoric is a diversionary tactic to draw attention away from the coronavirus. His revenge will be at the expense of millions of people. If he was actually trying to curtail crime, why would he defund an entire city? That will just make crime increase tenfold. He knows this is not about crime – it is about his rancorous attempt to even the score.
Donald Trump is the very thing he supposedly cries out against with his new manta, “Law and Order.” He has been accused of being a criminal himself; with legal charges filed against him for raping a 13 year old girl, for the rape of E. Jean Carroll, and for a substantial number of cases filed against him for sexual assault. He was impeached and found guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and obstruction of justice by the House of Representatives. He has lied and cheated with his taxes, and he tried to extort the president of Ukraine. If that is not enough, he and William Barr are now trying to get people to vote twice – which everyone should know is illegal. Their goal is to make neither vote count.
Donald Trump is a vile, cruel man, and he has turned on many people who supported him at one time or another in his administration. Trump supporters need to take note; he will turn on them without hesitation if it benefits him. He is turning his back on Trump supporters in New York, so what would make anyone think he would not turn on others who support him? Trump is never beholding to anyone – not even God. If he does not care about the men and women who sacrifice their lives for our country, than that should tell you anyone is gain. What kind of President would turn his back on an entire city and punish them because he does not like the mayor or the governor of that state? I will tell you - only one who is malevolent, vindictive and morally bankrupt.