Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Words escape me on this one, nothing seems quite adequate. Every time I think Donald Trump could not possibly go lower – he does. His blatant disrespect for our veterans and those serving in our military is deplorable. It is deeply offensive and disturbing to find out for years he has been referring to veterans and those serving in the military as “losers” and “suckers.” He does not care about one single life lost while serving our country – it means nothing to him. It is the most disparaging, rotten thing I have ever heard regarding the men and women who put their lives on the line for this country. Yet, this comes from our Commander in Chief.
I will write another article soon about this, but I want for now to include a post written by Captain C.B. Sully Sullenberger. His name may sound familiar to some. He is the airline pilot who landed a commercial jet in the Hudson River in 2009; which became known as “The Miracle of the Hudson.” Tom Hanks played him in a movie called, “Sully.”
Captain Sullenberger has been a Republican all of his life, but is urging for Americans to vote for Joe Biden. He knows Trump is unfit for the presidency, and is destroying our democracy. He knows we are in the most dangerous time our nation has ever faced. I am including a recent post Captain Sullenberger made on his Facebook page below:
Captain C.B. Sully Sullenberger
I am a veteran. I volunteered for military service during wartime. So did my father. His generation saved the world from fascism.
In our travels, my wife Lorrie and I have always made it a point to visit military bases, hospitals and cemeteries, to meet and honor those who serve and have served our nation.
I have long known that serving a cause greater than oneself is the highest calling, whether in the military or in civilian life. And I have always tried to be a voice of reason and to speak in a measured way.
But this situation calls for a much more direct approach. It is time to call out egregious behavior for what it is.
For the first time in American history, a president has repeatedly shown utter and vulgar contempt and disrespect for those who have served and died serving our country.
While I am not surprised, I am disgusted by the current occupant of the Oval Office. He has repeatedly and consistently shown himself to be completely unfit for and to have no respect for the office he holds.
He took an oath of office that is similar to the one that each person takes who enters the U.S. Military. But he has completely failed to uphold his oath.
Now we know why. He has admitted that he cannot comprehend the concept of service above self.
He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward. He cannot feel duty because he is disloyal.
We owe it not only to those who have served and sacrificed for our nation, but to ourselves and to succeeding generations to vote him out.