Saturday, September 5, 2020

Trump’s Law and Order Rhetoric Showcases His Own Failures


I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" "It's, like, incredible." Donald J. Trump

Trump paints a dismal picture of crime running rampant throughout the country. From east coast to west coast; from state to state, no – wait a minute…not state to state…, more like from blue state to blue state, skipping the red states in between. Trump has also concluded crime is even higher in the blue states that have governors he dislike. What a coincidence! As a matter of fact, I am seriously waiting any day now for Trump to say there is no crime in red states period.

At every nook and turn he is yelling from the roof tops, “Law and Order, “Law and Order.” His declarations and sense of urgency invoke images from a Sci-Fi movie; with unconventional cars, dangling store signs, and barren city streets. His voice is akin to Orson Welles’s broadcast of War of the Worlds; but in this case Trump is intentionally trying to incite fear. 

Trump is parroting this “law and order” rhetoric in an effort to draw attention away from his failure to address the coronavirus.  It is solely the Trump Administration’s fault for not addressing the virus on a national level as scientist urged in the first place. All other major countries in the rest of the world did so, and they are in far, far better shape than we are. Donald Trump is running from his failure, and he wants you to forget it about it to. Donald Trump does not care about crime unless he is the victim – he’s quite cozy and fine being the perpetrator.

"The violence you're seeing in Donald Trump's America. These are not images from some imagined 'Joe Biden's America' in the future. These are images from Donald Trump's America today.” Joe Biden

Donald Trump once said and I quote: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" "It's, like, incredible." Seriously, do that sound like a “Law and Order” president? Good ole crime boss Trump is the real catalyst behind higher crime rates. Just remember this “Law and Order” president has been impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and for obstruction of justice. Almost everyone who worked on his previous campaign has been plagued with criminal charges; so it begs the question, “Why have so many who worked for Donald Trump faced criminal charges?” The answer is quite simple – he is a criminal who surrounds himself with a criminal network.

Trump, with his lack of cranial development has failed to compute this so-called rise in crime has all transpired on his watch. He is actually shooting himself in the foot with this latest "Law and Order" gimmick. Crime has gone up significantly since he was elected president nearly 4 years ago. Let’s see Trump, when you first assumed the office of the presidency, you didn’t complain very much about crime in the U.S. The only thing you were spouting off like the Energizer Bunny was “crooked Hilary” "crooked Hillary" on “repeat.”

One more year turns into two, three, and you never addressed crime; except for when it pertains to your inner circle being charged with federal crimes. And you pretty much pleaded the fifth on those occasions. Now it is time for the election; and lo and behold; according to you crime has accelerated like the sonic boom. The greatest irony of it all – you are the reason behind the high rates in crime. Donald Trump’s dangerous rhetoric has spawned hate crimes significantly, and is by far the primary reason why there is so much unrest in this country.

Here is one quip our president recently said at the New Hampshire Trump rally on August 28, "Today's Democratic Party is full of hate ... protesters, your ass. They're not protesters ... they're agitators, they're rioters, they're looters." Yeah, wow – peaceful protesters are now looters? Yet, white nationalist Trump supporters sporting weapons are good, stand-up people. Trump calls peaceful protesters criminal – (and I thought it was the white nationalists who were always expressing concern about freedom of speech). Trump fits right in with his white nationalist buddies, but wants to deny peaceful protesters their right of free speech. No surprise from the world’s worst hypocrite.

Tim Murtaugh, another spineless man of Trump’s making, said the following; “Make no mistake: These are left-wing terrorists and Joe Biden voters." Such dangerous rhetoric from Murtaugh and Trump only sets the stage for more animus and incidents to follow. It is not hard to see how the break down in law and order clearly emanates from Donald Trump, and the weak, impotent men who enable him. He has divided this country, and he is responsible for the increase in crime which has all transpired on his watch. 

In Portland, Oregon, on August 30, a man was killed as protesters against police brutality and Trump supporters clashed.  A white nationalist Trump supporter with the insignia of Patriot Prayer (yeah, that’s rich), was unfortunately shot and killed. Yet, our illustrious president decided to blame the incident on Portland’s mayor Ted Wheeler and the peaceful protesters. Wheeler was spot on in a press conference that Trump is the very one who has created hate and division in this country. What is so appalling, Trump is intentionally dividing America to increase his chance of winning the election. What kind of immoral, depraved person would disrupt the lives of millions of people, and intentionally fan the flames of racial hatred just in order to be reelected as president?

The Southern Poverty Law Center cited a surge in hate groups in 2018, with an increase of 30% that has been attributed to Donald Trump’s hate rhetoric. This is subsequent to a 3 year decline in rates when President Barack Obama was in office. If you think it is impossible for one man to change the course of a nation, than you must have never heard of Adolph Hitler. I have no doubt Trump is a big fan, given he and Mike Pence hire white nationalists (Stephen Miller and his wife, Steve Bannon, etc.) on their staff.

By the way, a new report came out September 3, by the US Crisis Project which is comprised of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University, that state 93% of all the protests since George Floyd’s death have been peaceful. The data was analyzed during real time as the protest actually occurred. So Trump’s frothed proclamation that Black Live Matters protest spawns violence is bogus, just like 99.9% of everything else he says.

You think the president of the United States would have attempted to calm both sides down in the Portland incident, and made a push for unity. Not Donald Trump. Trump praised and encouraged his white nationalist supporters and their violent reactions towards the protesters, instead of condemning the parties who were involved. That is unconscionable.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown made the following statement: "But despite the President's jeers and tweets, this is a matter of life and death. Whether it's his completely incompetent response to the pandemic, where nearly 200,000 have died, or his outright encouragement of violence in our streets: it should be clear to everyone by now that no one is truly safe with Donald Trump as President," She is absolutely right; our country is very unstable at this time. This lends the opportunity for foreign governments to take advantage of America’s weakened status - primarily Russia.

Let’s look at some characteristics of supposedly “Law and Order” Trump and just a sampling of crimes he has committed and been accused of:

  • Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of the United States.                                
  • Trump was impeached for by the House of Representatives for high crimes and misdemeanors, and for obstruction of justice. 
  • Trump has incited violence between peaceful protesters and Trump supporters.      
  • Trump has emboldened white nationalist and refuses to condemn their actions.
  • Trump ineptness in handling the coronavirus have left millions of people unemployed in the U.S. (many dead too), which invariably from a sociological perspective results in higher crime rates.
  • Trump had a lawsuit filed against him by a woman who claimed he raped her at 13 years old on several occasions. The complaint alleges the rapes were set up by none other than Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Donald Trump has several lawsuits filed by women who claim he has sexually assaulted them.
  • Donald Trump has been accused by over 20 women for sexual assault. The number of victims has to be much higher given his free admission of “grabbing women by the pus-y,” and the women who chose not to come forward
  • Donald Trump has lied and cheated on his taxes (hey, that’s a crime). Remember Al Capone? No worries, Barr won’t let that happened – he has sold his soul both to Trump and Satan.
  • Donald Trump has fanned the flames of racial hatred in this country, therefore inciting hate crimes all across the country since he has taken office.
  • Trump and his criminal AG William Barr wants people to vote twice which is illegal.

Donald Trump is the last person on earth who who should talk about high crime rates. So I must ask you Trump, since you are such a great president, how is it you’re just now claiming there is rampant crime in the streets?” How did you screw up so bad in the past 4 years that you have brought the U.S. to the brink of destruction? Why are you only now crying out “Law and Order?” What have you done to make America so destitute of crime since you’ve taken office? Why didn’t your level of “concern” manifest earlier, instead of just now before the election, or even before the coronavirus?” Where the heck have you been? This culmination of events has all happened on your watch. In your ignorance and utter stupidity, you fail to realize your “Law and Order” battle cry is actually a condemnation of yourself and how you have screwed up the past 4 years.

Trump’s base is comatose by whatever Kool-Aid he serves them, and they will lap up whatever he says no matter what. I guess that’s why he brags he can shot someone on Fifth Avenue and it wouldn’t matter. His staunch racism appeals to his base, as it does to the Republican Senate and the vast majority of those who vote for him. I believe his racist dogma is really at the core why people vote for him – he provides the salve for the white racist. He speaks for his constituents with the words they don’t have to the guts to express themselves. He represents their hate, and they can live vicariously through his vile expressions.

Why was Donald Trump not crying out for law and order almost 4 years ago? Crime had to be an acceptable level back then, but since he has been at the helm things have deteriorated rapidly. In truth, people are far more worried about the coronavirus and their survival, than they are crime rates.  Not that crime rates are not important, but let’s keep it real - this whole country is in critical condition because of Donald J. Trump. The only way to restore law and order is to remove him, and his vile, corrupt Administration out of the oval office. Only then will America will be able to heal, because Donald Trump is the true source of the crime. America is at a real crossroad, and Trump’s removal is the only hope we have of saving our democracy and our country.

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