I would imagine Trump won’t be calling the cornavirus a hoax anymore, although I would never rule it completely out. I am not surprised to learn that even after finding out Hope Hicks caught Covid-19, Trump continued with his regular schedule as planned. The CDC and NIH state if you have been around someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus, that you should quarantine yourself for at least 10 to 14 days. Trump chose not to. Of course the assumption is he caught the coronavirus from Hope Hicks, but it is possible he may have had it before she was diagnosed.
Instead, he continued to meander around the country, and continued to exposed more people to the coronavirus. So in essence everyone he was around on September 30, and from October 1-2 may be infected with Covid-19. Donald Trump is a sociopath, so we already knew he would not care whether or not he gives the coronavirus to anyone else. He certainly has shown no empathy for the over 210,000 Americans who have died, and he is now part of the 7.6 million cases within the United States. He should consider himself lucky that his case is mild, although in truth that could possibly change.
For those who saw Donald Trump during his campaign trip or attended his rally in Duluth, Minnesota; I will advise you to dismiss his statements the coronavirus is practically over. It is your choice to continue to believe his lies; but you should consider getting yourself tested. If you don’t care about yourself or others; I hope you will at least think of your family. You could give this virus to someone you love, and they could possibly die from it. Do you think you could live with that?
It is so tragic Trump supporters are unable to realize he has no respect for them or anyone else. At the very least after learning of Hope Hick’s contracting the virus, he should have canceled his upcoming engagements. Seriously, if the man said in front of everyone in a meeting, he does not want to shake your "disgusting hands," than I doubt anything will convince you that he does not care about you. You should think better of yourselves than to allow and stand by a president who demeans you, and is not even concerned about your welfare. Donald Trump has one concern – himself.
Trump and others in administration flew to New Jersey Thursday to attend a fundraiser at his golf club in Bedminister. It was said he came in contact with many people throughout the day, and even hosted a round-table discussion with his campaign supporters. All of this knowing full well Hope Hicks had not only tested positive, but was ill with significant symptoms. It was unconscionable he did not cancel these events and quarantine, and instead chose to risk spreading Covid-19 to other individuals.
Even those in Trump’s inner circle and his administration sat on the knowledge Hope Hicks had tested positive. They did their best to conceal it from the public until it was no longer possible. Slate.com stated the following, “Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who was also on the plane to Minnesota with Hicks, held a briefing with reporters without wearing a mask as if nothing was wrong.” McEnany and other members in the administration have left the country in the dark about details of Trump’s condition today. I suspect this is likely at Trump’s request, because it is important to him not to appear “weak.”
Wake up America! You cannot possibly believe this is right, unless you share the same sociopathic tendencies Donald Trump has. This man, who now has Covid-19 hid the coronavirus from the American people, until he could no longer hide it. Even as of this very week before he tested positive, he continues to downplay the deadly nature of the coronavirus and its’ significance.
He continued to travel, knowing he was in very close contact with someone who had tested positive from Covid-19 before, Hope Hickes. However, there is a growing body of facts that are starting to indicate Trump may had contracted the virus during a White House Rose Garden ceremony for newly appointed nominee Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barret. Donald Trump will be fine – his symptoms are mild, and his trip to Walter Reed Hospital is just precautionary. Trump has summoned all possible treatments available to be at his disposal; even treatments that have been reserved for the most severe cases. There is only one life Trump fears for, and that is his own.
From the very beginning which has been validated by Bob Woodward’s tapes, Donald Trump has downplayed the coronavirus. When it first hit the United States he did his best to hide it from the American people. He minimized the danger, at one point stated it would only infect like 5 people or so, and than just disappear. He encouraged others not to wear masks, and continued to have rallies and events without social distancing. It is ironic his very stance and lack of protocol on a daily basis led to Donald Trump catching Covid-19 himself.
Since Donald Trump been diagnosed with the coronairus he has moved heaven and earth to acquire everything possible to treat his condition. Donald Trump received top notch medical treatment one day after founding out he tested positive for the coronavirus. Prior to Thursday, it has been said Trump tested 3 times a day at a minimum since the pandemic started in America. He also received an experimental polyclonal antibody cocktail yesterday from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. He is now receiving the drug Remdesivir at Walter Reed Hospital. Both the antibody drug from Regeneron and Remdesivir have been used only in severe cases - until now.
Scientist and epidemiologist are now estimating that 85%-90% of the people who died from the coronavirus in the U.S. would still be alive today if Trump had not concealed and downplayed the coronavirus to the American people. If only Donald Trump had endeavor with even a ¼ of the sense of urgency he has for himself, and granted that disposition to the Americans who have succumb to the coronavirus. If he only he would had equipped the governors of each state and had provided federal testing, PPE, and other resources starting in March, the trajectory of the virus would be much different than what it is today. It would have literally saved well over a 180,000 lives and likely more.