"The king shall do as he pleases, exalting himself and making himself greater than any god; he shall utter dreadful blasphemies against the God of gods. He shall prosper only till divine wrath is ready, for what is determined must take place. He shall have no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one in whom women delight; for no god shall he have regard, because he shall make himself greater than all. Daniel 11:36
And so you have it – a self-declared god does not have to play by the rules. The debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was a circus – a flat out disaster. It reminded me of when you have a poor connection with a video or something you’re watching on a television and the sound and picture weaves in and out. It was not a real debate; it was the oratory of one –a self-appointed god by the name of Donald Trump. It was not Chris Wallace and Joe Biden’s fault; they were made privy to an unhinged lunatic who just happens to be the president of the United States.
Donald Trump boasted at one time he was the “chosen one;” the pivotal question is the chosen one of who or what? Because I stand before God this very moment and tell you unequivocally God did not choose him. God does not author evil. That leaves only one power left - Satan. Jesus said you will recognize them by their fruits, and Trump’s fruit is putrid, rotten, and rancid beyond recognition.
Donald Trump is indeed the chosen one – the chosen one to divide America, and lead us down a path of destruction. He and the Republican Senate who enables him, is the mechanism behind what is rapidly destroying our democracy. By now if you can’t see that, it is simply because you just don’t want to. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, this should deeply concern you.
The debate clearly showcased the monster the Trump Administration and the Republican Senate has created – the new and unimproved Donald Trump. Through the process of fruition and nurturing a depraved, pathological liar and narcissist, you can thank the Republican Senate for their creation of this nightmare president. Trump has to take blame for his actions, and he is by all counts the one ultimately at fault. But this crazy display the world witnessed while watching the debate, is the manifestation of Trump having four years going unchecked and not being held responsible for anything. Compare the vibrato of Trump debating Hillary Clinton, and this off the chart lunatic fringe show Tuesday night, and there is the proof.
At times I feel like I have been transported to a different dimension or place in time – a double dose of the Twilight Zone. The debate Tuesday night took on a surreal quality in my mind, and it just did not seem real. Even calling it a circus does not do it justice. How have our nation declined to this point? How can the United States of America have a president like Donald J. Trump? The pertinent question is why are we allowing this? No wonder the rest of the world thinks of America as a joke now and I don’t blame them. Throughout history have you ever seen any other president or in any person in a governmental capacity throughout this entire world behave as immature and reckless as Donald Trump?
Putting all the other candidates aside for now, including Biden, I fail to understand why someone this depraved, idiotic, and lacking knowledge can be seen as being fit for office. A man with the blood of over 205,000 Americans on his hands is not even being held accountable. If only he had provided a federal response to the coronavirus, as oppose to suppressing and hiding the truth from us, we would be in a very different place today.
We are not talking about a reality show here; this is our country with real consequences at stake. This man is out of control and he is a danger to our nation. Trump’s base does not realize the grave danger we are in. The Republican Senate on the other hand, have taken that risk and gambled to our own detriment.
Donald Trump cannot contain himself – I don’t care what the situation is. It is vital to have a president who does not come unglued and can keep his temper in check to some degree. Trump is incapable of doing this. Trump does not care about anyone other than himself, and he does not care whether he goes postal in a debate, or if it’s while discussing something with foreign leaders. It becomes more and more apparent every day why he is so attracted to dictators and autocratic leaders – because he is one.
Trump is the kind of man if he was attending a funeral and the person officiating the funeral said something he did not like; he will yell out his retort in the crowd. After all, he is a sociopath. He has no concept of boundaries in any given situation. He disregards social norms, and it likely contributes to him feeling free enough to sexually assault women on a whim. He bragged of his favorite tactic, “Grab them by the pu—y on the Hollywood Access Tape with unabashed shamelessness. He is openly vulgar and vile, without any shame or decency, and that is how he operates in any given situation.
Yes, the Republican Senate can stand up and take a bow for this deranged Godzilla they have created. I blame them more than I do Trump – because despite Trump’s delusional fantasies of his godhood – he would be nowhere today without the Republican Senate. So Mitch McConnell, stand up and take a bow, for our illustrious poor excuse of a president. You too, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and many more – your “handiwork” was so ever represented during the debate. This is your creation – and I hold each and every one of you responsible.
The debate took two hours of my life I can’t get back, and I believe most people who were actually interested in the debate feel the same way. Trump’s base with their taste for blood liked it, and they no doubt will probably be the only ones. His Republican Senate cheerleaders raised their pompoms with praise, and patted him on his back. They love to dole out illegitimate praise to Trump, and they roll over so he will rub their tummies and give them a dog chew. But I don’t’ see how any one in their right mind could see that debate as anything other than a fiasco and just crazy.
The spineless Republican Senate is raving to him how good a job he did, because they are scared to death of him. Why reelect senators who are cowards? When Rand Paul ran against Trump is 2016, he called Trump a clown. How is it now he licks and kisses Trump’s toes? Look at Ted Cruz; didn’t even have the honor or courage to defend his own wife when Trump badmouthed her appearance. That is something I will never forget - it is unprecedented for a man not to even defend his own wife! Donald Trump must have something pretty juicy on Cruz, and this is indeed the way Trump operates.
Yes, Trump is the problem, but the Republican Senate is just as big of a problem. Their primary motive for backing Trump is they are able to pull the wool over his eyes, and get what they want done without his interference. Donald Trump is not intelligent enough to discern they are using him. They have been able to cheat, lie, and hide their agenda in ways they would not be able to do so with a “normal” Republican president. I’m sorry; I just don’t know any other way to put it. Given this fact and considering they are frightened of him – they do not have America’s best interest at heart.
Same with Vladymir Putin except he does not fear Trump at all – Trump is their unwitting idiot and they aim to keep it that way. Putin is able to accomplish most of his goals under the radar with Trump, like hiring mercenaries in Afghanistan to kill U.S. soldiers. Donald Trump who thinks those who serve in our military and our veterans are “suckers” and “losers” didn’t even bother to confront Putin, despite of overwhelming evidence. This is the kind of a man the Republican Senate is supporting.
Donald Trump and the Republican Party – please do not waste America’s time anymore. I appeal to the sponsor of the debate, The Commission on Presidential Debates, to preserve the integrity of the debate process and cancel the two subsequent debates that are slated to take place. There is no need for a second debate when we never even had a real first debate. Trump ignored Chris Wallace, the moderator, and talked over him and Biden the entire time. He was not even willing to behave like a rational human being long enough to debate his views with Biden.
A second and third debate would be pointless. The monster is fully cooked, and Trump is not going to change. With a man who is unhinged and disrespectful to the process as he, it is futile to have another debate. The spectacle (debate) would be dubbed, “American Circus Act – Part II.” Quite frankly it is insulting to disrespect the American people and our political processes as Trump has done. Donald Trump's behavior during the debate on Tuesday fits the true definition of shamelessness.