Yesterday, Donald Trump’s fragile ego was assuaged by the thousands of Trump supporters marching in Washington D.C. He was starting to atrophy without the accolades from his adoring fans, and once again life was breathed back into him. He felt invigorated and decided to drive by and wave at his supporters – he now could save face from the beating he took in the election. He knew the crowd would cheer just to catch a glimpse at him passing by.
I have to admit, it was actually a pretty large crowd – more than what I would have ever thought. The rally was dubbed under various names; "Stop the Steal," "March for Trump" and "Million MAGA March." But the real tragedy is all of these people have been deceived by Donald Trump’s lies about the election. And the crowd size was indicative of a country deceived and well divided. What concerns me most of all, it clearly conveys the erosion of faith in our democracy and that is a very dangerous place for America to be in.
Republican officials in tightly contested races like Georgia and Pennsylvania declared there was absolutely no voter fraud. It is despicable at best for a president of the United States to deliberately undermine our election system solely to benefit himself. The consequences of Trump casting doubt on our democratic processes extend far beyond this particular election. Even election officials appointed by Trump have came out and verified the election was secure and there was no voter fraud found.
Incidentally, I was not surprise to discover Roger Stone was behind the “Stop the Steal” campaign, which actually originated before the 2016 election. Its so-called erroneous premise was based on the idea if the election between Trump and Hilary Clinton was close, the Democrats would try to steal it away from him. Stone perpetrated the notion that a sort of Republican coup d'état, he called the “Bush-Cruz-Kasich-Romney-Ryan-McConnell faction" would try to prevent Donald Trump from being nominated. Sigh…seriously?
On November 5, a Facebook group called Stop the Steal garnered thousand upon thousand followers in just one day; the next day Facebook had to shut it down for its blatant falsehoods and inflammatory rhetoric. Steve Bannon started his own Facebook group called “Own the Vote” which contained torrents of lies and deception similar to the Stop the Steal account. Ultimately between both Bannon and Stone, they achieved over 2.5 million followers.
Trump’s claims about the election being fraudulent actually have brought to the front two new so-called media outlets; Newsmax and One America News. Both organizations are fake news organizations that claim Trump won the election. I’m sorry, but I take special satisfaction over the idea they may take some of the pie away from Fox News. Getting a little crowded - hey there Fox? The name One America News invokes images of the anti-Christ and the Apocalypse…
Donald Trump “rigged election” mantra has brought out for a lack of better word, the crazies out in droves. And you have people who are just plain gullible to the vitriol that spews out of his mouth. It is amazing how one man can have an impact on one nation; either for the better or the worse. This whole thing is based out of white nationalism and in a distant way is reminiscent to the early rise of Hitler. Fortunately, Trump lost the election; but as he continues to gestate inside the White House, he continues to polarize this country.
Donald Trump has no qualms about destroying our democracy - he is quite content in punishing our entire nation all at once. I have no doubt from a psychological perspective he is thinking “I’m going show you America; you didn’t vote for me - screw you.” Never mind the fact the election was not a landslide by any means, however, Biden has exceeded 6 million votes in the popular vote.
Trump does not care about screwing over those who voted for him - actually he has never cared about them period. He is just that vindictive. He has no problem painting America with a broad brush to exact his revenge, only to deem Trump loyalists as simply getting in the way.
As I predicted in an article I wrote last week, there were a few violent acts during the Washington march. There actually were fewer incidents than I would have thought, but what is disconcerting to me is I know there is more to follow. Actor John Voight claimed Trump losing the election was tantamount to the civil war. I think there is an element of truth to that, but not for the reason he states.
What Trump has done is polarized our nation, and now there are two clear opposing sides. The election was not rigged; Trump knows it, the Republican Senate knows it, and Trump appointees over governmental elections know it. But the damage has been done, and I fear it is more catastrophic than what we actually realize. Shame on the Republican Senate who are going along with Trump’s absurd claims at the expense of all Americans.
Court after court has dismissed lawsuits by Trump’s attorneys. Now Trump has turned over all the cases over to Rudolph Giuliani. I would had thought Giuliani would be too busy with his “chr*m” to handle such a workload. He is not ashamed to show his face after his Borat movie debut, but then again, the Trump bar is quite low. I do not believe Giuliani would be an asset in Trump’s defense (even before he got caught with his hands in his pants), and I can’t help but wonder, it may be sign of resignation on Trump’s part.
A side note here: if you are a politician with ongoing political aspirations, you better be careful with who you have sexual interaction with – it can come back to haunt you. You may think no one will ever find out, but you never know who is watching - or who may spill the beans.
And so, where was I? Oh, now it has been over a week and Trump has not conceded. In fact, Donald Trump will never concede. I do not know what is really going to happen in the end, because the Trump administration is so obstinate and at times unpredictable. Donald Trump is quite proficient as a liar, and he is good at plotting and masterminding schemes. He is quite adept in placing the right people into positions so they can do his dirty work. I give him that.
Donald Trump’s contribution to America has been to divide this country in half – that will be his legacy. It is troubling to me so many people have bought into his lies; even to the extent of disregarding the proof or facts. I don’t know what is going to happen in the near future, but I don’t feel particularly good about it. I am thankful Joe Biden won the election, but I feel very uneasy regarding the road Trump and his supporters are going to take. Time will tell.