Let the crimes of Donald Trump and his family be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument within the United States. Let his crimes be mentioned in hushed tones or unspoken, erased from the memory of Americans for all time.
Sorry Trump, you won’t be so lucky. Donald Trump has always likened himself to a king or pharaoh, although in reality far from it. In the Ten Commandments, Ramses, played by Yul Bryner is a prime example as to how Trump envisions his presidential powers. Ramses was not woefully ignorant like Donald Trump, but just as power hungry and ruthless.
“So let it be written – so let be done. That’s been Trump’s disposition the entire time in his presidency. Trump never concerned himself much with certain particulars; like getting congressional approval or following the law. The New York Times recently got their hands on a court document that indicates the Trump administration sought money in exchange for pardons. Not much out there yet about it, but when more comes available I will write a post about it.
Donald Trump is preparing a host of pardons; which of course is indicative of a host of crimes. If this does not tell you something, then I don’t know what will. Criminal behaviors can be pardoned by a president, but Donald Trump is readying himself and his whole blooming family to be pardoned. Oh yeah, let’s not forget Rudolph Giuliani. I wonder what things they are afraid of…
Now concerning Donald Trump’s pardon authority, there seems to be several legal camps out there. Some say a president can pardon himself, which redefines the word “pathetic” on a whole new level; whereas, others say he can’t. One thing for sure, Trump will do so, or at least present to the world that he is now cleansed with a stroke of pen. He has already pardoned Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. Let’s consider what else Donald Trump might be afraid of.
Presidential Self Pardons of Donald J. Trump: So Let it Be Written, So Let it Be Done
1. I pardon Donald J. Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., and Eric Trump and Melania Trump, for any crimes or irregularities committed within the Trump campaign and the Trump Foundation.
2. I Donald J. Trump pardon myself in my deliberate effort to stop the Mueller investigation on two occasions.
3. I pardon Donald J. Trump for the firing James Comey when he refused to drop his investigation of Michael Flynn, and would not pledge his loyalty to me.
4. I pardon Donald J. Trump for my blatant conflict of interests with the businesses I own worldwide, while retaining the position of President of the United States.
5. I pardon Donald J. Trump for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died from my egregious, inexcusable lack of response towards the coronavirus. I also exonerate myself for downplaying Covid-19 in an effort to hide the truth so it would not impact my chance to be reelected.
6. I pardon Donald J. Trump for all my efforts at witness intimidation against those who were willing to testify against me.
7. I pardon Donald J. Trump for my numerous efforts to obstruct justice during the course of the Mueller investigation. I pardon myself for being charged for Obstruction of Justice for any extraneous matters that were not covered during the impeachment trial.
8. I pardon Donald J. Trump for violating The Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause, by benefiting from foreign governments and officials who stayed at my hotels. In addition, I pardon myself for China issuing me and my family trademarks as we negotiated trade deals with them.
9. I pardon Donald J. Trump for the well over 20,000+ lies that have been documented, and therefore I am issuing a post disclaimer for all lies that resulted in harm to any individual. For example, I am exempt for the hundreds of thousands of deaths from the coronavirus that resulted from my despicable message for Americans to not wear mask, and my claims that Covid-19 is nothing to fear.
10. I pardon Donald J. Trump for my gross misuse of over 100 million taxpayer dollars that enabled me to play golf on my own property for over 300+ days while serving as president.
11. I pardon Donald J. Trump for requesting a foreign adversary, but my pal Vladymir Putin, to help me win the election, and for hacking into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
12. I pardon Donald J. Trump for inviting and initiating the 2020 G-7 Conference to be held at my club in Doral Florida. It was canceled because some @#$% complained - would had made me millions.
13. I pardon Donald J. Trump for the extortion of the Ukrainian President, by withholding U.S. aid unless he helped me to find dirt on Joe Biden.
14. I Donald J Trump pardon Jared Kushner for lying in order to obtain a security clearance.
15. I Donald J. Trump pardon former White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney for stating I withheld money for military aid to Ukraine unless they provided dirt on Joe Biden. I told Mulvaney not to say anything. I’ll go ahead and pardon him, because that’s the nice guy I am.
16. I pardon Donald J. Trump for years of federal tax evasion. I decree as well that I am pardoned for tax evasion in the state of New York. Can’t do that? Sure I can – I’m the president.
17. I pardon Donald J. Trump for being a white nationalist, and for being the prime catalyst for the huge increase for hate crimes across this country. I absolve myself for any murder that spawned out of my hate rhetoric.
18. I pardon Donald J. Trump for my assault on the free press, and for calling the media Fake News; whether they accused me of saying what I actually said on video, or if they played the video itself for the viewing public.
19. I pardon Donald J. Trump for ordering William Barr and the National Guard to gas peaceful protestors at a Black Lives Matter protest in Washington D.C.
20. I pardon Donald J. Trump pardon Rudolph Giuliani for obstruction of justice, lying to the American people, for abuse and misuse of the court system, and for his ill repute “debut” in Borat 2.
21. Last, but most important, I pardon Donald J. Trump for all crimes I committed as president, and for the numerous criminal offenses I committed before I was president.
There are so many possibilities out there that one could spend years naming them. Trump’s lies about a rigged election or election fraud in my opinion, warrants impeachment, but there is not enough time. It is an assault on our own democracy, and it is something that should never be exonerated or forgiven. Donald Trump has irreparably harmed this country. He will be remembered as the man who destroyed America; his legacy as president will be one of hate, division, death, and corruption.