Donald Trump is acting like a recently caged animal. He is beside himself – immersed in alternate reality completely resistant to any hint of normalcy. He is far beyond the point of being reasoned with - you can thank the Republican Senate and House for this. I believe given the current state of Donald Trump’s mental health, he has been rendered incapacitated to carry on as president. And that is a real problem.
Trump’s allies have nurtured this lie the election was stolen; so much so to the point they have convinced Donald Trump himself. Donald Trump had been complaining the election was rigged even before started. He knew it was lie, just like he complained in 2016. He had to change his tune then, and unabashedly claimed it wasn’t rigged. In the midst of a deadly pandemic with one American dying every 33 seconds, our president is missing in action.
The Republican Congress has actually placed this country and our democracy in grave danger by casting doubts on the integrity of our election system. They have circumvented our Constitution, and have basically wadded it up and threw it in the trash. They have elevated Trump’s desires and their own, over the welfare of the United States. The ramifications of this will last for years – and likely will have some permanent consequences.
Trump needs to be admitted into a mental facility - I say this with all sincerity. He is well on the way to a mental, nervous breakdown. His psychosis has now entered a phase where he has come to believe his own lies and see himself as the victim. He is incapable of accepting psychologically that he lost the election. He has touted things far from any sense of reality and has gone against well substantiated facts to the point it would be laughable, if the consequences were not so dire.
The Republican House and Senate have emboldened Trump with this “rigged election” crap and conspiracy theories nonsense. I tell you who the true victims are; the 360,000 plus Americans who have died at the hands of a president who has barely given them a thought since losing the election. Trump, the 140 Republican House representatives, and 13 Republican senators are more interested in placating Trump than saving American lives. Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson and others, have absolutely no interest in the deadly coronavirus raging in our country now.
They are far removed from the problems of vaccine distribution, as one American dies every 33 seconds from the coronavirus. It is absolutely abhorrent and morally reprehensible the schemes they have concocted. Dying Americans are on the bottom of their lists. Hospitals are over filled to capacity, to where in Los Angeles now, first responders are told not to transport those with the coronavirus if they believe a patient is not likely to survive.
Where is our president? Trump is either playing golf, or burrowed in the depraved recesses in his mind about how to overthrow the election. Where is the Trump Administration in planning and coordinating the distribution of the virus? The virus is the worse it has ever been, and the Republican Senate and House are only fixated on keeping Trump in power which is in violation of our constitution. It is repugnant and loathsome, and they will earn a seat in the Hall of Shame forever in the history books.
Trump’s mind is solely focused on a dictatorial move to undo the election. For the first time in his life, Donald Trump feels unable to control something, because that’s what this sociopath have done all of his life. I consider his enablers more at fault than Trump himself. Trump is woefully ignorant - with no real knowledge of politics or government. He has never been remotely fit for office, and he is vile and morally bankrupt – his enablers know this. He is the oaf they had been waiting for and they have used this to their advantage.
They fear Trump’s popularity with his base will cost them votes if they do not side with his unwarranted and outrageous lies. The Republican House, and Cruz and Gang are starting to act just as blatantly unethical and outlandish as Trump. They will have to keep their roles as the buffoon for two years if they believe it’s the only way to get votes from Trump’s base. In some respects, that won’t be too hard.
Donald Trump needs to be in a mental hospital right now – right this very minute. He is a danger to this country, and is in a very unstable position because of his mental state. He is not able to make sound, rational decisions because he is consumed with the novelty of defeat, and overthrowing the election.
Not only our democracy is at stake, but so is our national security. There is not much anything I would put past anyone in such a semi-lucid, out of touch reality state as Donald Trump is in right now. This is not just regular garden-variety Trump lunacy; this is leading into an advance state of psychosis.
If it was any other person in America in such a mental condition, this situation would not be as dire, because it would impact that individual and those in his or her orbit only. But for the president of the United States to be in this state, it invariably places our country in critical condition. This is a very, very bad place for our country to be in - putting politics aside.
I’m beginning to suspect Trump’s family may be reluctant to accept reality – or they just simply cannot rein Trump in. Surely, they must know he is in a precarious mental state that is unhealthy at best. The greatest problem in Trump’s case, however; are the Republicans placating to his psychosis to the detriment to this country. This is unconscionable and is inexcusable. I shudder to think what any president in this condition could do, and the irreparable consequences it may have on our country. If you’re not worried – you should be.
If Trump’s Republican senators and those in the House truly cared about his as a person, they would not be participating in this charade. But then, that gives you the answer. They don’t care about him, anymore then he cares about them. Like parasites, they want to attach themselves to Trump’s teat because of his popularity with his base, and garner those votes for themselves.
Trump’s behavior and mental health has crossed a line that far exceeds any realm of what is considered normal. Yes, I don’t like Donald Trump - at all, and believe he is a very vile, malevolent man. But my greatest concern is for the safety of this nation and preservation of our democracy. I am terrified what can happen in the next few weeks. God have mercy on this nation.