Sunday, July 26, 2020

Trump Sees the Coronavirus Solely as a Political Threat

Donald Trump has never cared about the medical consequences or the loss of life the American people are facing from the coronavirus. He was not interested in it while it was afar in China, and he does not care about it now. The only thing that matters to Trump is the impact the coronavirus is having on the economy. Most Americans are concerned about the virus impact on the health of others and the loss of life. For Trump (and Wall Street), the only casuality he sees are dollars lost. But paramount above everything else - he fears the coronavirus impact on his chance for relection.

From the very moment the conronavirus arrived upon American soil, Trump whole demeanor and approach towards Covid-19 was to minimize its significance. This holds true even today after the loss of over 146,000 lives, and now over 4,200,000 cases. Trump thought the impact of Covid-19 would not be this catastrophic and far-reaching. From the beginning, he calculated he could lie and finesse his way out of it, which is consistent behavior for Trump his entire life.

I confess - it is far worse than I ever imagined it would be. I believe for most people if they were to be truly honest, they underestimated it's impact as well. epidemiologist, other scientists, and medical professionals may had some inkling, but for the average lay person, we had no idea how bad things would become. Even the aforementioned did not not expect the lack of response from the federal government and the consequences that would result from their inaction. We still do not know everything to know about about Covid-19.

But in the past few weeks, Trump changed his tune about the coronavirus. Why does he care about it now, when he even retweeted two weeks ago a tweet made by Chuck Woolery on July 12, 2020 (former game show host) that the coronavirus is a hoax? Why has he now come out and said masks are stylish and patriotic? Why is he back to pimping coronavirus task force briefings (without the task force)? Why has he now admit the coronavirus is going to get worse before it gets better? That is something he should had admitted months ago, and he is the catalyst why things have culminated into the dire situation we are in today.

Trumps is even now enamored on how becoming the mask looks on him. The only reason he has changed his stance is because Joe Biden is considerably ahead in the polls. Trump is running scared, and is starting to realize most of the American people did not appreciate him diminishing the impact the coronavirus in the United States. Don't be mistaken - Donald Trump still do not care about one single life lost by Covid-19, or providing the resources needed to combat this thing. He is only freighted that he is going to lose the election. 

There should had been a federal response already set up before the coronavirus reached the United States. Donald Trump previously dismantled the pandemic response program President Obama set up in 2014 due to the Ebola outbreak. Trump believed as long as the government portrayed the virus as something far out in a distant land, than he would be able to minimize its impact and threat upon its' arrival to the U.S. Today, he is still downplaying the coronavirus, and just several weeks ago stated 99% of the cases are harmless. What an asinine, ridiculous, and reckless statement from our so-called President of the United States.

Trump deliberately kept a Grand Princess cruise ship from docking in Oakland, California so those infected with the coronavirus would not be factored into the American count of Covid-19 cases. On March 6, Trump stated, "Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That's what the bottom line is."  When he said that only 1% of the population could get test, and had to be ordered by one's physician. No, the bottom line is it was just one of his many lies.

Trump eventually imposed travel restrictions for European countries, which he initially conveyed as being more extensive. He also stated there will be bans on trade and cargo from Europe. He later backtracked on that one. On March 12, Trump told the press any traveler from Europe would be "heavily tested" upon arriving to the United States. What does "heavily tested" mean?" Does it mean one receives a wide assortment of swab samples, x-rays, or a complete physical? If he felt extra generous, perhaps an efficacious inoculation of Lysol for our European friends before sending them on their way. 

Once Trump realized how he screwed up with his lack of response and preparedness for the coronavirus, he switched tactics. Now, instead of it being the federal government responsibility to coordinate the pandemic response, it will fall upon the governors. I have to give him credit for this one - it was an ingenious move because now he could shift the blame to governors for what he should had done in the first place on a federal level. It pains me to admit Trump is very good at this sort of strategy - it was well played. 

It's mind blowing the federal government will deploy FEMA to a state for hurricane or flood damage, but not be willing to orchestrate, fund,  and over see a pandemic effecting the entire United States. It is absolutely ludicrous to believe any state would be able to handle such a burden unless they have virtually no coronavirus cases. The reason other nations have been far more successful than the United States in curtailing Covid-19, is because they addressed the coronavirus on a national level. 

Donald Trump will do whatever it takes to get his way. He has no moral conscience, and frankly does not give a rip about anyone other than himself. He is incapable of feeling - he is a true sociopath. It is the essence of he is, and he will never change. He does not care about his base, or "his" Republican governors (i.e. DeSantis, Kemp) and "his" Republican senators. He only cares about their vote and support of him - no more, no less. Why "his" in quotations you might ask? It's simple, he owns them. He does not care about you or your family. Your life has no value to him. You are as everyone else is to him, a pawn in his game. A person only matters to him on the basis of how he or she can benefit his needs.That is the real Donald Trump. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

This Blog is Sponsored by Trump Disinfectant Chews

Trump Disinfectant Chews contains the highest quality disinfectant chemicals you can buy over the counter to combat Covid-19. Approved by Mike Pence, head of the Coronavirus Task Force and President Donald Trump, you can trust its potency is bar none to any other disinfectant on the market. Trump Disinfectant Chews are absolutely delicious and are sugar free! Flavors now include Citrus, Sour Apple, Spearmint, and Chocolate! 

Side effects include diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, hallucinations, irritability, loss of appetite, and death. Death is the primary side effect which occurred in 98% of those who have taken Trump Disinfectant Chews. Please note Donald Trump disputes the side effects issued by the FDA, and claims the chews are 100% safe. Federal law requires side effects to be listed. Serving size is one chew. 

Warning: Do not exceed 4 chews in a 24 hour period; although not likely to happen.

Leave No Soldier Behind: That is Unless You Are Donald Trump

The coronavirus has wreaked havoc on our nation, and we are spiraling further and further out of control due to the Trump Administration's lack of response. Covid-19 rightfully dominates the news every day with more and more Americans contracting the virus and dying from it. There is a story, however, that has been overshadowed by the virus, and it  too poses an imminent threat to our nation. It is the consequences as the result of Donald Trump's failure to address Russia for paying Afghan mercenaries to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan.

It was brought to Trump's attention back in February 2019, that Russia hired Afghan bounty hunters to kill U.S. and British soldiers in Afghanistan. American officials discovered money transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia military intelligence, and uncovered a list of names of Afghan soldiers who were involved in the operation. In a raid at one of the homes in Afghanistan, $500,000.00 for payments to Afghan soldiers for killing American soldiers was seized.  

Kayleigh McEnany claims Trump's had no knowledge of Russia paying Afghan soldiers to kill American soldiers and coalition forces. It is both an asinine comment and a ludicrous assertion for such a serious matter. White House and National Security Council officials said intelligence claims could not be substantiated, so therefore no one reported the findings to Trump from the intelligence community. Wow, if the defense department neglected to tell Trump something of this nature, than what's the point of them sticking around?

I guess Trump's lies has been so prolific spreading through out the White House, now various branches of government are infected. For Trekkies out there, it appears the justice, defense, and intelligence departments have now been assimilated by the Borg (Trump). I think any one with half a brain knows Trump simply sat on the information and chose not to act on it. Additionally, Trump being a sociopath makes him incapable of caring about the lives of our soldiers. There is only one life that matters to Trump in this world, and it's his own.

McEnany and Trump are two highly skilled and proficient liars, and are incapable of feeling guilt, even when it comes to betraying their own country. Given the circumstances there are only three  possibilities here, and none of them are palatable. The White House claims Trump typically do not read his briefings, which every president as far as collective memory have done so every morning. The second is the defense and intelligence departments did not inform Trump - which I do not believe even for a second. It would be remiss for Trump's intelligence and defense department not to apprise him of this situation, and at the bare minimum have a verbal discussion with him.The third possibility which I believe is the truth, is Trump knew about the bounty on soldier's heads, and chose not to act upon it due to his relationship with Vladimir Putin.

The White House unabashedly claims Trump does not like to read. Now, this I wholeheartedly believe. It is probably the only true thing I have ever heard coming out the White House since Trump took office. Trump's vocabulary is quite limited, and he typically says the same verbage over and over. For example,  "tremendous," "many," "Hilary Clinton," "fake news," "pu**y," "golf," liberal media," "Democratic conspiracy," "great," "nig**r", according to his niece and others, "nice," me, me, me,"  "blue state," "Make America Great Again," etc. Other than what words are written in advance for him to read, it should be readily apparent Trump does not read very much. It might sound a little arrogant for me to say, but this has been common knowledge for quite some time. 

You do not need to convince me Donald Trump put Russia first over protecting our soldiers on the front line in Afghanistan. After all, in the election of 2016, Trump implored Russia's help with the so-called Hillary Clinton email scandal. It's interesting how Mike Pence and Ivanka Trump's use of state and federal email for personal use fell by the way side. Bulldog Barr strikes again - no wonder he is Trump's favorite pet. (Heads up Moscow Mitch, you got competition). Intelligence is indicating Russia is now tampering with our 2020 elections, but Trump is fine with their sabotage, as they endeavor to make sure their unwitting idiot (Trump) is reelected. 

The New York Times first broke the investigation to the American public about the bounties and Trump's lack of response towards Russia. Putin and Trump are far more chummier than I initially thought. There is another possibility I have wondered about - and it would answer a lot of things.  For some time I have suspected Putin has something major on Trump. Having prostitutes urinate on Trump's body (a.k.a. "golden showers" which is disgusting) has already came out, so my guess is it must be something more nefarious. Trump admires manipulation and criminal behavior even among his adversaries - he sees it as being "smart" and showing "strength." I admit it is speculation on my part, but I think it is very plausible Russia is holding something very significant over Donald Trump's head.

After September 11, 2001, US invaded Afghanistan which already had a prominent Russian force established there. It ended up, however; with U.S. and Russia working amicably together against the Taliban. But gradually Putin soured against the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, and began to work with the Taliban unbeknownst to U.S.  In the late 1980's, it was actually the United States who armed a resistance group within Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. I guess according to Putin turn about is fair play. In this current situation, the fact money had already been dispensed, is indicative that American soldiers had already been killed for the bounty. 

Trump's inaction is demonstrative of what his response would be towards Russia if they further choose to harm our soldiers covertly, or openly take some form of aggressive action. Trump was enamoured with Putin from the get go, which has been really nothing short of a gift to Russia. World leaders marvel and are astonished with Trump's affinity towards Russia and Vladimar Putin. Perhaps it is intertwined with Trump's business endeavors in Russia, which really should had disqualified him from running for President to begin with it. But with Trump's enablers; Mitch McConnell, William Barr, the Republican Senate, it seems there is no crime Trump can commit and would be held culpable for. 

One of my favorite programs is the Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell. O'Donnell marveled as to how Chris Wallace from Fox News interviewed Trump, without bringing up the issue of Russia paying bounties on the head of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Fox News know what issues to avoid as they are Trump's propaganda machine. Indeed, at the very least, the safety of our American soldiers should had been brought up in the interview. FYI, Trump tried to say we had one the lowest death rate from coronavirus in the world, and finally that was too much even for Wallace. Don't expect to hear much, if anything about Russia hiring Afghan soldiers to kill Americans in Afghanistan on Fox News. 

My father was a Sargent and fought on the front lines of the Korean War. If I had learned that President Harry Truman knew of a foreign entity paying Korean soldiers to kill Americans and did nothing about it, I would be mortified and furious. This is exactly what Trump did to our soldiers in Afghanistan. Do you believe with the thousands of lies Trump and his administration have told they would ever admit to such a thing? Again, there is only three possibilities. Trump disregards vital intelligence briefings, the defense department hide facts from him because of his ineptness, or Trump chose to not take action because of his bromance with Vladmir Putin. 

When our soldiers put their lives on the line for our country, we should do every thing in our power to protect and defend them. When foreign plots are executed against their safety, the U.S. should issue a stern response back to the people or nations responsible.Donald Trump knew about Russia hiring mercenaries to kill U.S. soldiers and did nothing about it. He and the intelligence community intentionally hid this from the American people. Our soldiers and veterans deserve so much better, and it is reprehensible the president of the United States stood by and refused to hold Russia accountable. 

For all our veterans and those serving in action, thank you for your service, thank you for putting your life on the line, and thank you for all you have sacrificed. You deserve better than this. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Stop Blaming Andrew Cuomo for Trump's Failed Coronavirus Response

You would be hard press to find any governor in the United States who did not make mistakes in their initial response to the coronavirus. Every governor at the onset was left to fend for his or her own without any real assistance from the federal government. You tell me where in modern history have we dealt with something as novel and catastrophic as Covid-19? This is an unpresidented - oh, I meant an unprecedented situation, and God forbid we would ever have to face it again in our lifetime.

During an interview with PBS News Hour on July 17, 2020,  Dr. Anthony Fauci praised New York for its' successful approach towards bringing the coronavirus under control. According to Fauci, the state of New York should be the model other states need to follow and strive for. Governor Andrew Cuomo still have some restrictions in place and cautions citizens of New York to remain vigilant and wear masks, but New York's infection rate is way down - less than 1%. 

Andrew Cuomo shut down the state of New York on March 22, just two days after Governor Gavin Newsom did on March 19 for California. Should he had shut down earlier? Yes, with what we know now, but every other governor should had shut down earlier as well. Incidentally, according to an article from CNN on July 16, 2020; the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) concluded the travel restrictions Trump imposed on Europe and China came too late for New York City. By the time the ban was issued, community transmission had already been circulating throughout the city, which predominately originated out of Europe. 

The Trump Administration did not offer guidance or provide the resources and direction the governors needed. Mike Pence who is not a scientific expert or medical professional, stepped up as the lead of the coronavirus federal response. I might as well had assumed the role - I am just as qualified as Pence, which is saying absolutely nothing. Trump informed Pence to be "nice" only to those governors who were "nice" to him. Of course, with Trump and Mitch McConnell, the red states did not have to worry so much. I guess they figured republicans residing in blue states were inconsequential and expendable like the democrats. 

In truth, to shut down a place like New York State which obviously host New York City, is far more complicated and involved than any other city or town within U.S. I'm not diminishing the challenge that comes with shutting down a given geographical location. It is a very difficult process for any city or state, but the sheer volume of the population in NYC alone, undeniably complicated everything. If we knew what we know now about this virus, I firmly believe most governors would had implemented stay at home orders sooner. 

Trump has minimized and resisted bringing attention to the coronavirus for political purposes - even to this very day. He deliberately kept a Grand Princess cruise ship from docking in Oakland, California, so those infected with the coronavirus would not be factored into the American count of Covid-19 cases. Trump initially claimed the coronavirus was a hoax and the product of a left-wing conspiracy instigated by the democrats. He nonchalantly said in a news conference, we probably will have about 15 cases or so in the U.S. that would just trickle away. No - this failure started at the top from our ever malevolent and self-serving president, and is why we are in the predicament we are today. 

Right from the beginning Trump insisted on rejecting the free testing kits offered by the World Health Organization (WHO) that were readily available. Instead, he ordered the CDC to cook up a batch of their own. The only problem was the CDC tests were inaccurate and defective. The test from the WHO were perfectly fine before Trump rejected them and they remain fine today. Did Trump have a plan or some sort of guidance in place to work with governors? No. Do you really think a historic pandemic of this magnitude and severity could be handled sufficiently by the resources of a single state? Absolutely not. This pandemic required a national response then, and it does today. 

In an article published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the authors stated it was the CDC faulty test kits and the lack of diagnostic strategy that enabled the virus to take root across the country. The CDC tests repeatedly yielded inconclusive results. On February 29, the Food and Drug Administration finally changed course on their ban of state run laboratories who were using the same test produced by the WHO. Michelle Mello of Stanford University, a co-author of the JAMA report, stated "The public messaging from Washington about the seriousness of the problem has been neither consistent nor accurate, and I worry it may have led Americans to take fewer steps to prevent community transmission than we should have."

Were mistakes made? Yes, but they were mistakes based on a lack of knowledge (even among experts) as to how the coronavirus works, and the scarcity of resources available. I would have made the same decision Governor Cuomo did at that time with the nursing homes in anticipation of hospitals being over-filled to capacity. He was trying to ensure everyone would have a place to go in order to receive treatment for Covid-19. Nursing homes provide medical care, and without guidance from the federal government, coupled with the unknowns about the virus, decisions still had to be made. Sending patients to nursing homes was still under the purview of the CDC.

Twelve other governors issued similar guidelines urging nursing homes to accept virus patients from hospitals.The New York Times stated New York ranked second in nursing home deaths, closely following New Jersey who ranked first. The Times went on to state "About 21% of all coronavirus deaths in New York occurred in a nursing home or long-term care facility, the lowest rate out of any other state in the country," according to the Times analysis. You would never know by Fox News who has formed a rather bizarre obsession and assault on Andrew Cuomo's character. I will eventually write about what's behind this, and it has nothing to do with nursing homes or the coronavirus. 

Do you honestly believe any governor had a real handle of the way the coronavirus worked in March? Even epidemiologists and medical professions have changed their position on the coronavirus many times. Several weeks ago the WHO stated they did not think the masks were effective. They reversed that position. They once stated the public “only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with Covid-19." Not true. Just recently the WHO changed their stance on the indoor airborne spread of COVID-19. Previously, scientific experts thought heat might make a difference with the coronavirus - it does not now appear to. It was once thought if you contracted Covid-19, you could not catch it again. Unfortunately, this is not true. I point these things out to convey the numerous times experts have changed course on what once was thought to be true about the coronavirus. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci maintains we are still in the process of learning about the coronanvirus, and there will be times scientists will have to modify their theories. Just within the past week, epidemiologist and the medical field are now finding out Covid-19 can still wreak havoc on the body long after the virus have left an infected individual. A rabid Trump went after Fauci by falsely asserting he made mistakes, when in fact he was shifting positions in the light of newly acquired data. This is all Trump's effort to hide his own catastrophic failure as president for not addressing Covid-19 timely or efficiently. No doubt as we learn more, scientists and medical professionals will likely shift even more of their positions.

The Republican Party, particularly those in the Senate have been rabid in going after Andrew Cuomo solely for political purposes. Despite Cuomo going by the very guidelines established by the CDC, they have been relentless in their efforts to prostitute and exploit the nursing home deaths. Make no mistakes - these are the very people who want to end Medicare, and who until now have never been interested in the fate of nursing home residents or their conditions. They are against universal healthcare, including care for the elderly and are striving to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. These are the same people who are striving to abolish Social Security, so all of this political grandstanding about nursing home deaths is grounded in ulterior motives. 

To be blunt the Republican Senate has never cared about whether people live or die before, why now? Oh, they say they are against abortion, yet they are quite content to let a homeless man die under a bridge without even so much of a whimper. They are just fine letting an unemployed man or woman perish because he or she is uninsured and is in need urgent medical treatment. Why do they care now when never before? Jesus Christ knows the truth and what is in their hearts, and I can assure you this ganging up on Cuomo by the Republican Party is all political. 

Look at the Republican Senate and the things they have and have not supported. You tell me, do this look like a group who would be concerned over nursing home deaths? Why do they look the other way with Donald Trump and his lying and downplaying of the coronavirus? Why do they look away from the incredibly reckless state coronavirus policies that many Republican governors have established? 

They have mounted an overly aggressive effort against Cuomo, and let me tell you the real reason behind this. First, the Republican Party and their propaganda machine, Fox News fear that Andrew Cuomo has presidential ambitions. He has never stated this, but being the "brood of vipers" that they are, they start their attacks well in advance of one they perceives is a significant political threat. Second, by blaming Andrew Cuomo for New York, it deflects attention off of Trump’s failed federal  coronavirus response. Donald Trump to this very day is still downplaying the coronavirus and continues to send Americans to their death with his careless rallies, politicization of masks, and continuous lies. Third, the Republican Party will never admit it, but they are jealous of the popularity of Cuomo and they want it to go away in earnest. 

At this point and time governors have a far better grasp of how the coronavirus work and just how deadly it can be. That's why Ron DeSantis and Brian Kemp are without excuses for their callous and careless disregard of the coronavirus. Trump has them in his back pocket, and the decisions they are making are garnered for Trump's approval. By the way, Florida has surpassed the most coronavirus cases ever in the U.S., even surpassing the highest single one day total in New York. 

Mistakes were made by everyone, and in general most people learn from mistakes. When looking at the current data, Andrew Cuomo has done an unbelievable job with the state of New York. He has poured his whole being into trying to protect the people of his state, while endeavoring to open up the economy safely. Cuomo has worked relentlessly around the clock like I have never seen before by any individual in my lifetime. He is taking a cautious, scientific approach based on a system of metrics that must be met before allowing a community to reopen or move on to another phase. 

It is not how you start the race, but it is how you finish it. Lives were lost all over the nation, and lives will continue to be lost due to the coronavirus. It is the sad, tragic reality of this virus. Andrew Cuomo overcame the federal government's void and lack of assistance, and is doing a phenomenal job with the data to back him up. His approach to Covid-19 is truly impressive and ultimately has resulted in thousands upon thousands of lives saved. 

The Trump Administration did not prepare and equip our governors for success in responding to Covid-19. Yet, while cases surge and are the highest numbers ever in many states, a good number of governors (most of them Trump puppets) refuse to issue new measures to control the spread. As long as Donald J. Trump is in office, the coronavirus will remain an imminent threat to Americans. All other countries which have been successful so far, has approached the coronavirus on a national level. This is what we need to overcome Covid-19 in U.S. Our focus should be on the here and now, and how we address this crisis in an attempt to get the coronavirus back under control. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wake Up America! Trump Does Not Care About You!

I am amazed at the fact there are a good number of Americans who actually believes Donald Trump cares about them and their well being. F.Y.I. - he does not. Trump is a textbook sociopath - he is incapable of caring about anyone. You say he's married? I won't go there - not gonna touch it. Donald Trump is incapable of love, nor does he know what love is. He does not know what it means to care about the well-being of someone else. Trump's only concern is Trump. 

For Trump to care about someone in a cold, clinical sense; he or she has to have something to offer him. He needs to be able to get something out of you. This election year he is pimping out the same rhetoric he did for 2016. No doubt Trump doubles over with laughter at the idea his base remains mesmerized by his same tiring, stale rhetoric against those who stand in his way. All he has to do is throw a bone in their direction, and they will come a running with tails wagging. 

He has no problem with the deaths from the coronavirus, other than the fact he fears it is thwarting his chance to be reelected. He is now posturing the coronavirus as if it's over, when Americans have had over 3,560,364 cases and 138,201 deaths. He wants his loyal constituents to think Covid-19 is some sort of left-wing conspiracy. Hum, wonder why the rest of the world is being subjected to this nefarious plot of the Democrats and the far left? Seems like the leftists would just concentrate their efforts solely on America. I mean, even countries who are not our allies is part of this worldwide conspiracy...

If you require proof Trump does not care about Americans, look no further than his recent Tulsa rally. The BOK Center (Bank of Oklahoma) employees placed stickers on every other seat before the rally to offer some gesture (at best) of social distancing. At least they tried to put up some type of pretense. When Trump's people saw what they were doing, however, his campaign staff instructed them to remove the stickers. How's that for showing gratitude for the people who are support you. But I guess they did not really care, except for the ones who became infected with the coronavirus.

It is ironic Trump ended up having plenty space in the BOK center after all. The overflow stage was dismantled with only about 25 Trumpeteers standing by outside. But Trump was fully expecting the center to be packed like sardines. The coronavirus didn't mind either way - because it was going to attend regardless - and it did. Oklahoma has skyrocketed with coronavirus cases - breaking a record of 1075 cases in one day. Now Oklahoma's Governor Kevin Stitt has Covid-19, but he has never taken it seriously to begin with. He opened early at the same time Georgia did, and I can assure you Stitt will not take any further action despite catching the coronavirus himself. He is a born and bred Trump prototype. 

Need even more proof? How about a man who wants you to believe 99% of all coronavirus cases are harmless? It is just another outrageous lie, and a slap in the face to the over 136,000 Americans who died from this virus. More proof? How about the South Dakota Fourth of July Spectacular at Mount Rushmore? This time Trump turned again to one of his puppets - Governor Kristi Lynn Noem. They played it smarter this time - limited capacity of 7,500  seats. Don't want a repeat of the Tulsa rally (empty seats) - smart. South Dakota, however, did invite and accommodated seating for the coronavirus.

I have come to one conclusion and it's quite sobering. The people who support Trump despite all of his despicable behavior are pretty much like him. They are enamored with him. Most espouse the same inhumane ignorance, and racial hatred he does. They will drink the Kool-Aid and some will follow Trump to their very deaths. That fate awaits many of them if they do not wise up soon - because Covid-19 will not take a break - not as long as Donald J. Trump is in office.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Trump's Malicious and Unwarranted Attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci

If I had an inside track to those who contribute to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, I would request a photo of Donald Trump be depicted next to the word "malevolent." The words "vile", "rotten", "deplorable", "evil", "repugnant" would also be top contenders, but no - I do believe "malevolent" nails it. Malevolent is more methodical, more deliberate. Like Trump. Please know Donald Trump does not care about your life, the life of your loved ones, or anyone else on this planet. He only cares about remaining in power and winning the election - period. 

In what he perceives as a threat for his chance for reelection, he has viciously gone after Dr. Anthony Fauci who is telling the truth about the deadly coronavirus virus. As more people die day after day, Trump is minimizing Covid-19 and is pushing hard for governors to reopen up their states. Now Trump has deployed his cronies to go after Fauci in full fervor. Fauci is warning us that we are going in the wrong direction and need to correct our course immediately before this thing reaches a point of no return. If you can not see this is happening now, you just don't want to see it. 

Anyone or anything that stands contrary to what Trumps wants is fair game. I don't care who it is - a long trail of ousted Trump puppets now lay by the way side. I believe unequivocally if his own kids stood in his way, he would throw them under the bus to protect himself. Dr. Fauci knows the situation is critical and he is sounding the alarm. Trump wants him silenced, so he is now proclaiming Fauci has made many mistakes regarding the coronavirus. News flash: No one knows everything about this virus, and many scientist and medical professionals have modified their original stances throughout the past 5 months. This is why it is called a novel virus.

Seriously Trump? Fauci made mistakes. You are the guy who suggested a big heaping dose of disinfectant may destroy the coronavirus. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you also suggested a high beam of concentrated light to the body for the infected individual. I do believe it was the only time I ever seen you shamed in your utter stupidity and ignorance to the extent you claimed you were being sarcastic. Every one - and I mean everyone knew you were being serious. 

Speaking of shame, how about that Governor Ron DeSantis?This is the kind of "man" that Trump wants to own. This is what Trump expects from his Republican stock, but Fauci did not follow suit. DeSantis is truly one of Trump's leading kept men - a position that he's earned, but should not to proud of. After breaking the record for the most coronavirus cases ever in any state on a single day, DeSantis is insisting sending kids back to school for the slaughter in August. He still refuses to issue an order for Florida residents to wear mask. 

Ron DeSantis opened in reckless abandonment at the behest and approval of Trump. So it was no surprise to me when he downplayed Governor Andrew Cuomo's generosity to send supplies of Remdesivir to Florida. DeSantis said "They're not helping us." That is not only a lie, but he thanked Alex Azar and Mike Pence for securing the same drug. This is just plain rotten and mean spirited.Trump just might end up pinning the Medal of Moral Bankruptcy on DeSantis. Just ask Trump, maybe he will show you his - made of molten rock though...

Anyone that speaks out against what Trump is doing is vulnerable. Those who are willing to forfeit lives like DeSantis and Kemp in order to please Trump are safe. Andfor those not part of his controlled pawns, he goes after them even more. He will send out his hounds to attack and maul anyone he perceives standing in his way for reelection. Fox News will step up - ready to parrot whatever Trump says. Yet Trump is too dense to realize Fox News think he is an unwitting idiot and he is actually their pawn (as he is to the Republican Senate) to advance their agendas. 

Kayleigh McEnany without much delay came out today in an attempt to water down the lies Donald Trump said about Fauci. "We need to use science, lean in to science but not use it, and cherry-pick it to fit whatever our particular political persuasion is," McEnany said. Seriously? Unbelievably, audacious because that is the whole modus operandi of Trump and his administration - they are the ultimate cherry pickers. She must have been trained personally by Trump and Sara Huckabee-Sanders because her ability to lie is just as effortless. 

Donald Trump might even unleash bulldog Barr, who is the poorest excuse for an attorney I have ever seen. William Barr is Trump's attorney - he is not the Attorney General for the United States. He is here to be Trump's concierge and that's it. He has protected Trump from the get go and since the unfortunate time the Republican Senate voted him in. He does not care about America either, because if he did, Barr wouldn't be the instrument of enforcing Trump's self-serving schemes and consistent misuse of power in office.

I knew a few months ago it would be only a matter of time before Trump would attempt to discredit and get rid of Fauci. The quintessential requirements to work for Trump is one's ability to lie, protect him at all cost, and feel good about it. Dr. Fauci is just not wired that way. I will be honest here, at times I have been upset with Fauci for being silent on some issues. But to work in any capacity for Trump, which in his case it is being the lead scientist for the Coronavirus Task Force, you have to do a real tight-rope balancing act.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by George W. Bush in 2008. It would be an untenable position for most people to work with a vicious man like Donald Trump. If you do not do whatever Trump wants, you will never win. To Dr Fauci: You are well respected among the American people, and Trump's assault on you is not going to go down well. In the end you told the truth, and you put American lives over profit and the unethical whims of Donald J. Trump. You should be proud.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Character of Donald Trump & His Administration

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies  and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.  Proverbs 6:16-19

Unbeknownst to the author of Proverbs 6:16-19 in the Old Testament, he described Donald J. Trump better than I think anyone ever could. I've witnessed things I wished I never had and have experienced things that brought me to the brink of death. I'm not alone - I know. Yet, despite all of this, I struggle to find a frame of reference or a comparison in history to capture the true essence of Donald J. Trump. Indeed, he has earned the right to a category of his own, spawned straight out of the deep recesses and caverns of hell. And his minions have  earned recognition within the same category.

I never envisioned an America where I would see a dictatorship unfold right before my very eyes. A great many Americans fail to see this - or rather they do not want to see it. The erosion of our democracy and Constitution has been reduced to a frail shell that's empty inside - just like Donald J. Trump. Trump is ruthless, incapable of empathy, a sociopath, vindictive, immature, a sexual predator, vile, a vicious bully, depraved, racist, a pathological liar, narcissistic, unfaithful to anyone or anything, manipulative, and totally void of a moral compass. 

He is not alone - after all he has plenty of company. And it is his company that enables him to remain in power. More well known notables include: Mitch McConnell, William Barr, Kayleigh McEnany, Mike Pence, most of the Republican Senate and House, and even Fox News.  Everyone of the aforementioned have lied and covered up many times for Donald Trump. Even Fox News have doctored two photos with Donald Trump; one including a photo of him cut out with a wasted Melania alongside child predator Jeffrey Epstein. Only fake news and propaganda crop and doctor photos.  Fox said it was a "mistake" - oh okay...Yeah, I can see how it would be easy to overlook and cut out the President of the United States in a close up photo of 4 people

I think it is the cold, heartless response of Donald Trump towards the coronavirus that pushed me over the edge to start this blog. I have found those who support Trump are going to support him no matter what. Why might you ask? It is because he stands for the ugly things they espouse, but do not have the guts to admit it. I  honestly believe in my heart Trump has not shed a single tear for any baby, child, woman or man who has died from the coronavirus. His only concern is to jump start the economy because he fears it will effect his chance of being reelected. Rest assured, everyone of his puppets named above will do whatever he wants at the expense of others - even when it pertains to matters of life or death. 

I am truly afraid for our country. It is the height of hypocrisy for Trump to talk about anarchists, when in fact it is his own regime that is rooted in anarchy. Trump and his administration believe they are above the law, and indeed they are with the backing of William Barr and Donald Trump. Where does one go for justice in the United States when the top law enforcement official in our land (the attorney general) is corrupt? The answer is nowhere. Trump operates mafia style - he has played his cards beautifully by putting into place all the right players he need to protect him and advance his agenda. 

In full display of his vulgarity, Trumps fans the flames of racial hatred in this country to ensure what he perceives to be sure fire votes from his base. A simple act of putting on his Make America Great Again hat, and it's showtime. This year it is the same regurgitated song and dance routine he had in the last campaign. Sadly, it is not just his base with clubs and javelins he seek approval from, it is also members of the Republican party who share his views on race and condemnation of those less fortunate in our society. I have to give his base credit only in one respect - they do not try to hide who they are. Their hatred and ignorance is on full display without any window dressing.

It would take me years and years to write about the corruption and morally bankrupt Trump Administration. Paramount on my mind is for Americans to elect a president who will unite our country and approach the coronavirus crisis on a federal level. This is truly the only way to fight this pandemic, and the Trump Administration has failed miserably right off the get go. Mind you - it is a deliberate, calculated failure. Donald Trump hid initial Covid-19 cases and diminished the coronavirus as if it was akin to the flu or a common cold. He initially claimed it was hoax. 

If we had any other president than Trump, Republican or Democrat, I believe we would be in an entirely different situation today. If a national response had been done in the first place like all other countries in the world, we would likely be returning to some sense of normalcy by now. Instead we are going backwards, and have consistently this week had the most coronavirus cases ever on a daily basis. 

We are here where we are today because Donald Trump set up our nation, and our governors to fight something that far exceeds the capability of any given state. Even now without a consistent federal response and funding from our own government, we are sinking deeper into the pit. Donald Trump, his administration, and his base could care less. They have only one concern, and that is getting Trump reelected - the coronavirus is simply in their way. 

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