Friday, August 28, 2020

Profile in Corruption: The Dishonorable William Barr U.S. Attorney General


There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.  Proverbs 6:16-19

Just as the writer of Proverbs clocked Donald Trump; he has done so with the perfidious William Barr. Where does one go to seek justice in America when even the top law enforcement official in the land is corrupt? William Barr misuses and abuses his power of attorney general at the whims of Donald Trump. Barr is just as criminal as Donald Trump and quite frankly I cannot even in good conscience call him attorney general. He is only a personal attorney to one person – Donald J. Trump. With his impish grin, Barr repeatedly mocks God as he maligns His name to justify his depravity and lack of ethics.

Barr, like Donald Trump has absolutely no fear of God, and has engaged in a longstanding litany of degenerate, retaliatory acts. How do I know he does not fear Jesus Christ? No person can be engaged in a continuous state of evil and corruption; while at the same time have a reverence for God. It is impossible. To fear the Lord is to hate evil. Proverbs:8:13 I am not talking about something here or there; we all have our vices, myself included, and none of us are perfect. I am talking about a state of being – in William Barr’s case it is a constant state of corruption, vindictiveness, and plotting against others.

I abhor people who uses God’s name to justify evil, and that is exactly what Trump and Barr has done, and will continue to do. I’ve wondered what the late President George H. W. Bush thought of this man he once appointed as an assistant attorney general under his administration. I imagine he would have been mortified at Barr’s complete dismissal and lack of respect for the law. The man he once knew would be barely recognizable today, but I am inclined to believe Bush never really knew Barr’s true lack of character. As morally deficient and venal Barr is now, this evil must have been gestating inside of him for many years.

A side note here: It is ironic the most corrupt presidential administration in American history, who constantly prostitutes the name of God to hide their misdeeds, has come out and criticized Joe Biden for calling them up on it. The Democrats do not view America as "depraved" and "wicked;" they view Trump and his administration as depraved and wicked. And they are, hence the topic at hand, William Barr. I shall continue...

William Barr has a long trail of abusing his position at the behest of Trump. First, he interfered and obstructed justice with the handling of the Mueller investigation and its’ report. His overly redacted report was an effort to protect Donald Trump, which probably required 20 ink cartridges to print one copy. Then, he traveled to Ukraine in an attempt to aid and abet Trump’s extortion scheme against Joe Biden. He ordered the tear gassing of peaceful protesters near St. John’s Church in Washington D.C. to stage a hypocritical photo op. And there’s more – far too much to mention, but time now to touch on his newest retaliatory effort.

The latest directive from Barr; he has ordered the Department of Justice to investigate four states nursing home policies regarding Covid-19. The four states all happen to have democratic governors; Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. What a coincidence! There are however, 14 other states, including Florida and Arizona which have similar policies implemented as the four mentioned above. It is readily apparent after Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer criticized the federal coronavirus response at the Democratic National Convention, the Trump administration retaliated against them. Of course, this was all timed methodically to coincide with the Republican National Convention. I suggest a new acronym for the RNC by the way – Real Nationalist Corruption.

Donald Trump and William Barr do not, nor have they ever gave a rip about those in nursing homes prior to the coronavirus, and they still do not today. They have never cared before whether people live or die without healthcare, and they sure as heck don’t care about it now. They are the ones who failed in their response to the coronavirus, not the states – they need to be investigating themselves. The Trump Administration has failed America and is why we have the poorest coronavirus numbers in the entire world. Countries that have been successful in countering the coronavirus approached it on a national level. This investigation is all birthed out of sheer vindictiveness. Without any doubt – Donald Trump and William Barr are truly contemptible, vengeful men void of any conscience.  

Both Gretchen Whitmer and Andrew Cuomo issued a joint statement regarding the Barr’s vindictive response. I have enclosed it below:

 “This is nothing more than a transparent politicization of the Department of Justice in the middle of the Republican National Convention.  It’s no coincidence the moment the Trump administration is caught weakening the CDC's COVID-19 testing guidelines to artificially lower the number of positive cases, they launched this nakedly partisan deflection. At least 14 states — including Kentucky, Utah, and Arizona — have issued similar nursing home guidance all based on federal guidelines – and yet the four states listed in the DOJ’s request have a Democratic governor.  DOJ should send a letter to CMS and CDC since the State's advisories were modeled after their guidance." 

This blatant show of corruption and retaliation needs to stop before our country is no longer recognizable. America is truly divided, and it is an intentional divide propagated by the Trump Administration. This is the first president ever, Democrat or Republican, that has intentionally sought harm against states that did not vote for him or have Democratic governors. The rest of the world has taken notice of the erosion of America’s democracy during Trump’s and Barr’s tenure. Their corruption has truly weakened America’s credibility and position on a global level, and this will ultimately impact our lives in the United States.

In July 2020, a group of 27 prominent lawyers in Washington D.C. filed a complaint, requesting William Barr’s license to practice law be revoked. The basis of the complaint is regarding his lies, his dishonesty by omission, and lack of ethics. William Barr has violated his duty as a public official by putting the needs and interests of Donald Trump over the need of the American people. One issue in the complaint, pertained to when Barr lied by stating the Mueller Report absolved the president of Obstruction of Justice. To protect Trump, Barr attacked the IG by stating the FBI had no basis for its’ 2016 counterintelligence investigation into Russia. Over 1,000 prosecutors validated the complaints in the Mueller Report were credible. The list goes on and on, and will continue to grow as long as the malevolent William Barr is office.

Today’s Republican Senate has bartered and sold their souls to Trump and Barr, and they like the Trump Administration are destitute of integrity and honor. They are impotent cowards. George Will in an impeccable opinion piece in the Washington Post, nailed how Republican senators behave towards Trump, “Voters must dispatch his congressional enablers, especially the senators who still gambol around his ankles with a canine hunger for petting." Are we as Americans not seeing what is actually materializing before our eyes? No one dictator springs into action over night; there is always a gradual metamorphosis into an authoritarian government. Trump would be nowhere without our so-called attorney general William Barr assistance. I’m not sure how much his alliance with Trump will help him in the next world to come.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

CDC Change of Guidelines Appears to be Grossly Negligent


Until the coronavirus came along, I never realized the head of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are appointees made by the president. Donald Trump appointed the current Director Robert Redfield as the head of the CDC, who resides in Trump's back pocket - and there is the problem. Under normal circumstances with a normal president this would not be an issue. With the corrupt Trump Administration during a pandemic, however; it’s a whole different story. I am not buying the CDC's change in their guidelines about asymptomatic individuals, and many others are not either – including epidemiologists and medical professionals.

Several unnamed sources from the CDC have confirmed the changes came down from the Trump administration. I wonder if it was Mike Pence – after all he is an expert in infectious diseases... Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was in surgery when the changes took place, and he is concerned that the new guidelines underestimate the spread of asymptomatic people. Interesting timing, huh? I mean a pretty much well solidified guideline for months has all of a sudden went – poof into thin air. How about that timing - right during the Republican National Convention? 

Now the CDC is basically saying you can be around someone with Coivd-19 if he or she is asymptomatic, and you will not need to be tested unless you develop symptoms. That is a bunch a bull.  Where is the empirical data backing this assertion? Were there any studies done? Why the change now? The coronavirus numbers in most parts of the nation are well above the numbers back in March and April. What new data has transpired that warrants them changing their position?

Here is what the CDC stated previously on their website:

 "If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) of a person with a COVID-19 infection for at least 15 minutes but do not have symptoms, you do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or State or local public health officials recommend you take one."

Now, they are touting this:

"Not everyone needs to be tested," the agency's website says. "If you do get tested, you should self-quarantine/isolate at home pending test results and follow the advice of your health care provider or a public health professional."

In a previous article I had written, “For Those Who Refuse to Wear a Mask: Why is Life Always About You?” I cite the example of Thomas Macias. He attended a barbecue which he later said it went against his better judgment. A young man also attended the gathering knew he had Covid-19, but was asymptomatic. He told Thomas, but did not think he could spread the virus because he had no symptoms. Thomas was not very happy to hear that news. He became ill and found out later he did indeed caught the virus from the young man. Thomas Macias died shortly afterwards. Twelve other individuals at the barbecue became infected from the one young man who attended the barbecue who was asymptomatic.

Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead for Covid-19, stated the following, “What we’ve outlined are strategies to actively find cases. So we have recommendations to test suspect cases, and in situations where it is feasible and is possible, to expand testing where necessary to really look for the cases so that they could be isolated and contact tracing can ensue.” In essence, she states that testing should be expanded to determine asymptomatic individuals, and to expand contact tracing for those who come in contact of positive cases.  

CDC – Don’t dare tell me and the rest of America that asymptomatic individuals are not capable of spreading the virus. You go talk to Thomas Macias’ family and the countless others who have become ill or died from an asymptomatic individual with the coronavirus. Your organization is supposed to be the experts; not the Trump Administration, or governors, or mayors, or every day Americans. Not long ago, I believe even on your own guidelines it stated 40% of those with coronavirus are asymptomatic and they are primary spreaders of Covid-19.

This is a truly reckless guideline which is placing American lives at jeopardy. Even as a lay person one should immediately recognize this suggestion is ludicrous, and quite frankly is why the CDC cannot be trusted. This organization is Trump’s puppet as much any other federal entity these days. Are there any scientists at the CDC who have the guts to stand up for the truth? The sole purpose of this particular guideline is to get the coronavirus numbers erroneously down before the election. Conducting fewer tests will enable the Trump Administration to falsely claim (they don’t know how any other way), the coronavirus numbers are down more than what they actually are.

I fail to understand why there are so many people quite frankly are blind and stupefied by the Trump Administration. It should be glaringly apparent by now Donald Trump does not cares about the American people, or whether any individual lives or die. He is willing to subject Americans needlessly to the coronavirus just in order to get reelected. He is doing that now with the CDC guidelines, and with his fight against voting by mail. He is just that evil and just that self-serving to let others die simply in an effort to win the presidency again. Sadly, this change in the guidelines will ultimately result in more deaths and the further spread of Covid-19. Our country certainly does not need this – this truly surpasses shamelessness on all levels.   

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

America: Don’t be Deceived by Kanye West Run For President


I wrote a previous article about Kanye West being Trump’s stool pigeon, which my stance has not changed whatsoever. My suspicions, however, in the first article have now been confirmed. Supposedly Kanye West is running for office as independent against Donald Trump. On MSNBC Rachel Maddow’s program it came out that West met with Jarrod Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law in Telluride, Colorado about two weeks ago. Now the truth is coming to light. West is running to help reelect Donald Trump in an attempt to siphon votes particularly among young African Americans away from Joe Biden.

Even before discovering West met with Kushner, many in government and in the political arena knew his run for office is simply a farce to get Trump reelected. It was exposed that some in the Republican Party have been helping West to get on ballots in states across the country. Why would those who support Donald Trump work with someone running in opposition to him? I had an idea, but I was not 100% sure until now. Kushner and West met to discuss how to get those who normally would vote for Joe Biden, to vote for him instead. This will give Trump a fighting chance, because he doesn’t think he can win on his own merit (which there has never been any merit).

I am coming straight out and asking everyone; particularly those in the African American community – do you have enough self-respect to not be played by someone like Kanye West?  Don’t you know by now he can care less about the plight of African Americans in this country? If he did, he would not side with a white nationalist like Donald Trump. If he did, he would not side with a man who during the taping on The Apprentice, said “nigger” in a derogatory fashion addressing blacks over 17 times. If West cared about the plight of African Americans would he side with a man who calls protestors of the Black Lives Matter movement thugs and criminals?

Kanye West is not happy about being African American, which has been discussed occasionally in the media over the past few years. West desires approval in particular from Donald Trump, because despite all the money he has, he is lacking the one thing he can never be – white. When you require the approval of another based on his or her race there’s a problem. It means you do not value who you are - and that goes for all races and if the situation is reversed.  I would had shrugged off West’s discontent, except in this case his effort to get a racist dictator in the White House reelected is too much to ignore.

I can understand West to a very limited degree, because African Americans have been perceived as less by our society since arriving on American soil as slaves from Africa. This has a profound psychological effect on many, so for some black Americans there is always an effort to strive to be accepted. It is hard to believe you’re valued when society tells you are not. By the way, according to Kanye West, African slaves shackled in boats and packed like sardines had a choice to be slaves in America. What a disparaging sentiment – what an abhorrent position to have.

What makes West so egregious is he is doing all of this at the expense of the African American community. West claimed it was Trump who inspired him that he could be president (Uh, so that’s way you are running against him?)  He is being prostituted and used by Trump who without a shadow a doubt thinks of him as less. West will never be seen as an equal in Trump’s eyes - it is impossible. Why? Because Donald Trump is a racist. West quite frankly is too dull and needy to accept this. I am hoping, however, that America will see through this ploy by West, Trump and the Republican Party. 

People of color are being targeted and unfortunately are starting to lose ground from the gains made during the Civil Rights era. Black Americans are slowly losing the privilege of voting from schemes implemented by the Trump Administration and the Republican Party. Kanye West does not care about African Americans, or really even other Americans. West is in it for himself as is Donald Trump. Both Trump and West are narcissistic and crave the attention of the world and enjoy the spotlight. Trump knows how to stroke West’s ego, and manipulate him to his advantage. Nevertheless, both Trump and West are underestimating the black community and their ability to see through their deception. America, we need to show them just how wrong they are.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Joe Biden Demonstrates How a President Should Behave


When Joe Biden spoke at the Democratic National Convention, he conducted himself in a manner worthy of a president. It was a very powerful speech which took me back to a time when life was more normal – or at least our government was. My favorite quote of his speech was: “Here and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally of the light not of the darkness.” If you think this race is not a showdown between good and evil, you are deluding yourself. If Donald Trump wins the election it would be catastrophic for this nation.

Joe Biden is respected among his peers and around the world. Our allies and our foes see Donald Trump quite frankly as an idiot – they have absolutely no respect for him. There is just no other way to put it. He is the brunt of global jokes which he has well earned that right. There is no longer any solace for other nations to have the United States in their corner, like it did pre-Trump days in office. The world use to look to us for leadership – now they look upon us with disdain. The United States has lost its credibility around the world and rightly so. Seriously, if another world government had a leader who behaved like Donald Trump; would you take him or her seriously? When you compare the differences between Joe Biden and Trump, it becomes even more apparent.

Here are some caparisons and contrasts between Joe Biden and Donald Trump:

  • Donald Trump is a president of darkness – he embraces hate, corruption, lies and division. Joe Biden will be a president who operates in the light – he embraces integrity, respect for all, strength, and unity.
  • Donald Trump is president solely for the Republican Party. Joe Biden will be president for all - Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
  • Donald Trump invited and allows Russia to interfere in our elections. Joe Biden will not allow Russian interference in our American elections.
  • Donald Trump is the president of red states and has let it be known he could care less about blue states. This fate even goes for his Republican constituents who reside in blue states. His punitive policies will ultimately impact those who vote for him who live in blue states. Joe Biden will be president to everyone in the United States – those who reside in both red and blue states.
  • Donald Trump will be courteous to you if you are to him, and do as he wishes. Joe Biden treats everyone with respect – even those he disagrees with.
  • Donald Trump appeals to the racist and white nationalist and hate groups.  He makes efforts to protect them at the expense of the rest of the American people. Joe Biden appeals to all races and seeks to unite America; not divide America like Donald Trump
  • Donald Trump is woefully ignorant of the processes of government and the Constitution. Joe Biden knows in the ends and outs of government; and respects the proper processes and procedures put in place by our Constitution.
  • Donald Trump takes his guidance and direction from Fox News. Joe Biden is knowledgeable, and does not rely on a crutch from any one person or entity.
  • Donald Trump has the maturity level of a teenager. Joe Biden is mature and is not easily angered like Trump.
  • Donald Trump reveres himself and other dictators. Joe Biden reveres God.
  • Donald Trump has been impeached. Joe Biden has not.
  • Donald Trump has been formally accused of Obstruction of Justice, and extortion. Joe Biden has not.
  • Donald Trump leads by fear.  Joe Biden will lead by intellect, knowledge, and the ability to think and make rational decisions.
  • Donald Trump is terrified of Vladymir Putin. Joe Biden is not. When he was vice-president to President Barack Obama, Biden on video put Putin on notice.
  • Donald Trump was too afraid to approach Vladymir Putin after Russia placed bounties on the heads of U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan. Joe Biden said he would address this with Russia if elected, and he will defend our soldiers and veterans against any foreign adversary.
  • Donald Trump’s ego is so fragile and volatile, that he has sought legal action to keep those who criticize him, from being able to comment on his Twitter page. Joe Biden, among pretty much every other politician in this country, allows American citizens to comment on his Twitter page.

I know there are plenty more examples of the differences between the two, but that would require me writing a book. But there is one last comparison that I believe is the most imperative of them all, as it pretty much encapsulates all of the aforementioned comparisons listed above.  

Donald Trump is about himself.  Joe Biden is about others and the welfare of the United States of America.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Significance of President Barack Obama’s DNC Speech


In the past four years, every time I’ve heard the voice of President Barack Obama, I stopped dead in my tracks to listen. I can’t help but to grieve over the loss of what was once normal times, and how I miss the voice of what a real president sounds like. The contrast between Obama and Donald Trump are diabolical. Obama is faithful to America, Trump faithful only to himself. Obama, is a moral human being; is immoral. Obama is intelligent; Trump is void of intellect. Obama was a watchdog for our national security; Trump is a watchdog for his own self-interest. These two men are opposites; a poignant example of good versus the depraved.

Even when I hear President George W. Bush who I did not vote for and President Bill Clinton on television, I am taken back to a time when presidents were – well, presidents. I derive a sense of comfort from hearing them speak, even though the comfort is fleeting. As President Barack Obama spoke, a rabid Donald J. Trump fired off a string of tweets only to further demonstrate himself as an unhinged, deeply immature man incapable of leading the United States. He could not have proved Obama’s point any better if he had tried.  “It is what it is” as Trump callously said when commenting about the number of coronavirus deaths. Trump is what he is; a malevolent and idiotic man – making for a disastrous combination in the White House.

President Obama laid it on the line just what is at stake for our democracy – and we are on the verge of losing it. I can assure you, I am not being an alarmist here or trying to be overly dramatic. People are starting to say that our democracy is a facade. Trump and his administration have thumbed their noses at our constitution, and have adopted their own rules outside the frame of our democracy. The Republican Party has stood by and let it happened. Even worse, they have enabled it. We are truly at a crossroads that will redefine America if Trump is reelected. Our standing domestically and abroad will deteriorate even further.  

Trump has already laid the foundation for an autocratic state, and he will be sure to build on it if he is reelected. With unethical William Barr in Trump’s back pocket, who sold his soul a long time ago, America has no one to turn to for justice. When the top law enforcement in the land is corrupt, you are essentially screwed. William Barr is Trump’s Attorney General, not America’s Attorney General. Trump has carte blanche to whatever he chose to; his enablers Mike Pence, the Republican Senate and Barr will see to it.

America today is not the America that existed four years ago – and no, I am not just talking about the coronavirus. President Barack Obama had no choice to defend our democracy against Trump; at this point and time he would have been remiss not to. This is no longer about being a Democrat or a Republican – it is about saving our country before it is too late. Joe Biden is absolutely right – this is about saving the soul of America. We have travailed into moral bankruptcy, in full display of an entire world that no longer respects us. America is the brunt of jokes now, and our relationships with our allies are hanging on by a thread. In truth, most of our allies have left America in the dust, and no longer consider there is anything to gain by their alliance with us.

President Obama stated in his speech at the DNC in reference to Trump, “For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves. Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't." He absolutely nailed it. Donald Trump is simply unfit to be president and is incapable of leading our country.

Former President Obama speech in contrast to Trump’s rapid succession of tweets, not only exemplified what a real president sounds like, but displayed the difference between a man and a spastic child. It is imperative for a president to at the least be mature enough to deal with other people – Trump is incapable of this. He does not work with others – he rules other. He thinks that’s a good thing – I have no doubt Milton is his favorite poet. Trump will always respond to criticism in a venomous, unhinged, ignorant, fact less, and immature manner. In that regard, he never fails to disappoint.

I was deeply moved watching President Obama’s speech, because it became apparent this unfortunate tenure of Donald Trump has grieved him deeply. Never before in American history had a U.S. president been put in a position to plead for our democracy and the sanctity of this nation. Every other living president, although not to extent Obama, has made some remarks that are indicative of their disdain for the corruption within Trump administration. In the end, the only legacy Donald Trump will leave is a legacy of hate and destruction. President Barack Obama conveyed that in no uncertain terms. America’s hope and future is totally dependent on Joe Biden winning the election.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Michelle Obama Nailed Donald Trump’s Lack of Character at the DNC


Michelle Obama could not have done a better job than what she did Monday night at the Democratic National Convention. She squarely addressed the most serious and dangerous flaws in Trump’s presidency – his lack of character and his inability to comprehend facts. These two self-defining traits of Donald J. Trump’s character will never change, and if he is elected in 2020, the one thing I can guarantee is things are going to get far worse.

I think the most significant and relevant factor Michelle Obama made is simply this – Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States. He is incapable of running this country. Not only does he lack the skills to do so, but he is profoundly immature. By no means am I trying to be flippant, but even most teenagers are more mature than Trump. When one read his tweets and his responses, the verbiage conveys extreme ignorance and a shocking level of immaturity. This is the United States of America and we have a president who conducts himself as if he is in the sixth grade. This is unacceptable, but more importantly, dangerous for our nation.

Obama conveyed the critical need for a president to have a sound mind and clear thought processes. Equally important is the need to be in possession of a moral compass. As she said, a president must have the ability to comprehend data and complex issues. Every one of the aforementioned traits are absent in Donald Trump. In order to be president, one needs critical thinking skills, a working knowledge of other world countries and leaders, and the ability to made sound judgments.  Michelle Obama was right; it is also imperative for a president to be a good listener. A president cannot go on conniption fits and become unglued as Trump, simply because someone’s viewpoint differs from his own.

Donald Trump is the absolute worse president any country could have during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, the U.S. is stuck with him for now. As Michelle Obama pointed out, a president needs a sense of morality which Trump is devoid of. Trump’s response or rather lack of, has resulted in over 170,000 deaths, and over 5.5 million cases in the just the U.S. alone. We have the worst numbers upon this entire planet. Our numbers leave China in the dust – the point of origin for Covid-19, which the country has a population of 3.4 billion people. Our numbers are downright disgraceful.

Trump initially focused his efforts on hiding the coronavirus and downplaying its significance, which he even continues to do so even today. It is reprehensible and depraved for a U.S. president to hide and minimize a deadly pandemic, and its looming impact on America to protect himself. When this thing hit – Trump left our governors to fend for themselves, and even fight and compete over each other for PPE (personal protection equipment). That is unconscionable, pathetic, and is inexcusable on the federal government’s part. No one state was equipped to handle this crisis on its own, without resources and adequate guidance from the federal government. Every reputable scientist and epidemiologist has repeatedly and consistently said the only way to adequately approach the virus in on a nationwide level.  

Our country is in great peril. Michelle Obama nailed the grave vulnerabilities America is facing with Trump as our president. God forbid he wins again, because in four years this country will be almost unrecognizable. Michelle identified the pain so many of us are facing; and I was glad she acknowledge the pain over losing what so many Americans fought for during the Civil Rights Era. To lose so many lives only to experience what seems like a flux back in time, is utterly heartbreaking. Understandably, it has truly produced a great sense of hopelessness and despair in this country.

Donald Trump is a racist, and I dare say the overwhelming majority who support him are racist. That is why Trump appeals to such a broad group of people; even many who profess to be Christians are avid supporters of him. In truth, I believe many people at one time or another have harbored some form of prejudice. What’s important is people deal with it and ultimately excise it from their lives. But when you hold on to prejudices and justify racism, that’s a different story. Whereas prejudice often emanate from ignorance, racism comes from a spirit of hate. Donald Trump’s racism has manifested into action repeatedly for years, and is indisputable. A president should be for all Americans and not just for a select group.

I believe the most poignant statement Michelle Obama made of the evening was; “As I've said before, being president doesn't change who you are; it reveals who you are.”  There is no mistaken who Donald Trump is – he has broadcast what he is made of to the world and everyone has heard him loud and clear. His profound ignorance, his racism, his callousness, his pathological lying, his degradation of women, his immaturity, his contempt for blue states, his lack of empathy for life, and above all else his inability to lead this country is on full display. Thank you Michelle Obama for your forthrightness and eloquence in the speech you gave at the DNC – I do not believe you could had done any better in describing the dire circumstances this nation is facing. I just hope and pray America listens.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trump Administration Intent on Destroying the U.S. Postal Service

Update: Since writing this post, DeJoy has stated that no more changes will be made at USPS until after the November 3 election. It is unknown if previous changes will remain in place, or if DeJoy will restore the sorting machines and blue mailboxes taken away, back to their original location. Postal Union workers doubt if the changes will be restored. DeJoy is scheduled to testify at the House of Representative on Friday, August 21.

I never thought I would see a day where one individual could dismantle an essential part of everyday American life solely to win an election. Trump usurped his need over the entire population of the United States. He is not alone, however; he has plenty of enablers in the Republican Senate and William Barr to back him up. It is a disgrace not only for this country but to the entire world that unlike us can see America gradually emerging into an autocratic state.  This is happening right now. Why can’t Americans see this or rather do not want to see it?

Back in June, Donald Trump selected Louis Dejoy to be the Postmaster General over the United States Postal Service. Dejoy has been a long time supporter of Trump and a big time donor for his campaign. As we all know by now, Trump loves to give back to those who support him. But don’t think it’s just Trump’s way of saying thank you, because he does not feel gratitude towards anyone. Trump put people in strategic places where he needs them, and it always solely for his benefit. And this cash cow is paying off big time – just in time for the election.

Many American citizens are outraged by the changes Trump is trying to accomplish through the United States Postal Service. I know there must be every day citizens who are Republican who could not possibly be for the deliberate sabotage Trump is doing to the Post Office. USPS is as American as baseball and apple pie. It impacts every single American within the United States. It is an essential part of life that has been federally regulated for three centuries, but now we have a corrupt, amoral president who is trying to dismantle it for the sole purpose of winning the election.

Trump has come out and admitted he is doing this to USPS in order to suppress our right to vote by absentee ballot or mail in the November election. He is touting some asinine theory that vote by mail is flawed and is subject to theft and fraud. There is absolutely no basis for this ludicrous claim or any data to support it. What is so pathetic is he even voted by mail himself for Florida’s election. On Fox News he boasted if Democrats did not receive an additional 25 billion for the Post Office in the next stimulus package, he does not believe the Post Office will have time to process mail in ballots.  According to him, this lack of funding will cut down on opportunities of so-called mail fraud, which does not exist or have been substantiated. 

Trump has went one step further and lowered the bar on what I see as one of the most hypocritical, audacious moves I ever witnessed. He has plastered his face and basically begged for votes on North Carolina’s absentee ballots recently sent out. What I do not understand is how legally a candidate could on what is suppose to be a fair voting system, advertise on  a state’s absentee ballot. Of course, some of Trump’s handpicked puppets devoid of conscience came out defending the grotesque move, Thea McDonald, and Tim Wigginton. I have no doubt more will follow.

But was is the most egregious, actually evil part of his scheme, is that he is forcing Americans to get out and vote during the coronavirus crisis, when they do not have to. Does Trump care? That is a rhetorical question.  He simply do not care if people have to go out into a designated crowded place to vote, and risk the Covid-19. You may vote for Donald Trump, but I can tell you once you vote for him, your existence no longer matters to him. The American people should be outraged, in this callous, manipulative move by a man who only cares about one person on this earth – himself.

Mostly everyone loves USPS, Republicans and Democrats alike. Messing with the mail impacts all of us. It will affect our bills, our prescriptions, our orders we place, cards we send to love ones, gifts, letters. We all rely on the mail which has been an intrinsic part of America since July 26, 1775, with Benjamin Franklin being the first Postmaster General. This deliberate and intentional act of Trump is causing Americans to get late fees, delays in getting bills on time or payments; it affects Veterans, many business owners, all American citizens, college students, etc. If this one single act and the orchestration behind it, does not tell Americans we are in danger by this president, than I don’t know what will.

What Trump has done in his efforts to dismantle USPS, should tell you the extremes he will go to just to get elected and get his way. It is the ultimate selfish display; one man’s desire to achieve the presidency over the desires of almost 340 million Americans. If you are concerned about your mail, and the future of United States Postal Service, please contact your state senators. You can either call or likely email them. America loves the postal service and we must do what we can to protect it. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

For Those Who Refuse to Wear a Mask: Why is Life Always About You?


So you are living on this Earth with a population over 7.5 billion – yet you somehow think everything revolves around you. You rights are paramount over the rights of everyone else. Your perceived right not to wear a mask supersedes not only the possibility of infecting people with the coronavirus, but your choice may cost the life of another person. Is there anyone – anyone in this world you care about other than yourself? One must wonder if you are truly capable of loving someone, because you are too prideful to put on something as simple as a mask.

Do you even care about your own family or friends? How would you feel if your children, your spouse, or if your parents caught Covid-19 from someone who was not wearing a mask? How would you feel if their death could have been prevented? What if they did not have to die, if only the other person had put on a mask? Nearly half of the people infected with Covid-19 do not experience any symptoms at all. Is it asking too much of your stupid pride to save a life? What if that life is someone you deeply care about?  At the end of your life, what good will your pride do for you?

Thomas Macias went to a barbecue in Lake Elsinore, California; where it was said there were no mask or social distancing at the gathering. A friend at the barbecue had tested positive for Covid-19 and told Thomas he had it, but was asymptomatic. He said he did not think he could infect anyone, which I quite frankly I find a little rich, but I can’t say in all fairness prove otherwise. His friend was a selfish non-mask wearer like you, but wanted to go to the barbecue anyway – and so he did. Not only did Macias died from his friend’s actions, but he infected twelve other people at that very gathering with the coronavirus.  

Thomas Macias after attending the barbecue, posted this on social media: "I went out a couple of weeks ago ... because of my stupidity I put my mom and sisters and my family's health in jeopardy," he wrote. "This has been a very painful experience. This is no joke. If you have to go out, wear a mask, and practice social distancing. ... Hopefully with God's help, I'll be able to survive this." Tragically, Thomas died one day later after posting this on Facebook.

What make you think your right not to wear a mask is more valuable than saving the life of someone else? You must to be pretty pathetic if your life has been reduced to resisting wearing a small cloth or surgical mask, because someone dared told to you do so. The fact you derive a sense of pride from asserting your so-called right not to wear a mask over the health of another individual is repugnant and vile. It is very telling about what kind of person you are inside, and it is not good.

Like Donald Trump, you don’t even have the human decency to think outside of yourself. Trump politicized wearing a mask as if it is an infringement on one’s rights, and perhaps you just blindly follow him in ignorance and utter stupidity. Trump simply does not want you to wear a mask because he has gone to great lengths to diminish the significance of the coronavirus. He is a true sociopath who is incapable of loving or caring about the welfare of others. A good number of psychologists and psychiatrists have diagnosed him as a sociopath – perhaps you are too. That explains why you are so self-centered, and are incapable of thinking beyond yourself.

You do realize there have to be laws and ordinances in any given society – otherwise anarchy and lawlessness will ensue. In America today, you don’t have the right to drive a vehicle without wearing a seat-belt. You don’t have the right to snatch a purse off a woman’s shoulders who is just walking by. You don’t have the right to pull your pants down, and take a dump in the park. You don’t have the right to never cut your lawn and let it be overtaken by vermin. You don’t have the right to expose yourself on the street.

There are laws of basic human decency and showing respect for others, because our actions impact other people. For the first time in our lifetime each one of us impacts every single person around us. Your failure to wear a mask may kill someone, and might have already done so. You will never know if you are asymptomatic and never been tested. Epidemiologists claim coronavirus numbers are much higher than we can actually measure, because countless people have died without knowing their true manner of death.

Maybe you believe you have to mimic Donald Trump - the source of your infatuation. Let me tell you a little secret – Donald Trump do not give a flying rip about you and he will never will. He does not care if you live or die. He does not care whether you catch Covid-19, or you don’t catch it. He does not care if you’re hungry or well fed. He does not care about the safety of your family - it is all inconsequential to him. He cares about the economy, because he fears the unemployment numbers will impact his chance of being elected. There are only two things Donald Trump truly cares about – himself and acquiring your vote. 

There are thousands of lives, possibly millions across the globe that have been saved by the simple action of wearing a mask. We will never know these numbers, because taking this precaution is immeasurable and can’t be reported. If your resistance or refusal to wear a mask in based on the idea that no one can tell you what to do, then you as a person lack integrity and character. If you are that self-absorbed, that prideful, that selfish, that uncaring, that pathetic, that full of hate, and that void of love; then I pity those who cross your path. You never know about life - the day may come when you will have to answer for your indifference sooner than you think.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Mike Huckabee Prostitutes the Name of God for Political Purposes


And no marvel: for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing, though his ministers transform themselves, as though they were the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.  2 Corinthians 11:12-15

Mike Huckabee has proven himself far more appalling than I even thought possible. Recently he said on Fox & Friends that voting for Joe Biden is not an option for religious voters in the 2020 election. Implicit in such a statement is the idea that those who vote for Joe Biden must not truly love God and are not real Christians. He also came out and said, “I don’t know of anybody, people of faith, who think Joe Biden is a great choice.” That is simply not true and it is actually a reprehensible thing to say. Huckabee bathed in his own arrogance and self-righteousness, has self-appointed himself as the voice of all Christians. He is not.

Mike Huckabee is unaware that millions see his hypocrisy and know exactly what he is trying to do. There are so many Americans who have no desire to vote for a corrupt, racist, evil man like Donald Trump. Donald Trump has the blood of thousands Americans on his hands. He did more than just failed to set up a national response to the coronavirus, but he made great effort to hide and misrepresent Covid-19 to the American people. Even today he is not making any effort to help America fight the coronavirus. Trump is still downplaying the nature of the virus and promoting falsehoods that minimizes it because he fears it impacting his chance to be reelected.

The true motive behind Huckabee unfounded admonishment is solely about his and Trump’s political agenda. They both try to achieve it by prostituting the name of Jesus Christ. They are using God's name as a pawn to strong arm people by shaming them into voting for Trump - mind you the shame is completely unwarranted. Huckabee, Pence and others use this tactic like a psychological form of peer pressure typically among evangelicals. God does not like to be used to advance one’s self-serving agenda, and this is exactly what they are doing. 

Mike Huckabee, the Trump Administration, and Fox News are consistently crying out there is a left wing conspiracy in the making. No matter what the issue is, if they do not like it - it is tagged as a left wing conspiracy. Of course, there is no real depth to their views, which almost always are diabolical to the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the end, it all boils down to money and taxes, which explains why Trump and Huckabee have a great deal of contempt for the poor. 

Just a few years back, Huckabee and Trump fanned the flames of racial hatred in an effort to create animus towards those seeking refuge along the Mexican border. Huckabee also made a racist tweet depicting a photo of 5 Latino gang members of MS-13, and stated they were part of Nancy Pelosi’s team to take back the House. Shortly afterwards, Donald Trump Jr. retweeted his racist tweet. Huckabee used the strategic tweet during the time Trump insisted on building a wall along the border. 

In addition, when Huckabee ran for president, he made the following quote about Syrian refugees who happened to be adults and children drowning off the coast of Greece: “Are they really escaping tyranny, are they escaping poverty, or are they really just coming because we've got cable TV?”  Isn’t that nice of Mike? I imagine Trump takes great comfort in knowing he has someone watching his back like Mike Huckabee. That’s probably why he chose Sarah Huckabee Sanders as press secretary, although her superior ability to lie with such ease made her well qualified for Trump’s pick. 

Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump also seem to share similar viewpoints when it comes to child molestation and pedophilia. It appears a child being molested does not really concern Huckabee all that much, just as long as the individual shares his political beliefs. He had no problem endorsing accused child molesters Donald J. Trump and Roy Moore for reelection. He’s made considerable effort in coming to the defense of both. Trump’s preferred method for sexually assaulting women, which he boasted as grabbing them by the pu**y, also does not seem to bother Huckabee much either. 

In the case of Roy Moore, he was accused of child molestation in five incidents when he was around 30 years old and was a district attorney in Arkansas. Over 30 individuals provided collaboration for the victims’ testimony. Yet, ever caring, God fearing Huckabee made the following quote on Fox News, “They have a lot of questions about Roy Moore, I understand that,” Huckabee said. “But you know it’s down to the fact that as long as Al Franken is in the Senate, and Conyers is staying in office, why not have Roy Moore?” The answer is Franken and Conyers did not molest children like Roy Moore - and they resigned. By the way, Trump supported Moore as well, but no surprise there. 

Trump on the other hand has been accused by a woman who claimed he raped her when she was just 13 years old on several occasions. Jeffrey Epstein was said to have arranged the setup for Trump. I plan to write more about this in a separate article. It has also been said Trump allegedly raped a 12 year old girl by the name of Maria. When Jeffrey Epstein died, I have no doubt Trump breathed a huge sigh of relief. I abhor those who commit sexual assault on women and child molestation – both are heinous, depraved acts that deserve prosecution. 

Mike Huckabee has no business telling people how to vote, and most assuredly have no right to drag God’s name into it. His statements and stances are some of the vilest and most repugnant I have seen. It begs the question, why would anyone listen to someone who makes excuses for child molesters? Anyone can pay lip service to God but it does not mean one really knows Jesus Christ, or has His heart. Mike Huckabee is about the last person on earth I would look to for guidance – but sorry Mike, Trump indeed comes in last place. He takes that honor; but don’t worry, you were up next. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Trump Administration is Forcing the Disabled to Risk the Coronavirus


Donald Trump and his administration’s callousness seem to have infiltrated all areas of government. In America today you have two governmental agencies juxtapose in their response to Covid-19 safety protocols facing those on disability. Since the very start of the coronavirus in the United States, what group have epidemiologist and medical professionals said are the most susceptible to catching Covid-19? Over and over again, we are told it is the elderly and those with preexisting conditions.

On the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website as of today, the elderly and those with preexisting conditions are still listed as being the most vulnerable. The CDC are urging any one in these two categories to stay home and socially distance from others as much as possible. Although not everyone who has a disability is at a higher risk of getting infected, many are susceptible due to their underlying health conditions. Some of the more prevalent conditions include those with weakened immune systems, heart disease, diabetes, lung issues, stroke, and cancer, just to name a few.

But there are many more conditions that do not lend itself well to the coronavirus. The CDC states those with mental disabilities may be more susceptible to catching Covid-19, and when you stop and think it makes sense. From the CDC website; “Some people with developmental or behavioral disorders may have difficulties accessing information, understanding or practicing preventative measures, and communicating symptoms of illness.” If you know someone with a mental illness that has some level of autonomy, this may even be a more significant factor.

I was shocked to learn the Social Security Administration under Donald Trump is not suspending disability reviews in the midst of this deadly pandemic. I just assumed they had until I stumbled on this information by accident. They are forcing the disabled to go out in public, and continue with doctor’s office visits that can wait as disability reviews continue. Why would the Trump Administration issue public health warnings only to force the most vulnerable to go out in the midst of the coronavirus?

Two senators, Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, and Bob Casey, Democrat from Pennsylvania submitted a proposal to the Social Security Administration (SSA) requesting the suspension of disability reviews due to the coronavirus pandemic. The SSA refers to these reviews as CDR’s -Continuing Disability Reviews. In May, the SSA announced they were suspending all reviews at this time, however; that did not last very long. By June 29, they had resumed back to administering reviews. The coronavirus cases in the United States are now at an all time high – and so is the death rate.

The appeal by Brown and Casey expressed the following to the SSA, “We strongly urge SSA to reconsider this decision. COVID-19 case numbers are higher than ever. Our nation continues to be under a public health emergency, according to the Department of Health and Human Services – a designation that will likely be extended in the coming weeks. We continue to have great concern that prompting – in some cases compelling – beneficiaries to leave home to comply with a CDR puts the very people most in need of protection from COVID-19 at needless risk.”

Here is our own government forcing those with preexisting conditions to go out, catch a subway, bus, or drive to maintain a disability review that surely during the height of this pandemic should be suspended for now. If it is not bad enough, they are forcing the disabled to keep medical appointments in a healthcare environment, with a greater propensity to be exposed to other people who may have the virus. The SSA reviews doctor’s appointments of disabled individuals as a factor of determining continuation of benefits. To continue with disability reviews is to repeatedly expose those with underlying health conditions unnecessarily to the coronavirus.

Not only is this a moral failure, it places all Americans in peril. Disabled individuals like anyone else can come in contact with others if they catch the coronavirus. Some have pointed out telehealth appointments which are a great, but many healthcare facilities do not offer this. There are still surprisingly a lot of people who do not have smart phones.

I find it reprehensible that individuals with preexisting conditions on disability are unduly being exposed. It has been substantiated that those with underlying health conditions are far more likely to succumb to Covid-19 than healthy individuals. Yet our very own government is forcing the disabled to get out in public with policies that could easily be placed on hold for now. Every time a disabled individual with preexisting conditions gets out in public, he or she is taking a risk that may not be necessary, that could ultimately result in death. It is time the government heed their own guidelines.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Kanye West is Still Donald Trump’s Stool Pigeon

I have reached the inevitable conclusion that Kanye West was, is, and will always be Donald Trump’s stool pigeon. He just doesn’t get it, and once again he is being used as a pawn by those in the Trump Administration. Republican operatives are now assisting West to get his name on ballots in states such as Arkansas, Wisconsin, and Vermont. He is already on the ballot in Oklahoma, and Illinois, and soon will be in other states. West is too dull to realize Trump and the Republican Party are counting on him to pull votes away from Joe Biden. Or is he? Make no mistake, however; this is the only reason Republicans are assisting him.

The Republican Party is counting on African Americans to vote for West as opposed to Biden; especially among younger voters. I believe they are underestimating black voters (which actually they always have), and African Americans will not fall for the bait. Many blacks have lost their respect for West a long time ago, as he stretched his legs, rolled over, just craving for a ‘that’s a boy pat” from “the Donald.” Trump has even given thumbs up to West entering the race, and tweeted,“That shouldn't be hard; Corrupt Joe has done nothing good for Black people!"  What a hypocritical statement from our White Nationalist president, but not at all surprising.

I think the average adult in America is more knowledgeable about political and social issues than Kanye West. The Republican Party does not see him as a viable candidate, and neither does anyone else. West is in it for himself – he craves the attention. In some ways he and Donald Trump are much a like – they love the spotlight in the media. They both are narcissists. They want to adored, worshiped, and be the center of attention at all times.

West was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and I would imagine that may impact his mental fitness if he were to be president. It is certainly nothing to worry about now, because he does not have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the election. He knows that, but the attention is too much to ignore. Trump’s is a sociopath although I am not sure if his mental illness has been officially diagnosed. Mary Trump, his niece has basically said he is a sociopath, without coming out saying the specific diagnosis. He is obviously unfit, but nevertheless is in the White House.

West does not identify with the plight of African Americans because he has lived in his own world for many years. Except for younger blacks, I believe most African Americans do not identify with Kanye West. His infatuation in the past with Donald Trump has not been well received by those in the black community. West is too enamored with himself to realize he is being played by the Republican Party, and he will never abandon the race.

To be quite frank here, I suspect Trump may have enlisted the help of West, in an effort to draw votes away from Joe Biden. Kanye West has been in love with Donald Trump for many years. He reveres him, he admires him, and he has basically groveled at Trump’s feet for his approval. Now all of a sudden we are suppose to believe he is running against Trump? If he is anti-Trump now, it begs the question why are Trump supporters and Republican Party members helping West to get on the ballot?

It is staring you straight in the face. Kanye West can’t win, and surely he knows that. Why is he starting to run in the race this late in the game? I will tell you – because Joe Biden is leading the polls and Trump is becoming increasingly scared. The Republican Party fights dirty – they always have. They know West will capture votes that would had normally went to Biden – however, I they are overestimating their stool pigeon.

The Democratic Party and African American leaders should come out and expose this tactic by the Trump Administration, and work hard to solidify the votes for Joe Biden in their communities. I appeal to African American voters – don’t get played by Kanye West and Donald Trump. You deserve better than this – don’t be manipulated like you are incapable of seeing what is going here. Don’t be a stool pigeon like Kanye West. Whether he is in this for himself, or in an effort to help Donald Trump, he does not have your back. In that regard, he and Trump are just alike.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Donald Trump’s Refusal to Honor the Late John Lewis

I found it difficult to watch the horse driven carriage carrying the casket of Senator John Lewis cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. It brought me to tears thinking about how John died knowing he was leaving an America still embroiled in the same hatred he marched against nearly 56 years ago. He died knowing we now have a president who has set out to undo almost everything he had worked for. I imagine his heart was broken; not for himself, but for the racial animus he was leaving behind. No one can ever deny the good, and the sacrifices John Lewis made during the Civil Rights Movement –his efforts certainly were not in vain.

Donald Trump is still nursing his wounds over the fact Lewis did not attend his inauguration ceremony in 2017. Pathetic – no wonder there are Trump balloons out there depicting him still in his diapers. John Lewis knew and understood the character of Trump.  He knew he was a racist. John believed it would be remiss and hypocritical for him to celebrate the election of a man well known for his racist disposition towards people of color. When Trump was asked about Lewis after his death, he said and I quote, “"I can't say one way or the other." Once you cross Trump’s path, you will remain on his “list” to the end of time. He will die hating you.

Trump assumes because he is president, all must bow down and ingratiate him constantly. Not everyone is like the Republican Senate and Mike Pence; his back pocket puppets. Trump believes he can mistreat anyone, and his victim is to revere him in fear afterwards. John Lewis was not a hypocrite - he always fought for the rights of everyone. He was not afraid of Trump, unlike McConnell, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, and other members of the Republican Senate who are nothing but a group of impotent cowards. It begs the question: Why would people reelect senators who have no backbone and continually put Trump’s interest ahead of the American people?

Donald Trump is a dictator – but our country still does not want to admit it. He rules by bullying and vindictiveness. Instead of being ashamed of these qualities, he admires them. He is continuously giving his racist base a wink and a nod that he still has their backs. He has not forgotten. The erosion of our democracy is almost complete, and if Trump is reelected, the democratic principles of our nation will continue to diminish. Trump wants to be feared; he sees it as strength, as he does hate. He is the antithesis of John Lewis.

Trump is a racist and does not like people of color, especially black people. It amazes me people like Herman Cain and other blacks who crave his approval so much, without recognizing he will never see them as his equal. He has proven that time and time again. Many African Americans perceive themselves as being less because it is what our society conveys to people of color. Omarosa found out the hard way, and Kanye West still refuses to learn that he is being used by the Trump Administration. Herman Cain died from catching Covid-19 more than likely at Trump’s rally in Tulsa. What's tragic is he died for a man who had and will always see him as less. I was no fan of Cain, but it surely was not worth his life to be played by Trump. I know these statements won’t go over well, but it is the truth.

But alas, here we are. All these years later and even today the Republican Party is working hard to keep African Americans from voting. John Lewis fought for voting rights, and if he were alive today he would had continued to fight for voting rights – 55 years later. What a sad commentary. Trump has even stacked the deck with the USPS, by hiring in June a new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy- a known Trump supporter, in an effort to stymie voting by mail. DeJoy has implemented several policies which are even slowing down the mail now, in effort to circumvent mail in ballots in time for the election.

When Donald Trump is out of office, he will leave behind a legacy of hate, corruption and destruction. Not only the destruction he caused from the federal government failed  response to the coronavirus, but destruction from stoking the flames of racial hatred. That is his contribution to this world, and make no mistake, he will be proud of it. Trump symbolizes what is evil in this world, and John Lewis the good. John Lewis legacy is one of love, justice, and fighting for what is right, and will never be forgotten. Even Donald Trump can’t take that away, although it has not prevented him from trying.  RIP John Lewis.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Trump's Attack on Biden's Cognitive Ability Came Back to Bite

In a rare case of "just desserts," Trump's assault on Joe Biden has come back full circle to bite him in the rump. Trump put out a campaign television ad implying Biden's cognitive abilities are impaired, by showing an array of various clips of the vice-president tripping over his words. Biden has a minor stuttering problem which is common knowledge, but it has not prevented him from being a successful senator for many years, or Vice-President of the United States to President Barack  Obama. Some of the ad's clips show instances when Biden struggled with his train of thought, which we all do from time to time - except for a very few.

Donald J. Trump is indeed one of the very few - a pathological liar extraordinaire. Trump lies effortlessly, even without the necessity of contacting or consulting his brain which is a given. The lies pour forth like running water out of a faucet. I have to marvel at his ability to lie; because it is bar none to any other person I have seen. Trump does not care about lying - it comes natural to him, and telling the truth is inconsequential. There is no guilt or even an elaborate thought process involved in the fabrication process.

I guess that's why the Republican Congress and him gets along so well, because their actions are surely indicative of who comes first. When they failed to impeach Trump for extortion of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky  clearly put their positions and agenda over the national security of the American people. It is also why they can callously without any provocation of conscience decree "blue states" die, and "red states" live.

Trump has chosen his prolific lying press secretaries well, except for Sean Spicer. I don't think Spicer is above lying (which he has), but he did not possess the skill set of his successors. I never thought any one could beat Sarah-Huckabee Sanders as a liar, but  Kayleigh McEnany and her are pretty much a dead tie. If anyone should ever need a training course in lying, these two should give it.

Trump feeling triumphant about his "cognitive ability" in a Fox News interview with medical correspondent Marc Siegel, bragged about his ability to recall the 5 words sequentially in the photo above. The words are "person." "woman," "man," "camera," and "television."  Trump was beaming with pride in the interview. He touted his superior ability, and claimed it was demonstrative of his high level of intelligence. After all, he is a self-proclaimed genius. Siegel listened to him, smiling and head moving like a bobble head doll as Trump expressed admiration for his own ability.

Trump recounted how the doctor who administered the test, came back 20 minutes later and asked him to repeat the same 5 words again. Guess what? Trump did! That's right -  he was able to repeat the same 5 words in sequence! "Person." "woman," "man," "camera," and "television!" Trump proclaimed the doctor and staffed marveled over his ability to cite the same five words in order. In their fanfare, they told him most people are not able to. The test Trump was given is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and is primary administered to determine if one has dementia. It have also been used to diagnose those with Alzheimer’s, ALS, Schizophrenia, and a few others mental disorders.

It is hard to determine what, if there's any element of truth to Trump's claim on how he performed on the test. Trump said he took the test recently at Walter Reed Medical Center. Dr. Ronny Jackson who claimed how well Trump did on the test has not been at Walter Reed since January 2018. Jackson, ended up in hot water for writing excessive prescriptions, and ultimately did not assume the role of Trump's top physician.

Trump tooted his horn which ultimately resulted in a dazzling display of his own ignorance regarding the test he had taken. "Person." "woman," "man," "camera," and "television." I can honestly say every person I have talked to about this; all parroted the same 5 words with no problem. I certainly find it plausible, however, if someone has dementia, or Alzheimer’s, he or she very well might not be able to cite those 5 words in sequence.

We need ways to access one's cognitive ability, and by no means am I poking fun at the test or negating the necessity for it. My point is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment is not used to determine one's intelligence acumen unlike Trump is claiming. The test administered to Trump is not a test to measure one's mental acuity or fitness - it is design to determine if one has dementia, a neurological impairment, or some other mental illnesses that impacts one's cognitive abilities. With all of the manufactured accolades, I can't help but wonder upon completion of the test, if they offered Trump some form of reward or refreshment. Milk and cookies perhaps...

Republican Senate Once Again Sends Message America is Not Worth Fighting For

  Capitol Police Officer, Brian Sicknick  was bludgeoned to death at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 during a riot incited by former pre...